Search results for "atras"

urong [úrong] vt 1To go, move backward; to reverse, withdraw, back away from (as of walking backwards). urong Urongan baga kinaong bangko sa habig. Can you move backward the chair in the corner. (sem. domains: - Move back.) 2To move something backwards, further away (as of moving a chair further back). (sem. domains: - Put in back.) 3To postpone, move a date back or away until a later time. urong Ing-urong kono kag miting dahil ya pa giabot si Mayor. They say the meeting has been postponed because the Mayor hasn’t arrived yet. syn: atras 1. (sem. domains: - Postpone.)

ugai [ugái] (irreg. infl. ugae) conj Because it turned out that; so that’s why something happened; but, however the kaya pala

So that’s why that happened!
...ako ing-batak, gingpando nak ugae masyadong atras ako.... I folded up the sail, and fixed it because it turned out that I was really short of time…. Waya kag uning gikatuyog sa katri ugaey gusto nida sa suyor it aparador. The cat didn’t sleep on the bed but she wanted to sleep in the cupboard. Ugae ay buko malasa kag utan, nalimutan nidang asinan. The reason that the utan isn’t delicious, is that she forgot to put salt in it.
id. ugae ay

na-atraso [na-atráso] v To be late, delayed. (sem. domains: - Late.)

ay sa [ay sa] (comp. of ay, sa) conj Because. dahil Sidaey kag ako inghanap ay sa indi gihapon nako matakor. He’s the one I was looking for because I just couldn’t bear to give up and go ashore. Masyadong atras ako ay sa dahil tong yadag ay masyadong kwaney...! I was very short of time because the reason was that the soil was very what’s it called…! syn: komo, bangor nak, dahil, tungor 1, imaw ngani, bangor 2, kumo. (sem. domains: 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.)

atras [atrás] vbt 1To reverse, go backwards; to step back; to drive backwards (as of instructions to crowds, trucks or shipping). atrás, umúrong Naatrasan nida it dyip kag baktin sa karsada. He happened to run over the pig on the street while driving backward. syn: urong 3. (sem. domains: - Move back.) 2To reverse, back over something; to walk, run over something while going backwards. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press, - Move back.)

atraso [atráso] 1n Slow (as of doing anything including paying debts). Syn: abaya 3. (sem. domains: - Move slowly.) 2v To loiter, be slow, dilly-dally around. Inglapo si Cris it ida nanay dahil naatraso sa pagpauli nak nag-idamo pa. Cris was belted by his mother because he was loitering when going home because he stayed to play. (sem. domains: - Move slowly.)

abansado [abansádo] (der. of abansa) adj Delayed; late; taking a long time. atrasado Abansado ako sa oras sa pagtrabaho it kali. I don’t have enough time to do this. Abansado kag ida pag imbita sa ako kada waya ako nakatambong. Her invitation to me was too late therefore I wasn’t able to attend. (sem. domains: - Late.)

abaya [abáya] 1n Late-comer (as of a nickname for somebody who is always late.) (sem. domains: - Delay.) 2adj Late, delayed, postponed, held up, detained. huli Permi sidang abaya magbadar sa iwag. She’s always late in paying for the light. (sem. domains: - Delay.) 3vt To delay, keep somebody late. Aabayahon sida nako sa ida trabaho. I will keep her from her work. Naabaya ako it pag-abot dahil nag-istoryahan pa kami it tong ako amiga. I was delayed in arriving because I was still chatting with my friend. sim: hawir 1, ungan-ungan; Syn: atraso 1. (sem. domains: - Delay.) der. maabaya