bu:lunbuːlunn.e:bu:lunanʔɛːbuːlunanLVaccompanyTatin e:bu:lunan=mu a mamurab?With whom will you go hunting?ibu:lunʔibuːlunCVmake people together, bring someone with anothermangibbu:lunmaŋibbuːlunpangibbu:lun1intr.vgo together (of plural S), literally, ones accompanying each otherNangibbu:lun=de:=tid ti ana:=i dupu:.The child and the old man were going together.arta06552intr.vreconcile with each other, be friendly with each otherNangibbu:lun=de:=tid da awan=di ta mamansubèg.They are reconciled with each other because they are not fighting.arta06353intr.vbe married to, become a couplemangibu:lunmaŋibuːlunintr.vbring togetherMangibu:lu:nga ta pitu a pasassawan ta attanan a kla:seYou should bring seven couples of all species.mebbu:lunmɛbbuːlunintr.vfollowme:bu:lunmɛːbuːlununspec. var.mebbu:lunintr.vaccompanyMe:bu:lu:ng=a dèn?Will you come with me?Nebbu:lun=de:=tid a numangay ta Danak aytidi nampaka =de:=tid.Those who got married went together to Danak.

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