Search results for "ɔ₁"

hunnɔtɔxu (ŋnɔ; enɔ; hunnɔ) cf: enɔ; cf: ehɔn, hunnɔ; cf: enɔ. adv là; là-bas there

ciɖe (ciɖetɔ) cf: yiketɔ, ecɛ, ciɖetɔ, cɛɖɛ; cf: ciɖetɔ, yiketɔ, cɛɖɛ. pron.dém ; adj.dém ceci; ce, cette this one

ɖù cinɔ₁ ( cinɔ) hériter to inherit;

tɔ́ alɔ₁ ( tɔ́) v toucher touch

ɖyiɖɔ₁ n urine urine

kutɔ₁ n dieu voju qui est dit être un revenant de la mort voju deity which is supposed to be sb come back from the dead

dà akɔ₁ ( ) v voter vote

gbemɛlan (gbemɛtɔ) n animal sauvage wild animal

esɔ₁ n hier; demain yesterday ; tomorrow esɔ godu mɛ , lè esɔ ŋkeke mɛ