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yamor [yámor] 1adj Mixed together, as of rice with corn. halo Kag amo kan-on ay di yamor nak mais. Our rice is mixed with corn. (sem. domains: - Food from plants.) 2v To mix with something. Ingyamoran ni Nitay it sari-saring utan kag ida ginisa. Nitay mixed different kind of vegetables in her sauteed dish. syn: partisipar, yakot 1, iba 2, umir 3, yakay 2, halo 1, halo 2. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) der. nayamram

yakot [yakót] 1vbt To join in a game. sali Indi ikaw namo gipayakuton. We will not let you join in our game. syn: partisipar, iba 2, umir 3, yamor 2, yakay 2, halo 1, halo 2. (sem. domains: 4.2.1 - Come together, form a group.) 2v To mix one thing into something else, as of an ingredient in cooking (sem. domains: - Cooking ingredients.) der. yakot-yakot

yakay [yákay] 1vt To mix kinds of rice together before cooking. (The mixing is done with the hands, often on a woven tray and sometimes other grains are mixed in.) halo Ingyakayan nida it mayagkit kag tapoy nak asumanon. She mixed white sticky rice into the black sticky rice mixture. 2n The food mixed with rice. Igwa it yakay nak tapoy kag amo kan-on. There is black sticky rice mixed with our cooked rice. syn: partisipar, yakot 1, iba 2, umir 3, yamor 2, halo 1, halo 2.

yabor [yábor] 1n Sediment, slime, deposit left from a liquid (as of something falling to the bottom of a container). Sayaa kag tubi bag-o ibutang sa gining dahil abang ramong yabor. Strain the water before putting it in the water jar because there’s a lot of sediment in it. (sem. domains: 1.3.6 - Water quality.) 2v To sink to the bottom of liquids (as of sediment, solid particles). Pagkabawas it tubi sa planggana ay nabilin kag nagyabor nak buling ag sabon. When some water is poured out of the washing dish what’s left is the dirt and soap that has sunk to the bottom.

wayat sayang [wayá't sáyang] idiom - Convert to subentry Nothing’s ever wasted. walang sayang Kag puno it nidog ay waya’t sayang nak parti. The coconut tree has no part ever wasted.

wayat impapanigan [wayá't impapanígan] saying - Convert to subentry Neutral; doesn’t side with anyone; impartial. walang pinapanigan Waya’t impapanigan kag bansa nak Switzerland. Switzerland is a neutral country.

wayat impipili [wayá't impipílì] (id. of pili) idiom - Convert to subentry Impartial; without favouritism. pili, itinatangi

waya gikakanuguni kag ako sariling kabuhi [wayâ gikakanugúni kag ákò sariling kabúhì] idiom - Convert to subentry Not holding onto my life; not afraid to give up one’s life, die for a cause. Tong ida tatay ay nagsiling nak waya gikakanuguni kag ako sariling kabuhi kung parti sa pagdipensa sa ida naagrabyado nak anak. His father said that Iam not afraid to give up my life in relation to defending his agreived son.

wangis₂ [wángis] 11.1adj Same appearance; look like somebody (as of a person). kamukha Kag ida anak ay kawangis it ida Tatay sa tanang parti it ida kabuhi. Their child looks like his father in all areas of his life. 22.1n Same nature, ways as God. Kag tawo ay gingtuga it Diyos sa ida sariling wangis. God made man to show His own nature.

ungon [úngon] 1n A splinter, particle of something (thorn, rock) that is left embedded in one’s skin or flesh. (sem. domains: - Wood.) 2v To have something embedded in one’s skin or flesh. ungon Naungunan kag ida payar it punta it lapis. Her palm had a pencil lead embedded in it. (sem. domains: - Wood.)

umir₁ [úmir] 1vi To be included; to be involved; to share in; to implicate. Naumir sida sa mga nakabaton it regalo. She was included among those who received a gift. 2vt To include something; to include somebody in getting something. Ing-umir nimo ako’t bayon? Did you include me in those who will share the food brougt along? Aumiron ka yangey namo it plite sa barko. We’ll include you when we pay our fare on the ship. Umira anay ako it isra, ha? Include me when you get fish, ha? Iumir nako kaling ida kwarta it pagparaya sa Odiongan para sa tiket. I’ll include her money in what I send to Odiongan for buying the ticket. 3adj kasali Buko sida kaumir sa kaso. He wasn’t included in the case. Buko kaumir ka ako maleta hagto sa pangarga. My suitcase wasn’t included in the cargo. syn: partisipar, yakot 1, iba 2, yamor 2, yakay 2, halo 1, halo 2.

ukib [úkib] v To take over; grab some land. nakuhanan Naukiban rang gador kinang amo parting duta kada kaisotey. Our inherited land was grabbed that’s why it’s a little big small in area.

udong₂ [udóng] vt To pull; to pull in (as of a fishing net). hila Kami ay nagbulig it pag-udong it tong sayap kada kami ay ingpartihan. We helped pull in the fishing nets therefore we were given a share of the catch. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2.

tuna [túnà] 1part Beginning at; since, from sometime onwards (as of beginning-post-span time, at some point in the past); starting from (a place). Mag-aaray sinra tuna alas otso. They’ll begin studying at eight o’clock. Tuna tong usang buyan ay perming nag-uyan. Since last month it has rained often. Nidog kag gingtunaan it amo pag-away. Our fight began over a coconut. Kag pakarera ay tuna sa Odiongan. The race starts from Odiongan. Tuna pa it katong Martes ay masakit sida. She has been sick since last Tuesday. Tuna pa it katong usang tuig sida it ka kapangrayaga sa imo. Since last year he has been the one courting you. syn: raginot 1.1. 2vbt To start something. simulâ Nagtuna sida’t trabaho tong Lunes. She started work last Monday. Atunaon nako sa primero kag pagbilang. I will start my counting from the beginning. Matuna ako’t paali insulip. I’ll start to come tomorrow. Niong oras matuna ka ato miting? What time will our meeting start? Atunaaney nako kag estorya. I’ll now begin the story.

tumbaw [túmbaw] v To wear or put more than one article of clothing over another. patong Itumbaw nako kaling ‘sweater’ sa ako baro kung mapanaw dahil mayamig. I’ll wear this sweater over my other clothes when I go out because it’s cold out. Tumbawan anay kag binuyar nak yamit sa hanger dahil kuyang kag hanger. Put several clothes on a hanger because there aren’t enough hangers. Ingtumbaw nako kag kwaderno sa libro. I put the notebook on top of the book. Atumbawan nako kag anak it pangyamig. I will put something for the cold weather on the child as well. (sem. domains: 5.3.7 - Wear clothing.)

tugrang [túgrang] vbt To let something settle to the bottom in a liquid (as of the dirt in water, the solid particles in juice, the dropping of an anchor). pinatining Patugrangon anay nimo kag yabor bag-o ka mag-inom. You let the residue settle first to the bottom of the glass before drinking it. der. patugrang

tugon [túgon] 11.1n A reminder to do something. (sem. domains: - Think about, - Remind.) 1.2vbt To remind, be reminded to do something. paalala Ingtugon sida nak magbisita sa ida nanay pag pa Manila. He was reminded to visit his mother when he went to Manila. Tuguna sida nak magbalik isag. Remind her to come back later. (sem. domains: - Think about.) 22.1n A parting, final request to do something for somebody (eg. buying things); the things requested to be purchased; purchases. Maramo kag ida panugon pag pa Manila nako. The things he requested me to get for him when I went to Manila were many. Kag ida tugon ay ako nabakay. I was able to buy the things he requested. (sem. domains: - Think about, - Remind.) 2.2vbt To request somebody to do something for somebody (often buying things for somebody else when going somewhere). Ingpanugon nako sa ida kag pagbakay it karne. I requested him to buy meat for me. Ingpanugon nida si Rose kang Fely nak magpa-Manila. She requested Rose through Fely to come to Manila. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request.) 2.3vbt To give parting, order final instructions, command somebody to do something; to give strict orders to somebody, often before leaving or sending them away. Nagtugon nak gador si Nanay sa amo nak indi magpagab-i sa rayan. Mother gave strict orders to us not to stay out late on the street. (sem. domains: 3.6.1 - Show, explain.) der. katugon-tugon

tudlanan [tudlánan] v To press, push forward to reach the front of a crowd. tulak Kag mga tawo ay nagtudlanan pag-abot it mga artista sa plasa. The people pressed forward to reach the front of crowd when the movie stars arrived at the plaza. (sem. domains: - Move forward, 7.2.3 - Move toward something.)

tortor [tórtor] vt To beat up somebody/something; to hit. pokpok Natortor nako it martilyo kag ida damot kada nagyamhong. I happened to hit his hand with a hammer so it became swollen.

tipon [típon] v 1To gather together, around somebody (as of a small group maybe 1-2 persons deep). ipon Naghalin sa synaguga ka mga Pariseo ag nagkatipon-tipon sinra kaibahan it mga partido ni Herodes agor maplano kung pauno ninra amatyon si Jesus. The Pharisees left the synagogue and met with Herod’s party to plan how they would kill Jesus. syn: puyon. (sem. domains: - Working relationship.) 2To collect; save; set aside or gather together. (sem. domains: - Store wealth.) 3To save money. (sem. domains: - Store wealth.)

tining₂ [tíning] vi 1To precipitate; particles in a liquid settle to the bottom. pumapababa Nagtitining kag buling sa tubi kung indi gikuyagon. The dirt in the water precipitates if it’s not disturbed. 2To allow to precipitate or settle out. Apatiningon anay kag tubi bag-o inumon nak karamong buling. We’ll let the water precipitate before drinking it because there is much dirt in it. der. patining

tinga [tingá] 1n Particles of food stuck between teeth. tingá 2vi To have particles of food stuck in one’s teeth. 3vt To pick one’s teeth.

timbang₁ [tímbang] 1n 1.1vbt To adjust to another person; to keep in good relationship with somebody; to relate, adjust to somebody with care. manimbang Inahirapan si Noli it pagtimbang sa ida asawa ag parti sa ida panugangan. Noli finds it hard to adjust to her husband and her mother-in-law. Nahirapan sida magpanimbang sa mga panugangan nak kapisan sa bayay. She had difficulty in adjusting to the parents-in-law that are with them in the house. 22.1n Partner (as of wife’s role in marriage). id. katimbang sa pagraya it pamilya

tex [tex] n Game with artists cards that are flicked over to see which come face up, so as to win. (sem. domains: - Game.)

tatag₂ [tatág] vt To organize. itatatag Ato itatag kali nak partido para sa masunor nak eleksyon. We will organize this party for the next election.