Search results for "amag"

yari [yárì] v To settle a matter, problem. Pagkatapos it pirma ay nagkayari sinra. After signing the matter was settled between them. syn: areglo 1, tagapamagitan.

yanob [yanób] adj Bulging. namaga Yanob kag uda ni Inday tong ingtampa ni Boy. Inday’s face bulged when she was spanked by Boy.

yamhong [yámhong] v To swell as of a boil or infected body part. mamagâ Nayamhong kag ugar pag nababasa. Wounds swell when wet by water. syn: yabhag.

tuyo₃ [túyò] 1n Drip; leak (as of any flow of liquid from, through something that is faulty, broken, damaged e.g. from a leaking roof, faucet). (sem. domains: - Drip.) 2v To drip, leak (as of any flow of liquid from, through something that is faulty, broken, damaged e.g. from a leaking roof, faucet). tulo Natuyuan it kape kag ako baro. The coffee dripped onto my dress. Nagtutuyo kag gripo tong nasira. The faucet leaked when it got broken. Maatop kuno sinra it bubong dahil nagtutuyo. They say they will repair the roof because it’s leaking. (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water, 6.6.7 - Working with water, 7.9 - Break, wear out.) 3v To have a running nose (as of with a watery discharge from a cold). (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.) comp. aber kag batong bantiling, mabuka gihapon sa tuyo it tubi , der. tuyo

tulay [tuláy] n 1Bridge. tuláy (sem. domains: - River.) 2A go-between. tagapamagitan tuláy (sem. domains: - Diplomacy.) der. patulay

tayay₁ [tayáy] v To lay out pieces so all are visible. ingpangpatayay ni Pedro kag mga litrato para pilion tong buko sira. pedro had laid out the pictures so all were visible in order to select those which had no damage.

tapaludo₂ [tapalúdo] n Mudguard; fender. Wasak raw kag tapaludo it ida dyip tong mabanggaan it trak. The mudguard of his jeepney was badly damaged when it was hit by a truck.

tagapamagitan [tagapamagítan] n Mediator (of an argument, a marriage). Si Sanching kag nagtinrog nak tagapamagitan roto sa nag-aaway nak mga yango. Sanching acted as the mediator between the drunk men who quarreled. syn: areglo 1, yari.

sigir [sigír] 1vt To be stung, bitten by an insect, especially of a bee, wasp or centipede. kagat Ingsigir sida’t amamagang ida nadamaan. She was stung by the centipede that she happened to step on. syn: sugor. 2n A sting inflicted by a wasp. Kayaya kag sigir it alimbubudog. The wasp sting is very painful.

perwesyo [perwésyo] v To damage something; to harm something. perwesyo Nakakaperwesyo kina it hayop sa igwa it hayop. He harms the animals of those who have animals.

perwisyo [perwísyo] v 1To be caught in the middle of people, obligations; to be forced in a difficult situation; to have to compromise. perwisyo Dahil waya nida gustong maperwisyo ay waya sida magpakialam sa inra away. Because she doesn’t want to be caught between the two of them she didn’t intercede in their quarrel. 2To cause damage to somebody or their property. comp. danyos perwisyo

paso₁ [pásò] 1sta To be burned on the skin by fire. Nasakro kag ida damot sa sig-ang ag napaso. Her hand brushed against the cooking stones and was burned. syn: plorera. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin.) 2vt To burn something, somebody intentionally. paso, sunog Apasu-on nako’t baga kag amamaga. I’ll burn the centipede with the ember. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin.) der. kapasuan

pangibabaw [pangibábaw] (der. of ibabaw) adj Going, passing high overhead (as of the strong winds, clouds in some storms passing over without much damage on the ground). (sem. domains: - Above.)

pamag-ang [pamág-ang] n Corner posts. haligi

manog-ariglo₂ [manog-aríglo] (irreg. infl. manog-areglo) n Mediator; one who settles a legal case, personal difference of opinion. taga-pamagitan

manggihali [manggiháli] adj Brotherly affection; close relatives. magkamag-anak Dapat kamong mag-ugay dahil puro kamo manggihali pa. You should love each other because you’re still close relatives.

kaon [ká-on] 1vi To eat. Nakakaoney baga kamo? Have you already eaten? Makaoney kita! Let’s eat! (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 2vt To eat something. kain Akaunon nato kaling kapada insulip pag hinogey. We’ll eat this papaya tomorrow when it’s ripe. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 3vi To cause somebody to eat, i.e., to feed somebody; to give or serve somebody food. Ingpakaon kag anak ni Nanay bag-o pakatuyogon The child was fed by mother before being put to sleep. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 4v To make a winning move that allows one to remove the opponent's piece in a game. (sem. domains: - Game.) 5vt To consume by fire; to be burnt up completely; to burn a hole in something; to damage (as of fire or the heat in an iron burning something by consuming, burning). Ingkaon it plantsa kag ida baro. Her blouse was damaged by the iron. Rako’t kaon it koriyente kag aircon. The aircon consumes a lot of electricity. Kag ida buyak ay ingkaon it kayado. His flowers were burnt up by the fire. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.) 6v To consume, use a lot of electricity. Kag plantsa ay pinaka marako it kaon it kuriyente kada dapat ay uling yangey kag gamiton. The iron uses the most electricity so we must just use the charcoal one. (sem. domains: - Use up.) 7v Take, haul in (as of a catch of fish). Ay nakaonan ray kami’t beynte otso bilog ray uli. Then we took in twenty-eight more fish the next time. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 8v To eat people’s spirits especially of a witch which causes sickness or death. Gingkaon kono it aswang katong ida anak kada namatay it waya sa oras. They say her child was eaten by a witch and therefore died unexpectedly. (sem. domains: - Sorcery.) comp. ingkaon it bakunawa , der. mansigkaon , id. usang kaunan

kamaguyangan [kamaguyángan] n Eldest child. pangánay (sem. domains: - Old, not young.)

kamagong [kamagóng] n Tree species; Mahogany shade tree, which is a good source of lumber. kamagóng (sem. domains: - Wood.)

kahalihan [kahalíhan] (der. of hali) n Relatives. kamag-anak Tanan nidang kahalihan ay ida ingbuligan tong sida ay magyaman. He helped all his relatives when he became rich. (sem. domains: - Family, clan, - Cousin.)

ipangabuhi₂ [ipangabuhî] (der. of pangabuhi, buhi) 1v To use, put into action, live out in one's life (as of the teachings of one's parents, religion or culture). (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 2n Something whose life is to be revived, resuscitated (as of part, whole of a plant, animal or person that is damaged or dying). (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.6 - Life.) 3n Something whose use is to be revived (as of a forgotten, neglected idea or plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.) 4v To revive, resuscitate the life of something that has been damaged or dying (as of a plant, animal, person or part thereof, and of an idea etc.). (sem. domains: 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, 1.4 - Living things, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 5v To revive the use of something that has been forgotten or neglected (as of an idea, plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.)

ibuhi [ibúhì] (der. of buhi) 1n Something that is a source of livelihood. (sem. domains: - Earn, 6.1 - Work.) 2v To use a certain thing to earn a living, as a source of livelihood. (sem. domains: - Earn, 6.1 - Work.) 3n Something whose life is to be revived, resuscitated (as of part, whole of a plant, animal or person that is damaged or dying). (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.6 - Life, 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, 1.4 - Living things, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 4n Something whose use is to be revived (as of a forgotten, neglected idea or plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.) 5v To revive, resuscitate the life of something that has been damaged or dying (as of a plant, animal, person or part thereof, and of an idea etc). (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.6 - Life, 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, 1.4 - Living things, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 6v To revive the use of something that has been forgotten or neglected (as of an idea, plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.) comp. wayat ibuhi

hudlipan [hudlípan] (dial. var. amamaga) n Centipede. (sem. domains: - Small animals.)

hayog [hayóg] vt To play with somebody or something; to entertain a child by playing with him. Naghahayugan kag mga anak sa rayaag. The children are playing together in the yard. Puro rayagan kag inra ginghimo kag naghahayugan sinra’t ida iro. When she was playing with her dog, all they did was run. syn: hamag. (sem. domains: 4.2.7 - Play, fun.)

hawong [hawóng] n 1Face; appearance of something; nature of something (as of it’s features). mukha Sida it ingwa it pinakamagandang hawong. She got the most beautiful face. Peligro sa kasadya kag hawong it amo pangabuhi. The nature of our whole way of life and happiness was set at risk. (sem. domains: - Appear, - Look, 2.1.1 - Head.) 2Shade; shadow. Sayduhan baga kinang lamesa sa ingwa it hawong agor buko mainit para sa ato. Please transfer that table to where there’s shade so it is not hot for us. (sem. domains: 7.2.6 - Pursue, 2.4.5 - Rest, 1.1.1 - Sun, - Window.)
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