Search results for "ayaba"

yabo [yabó] adj Soft, tasty to eat (as of cooked root crops). Abang yabo katong amo nabakay nak kayabasa. That squash we bought really sounds soft. (sem. domains: - Food from plants.)

yabaw [yabáw] (irreg. infl. yapaw) 1vi To extend beyond a point; to protrude. Nagyayabaw kag ida kamison sa ida malip-ot nak baro. Her slip extends beyond her short dress. Pagkakusog ka imo itsa ay nagyayapaw kag bola sa ida. When you throw hard, the ball goes out beyond her. 2vbt To extend something beyond a point; to exceed something. labis Ayabawan nako kag imo mga nabaoy nak marka sa eskwela. I’ll exceed the mark you got in school. Ingyapawan nida it taas kag nayukso’t kalaban sa ‘high jump’. She surpassed the height that her opponent made at the high jump.

tido [tidô] vt To summon or call (as of a dog). tawag Ingtido nida sa inra kayungot kag inra iro. He summoned their dog in their neighborhood. syn: ayaba 2. (sem. domains: - Dog.)

tawag₁ [tawág] vt To call somebody by name; to summon; to bid at an auction; to telephone. tawag Atawagon nako sidang ’Ankol’. I will call him ’Uncle’. Nagtawag it doktor si Norma. Norma called a doctor. Ingtawag si Heather nak magtrabaho sa opisina sa Manila. Heather was summoned to work in the office in Manila. Ipatawag yang nako ikaw pag-abot nida. I’ll just call you when she arrives. Syn: ayaba 2.

tangkop₁ [tángkop] v To pollinate, fertilize a plant by putting pollen from male flower on female flower. Gingpatangkop nako kag kayabasa agor mabunga it maado. I pollinated the squash so that it will bear fruit well.

taming [tamíng] n Shield; protection. Katong pinakarakong bato kag ginggamit nak taming it mga sundalo. The biggest rock was the one the soldiers used as a shield. syn: bayabag 4, sagang 1, sapong, harang 3, abang.

sayab [sáyab] 1.1vt To burn skin to remove hair; to singe off hair. Ingsayaban nida tong anit it irong inra ging ihaw. He burned the skin of the dog which they butchered.

sapong [sápong] vt To cover the nose with the hand. takip Nagsapong ako’t ilong tong masapoy namo kag trak it basura. I covered my nose when the we met the garbage truck. syn: bayabag 4, sagang 1, harang 3, abang, taming.

sagang [sagáng] 1vbt To block the flow; to protect by blocking somebody/something from something (wind, water). bara Nagsasagang kag likot sa sapa pag nabaha. Rubbish blocks the river whenever there is a flood. Pagsakay namo sa motor nasagngan ako nida sa agsik it humbak. When we rode in the boat, I was protected by her from the waves. syn: bayabag 4, sapong, harang 3, abang, taming. 2n Wind break.

rili [rilí] (dial. var. hali; dial. var. dili; irreg. infl. rilio) 1loc Here (as of a close at hand location left, reached or mentioned in relation to other things). dito Hariin rili tong binhi it kayabasa? Whereabouts here are those squash seeds? (sem. domains: 8.5.1 - Here, there.) 2time At this time (as of the very time of an event). (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time.) comp. rili banda

puri-puri [puri-purí] adj Proud; conceited; haughty. nagyayabang, mahangin Karamo kag inasaputan hinang tawo dahil permi yang sidang puri-puri it sarili. Many men are irritated with him because he is too conceited.

palabi-labi [palabi-lábi] 1adj Ignoring other people; unfriendly. parang kung sino Nahuhuda sida magsuor sa ako nak ako kono ay palabi-labihon. She’s ashamed to approach me because she said that I’m unfriendly. 2vi To snub somebody; to be snobbish. hindi namamansin, mayabang Nagpalabi-labiey sida nak mayamaney ra kuno. She’s now very snobbish because they’re already rich.

pabayabag [pabayábag] (der. of bayabag) 1adj Crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: - Horizontal.) 2v To turn, move crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); to put, turn to a landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something, - Horizontal.) 3v To put something across somebody's path so as to obstruct, block, prevent an action or access. (sem. domains: - Prevent from moving.) 4v To stand in the way, block, obstruct, veto, oppose a plan or action. (sem. domains: - Stop something.) 5adj Unconnected, on a different track, tangent to what was said (as of verbal responses or communication). (sem. domains: - Away from, - Ask.)

pabaga [pabága] (der. of baga) vi To let, make fuel in a fire burn down to form coals (as of providing heat that can be used for broiling or grilling food.) Inapabaga nida kag oling nak aihawan it isra. She let the charcoal burn down to make coals bacause they’ll be used to grill the fish. Waya nida gipaparayaba kag rabok kundi ay inapabaga yang. She doesn’t let the firewood flare up, instead she just lets it make coals. (sem. domains: 5.5.5 - What fires produce.)

mayabaab [mayabáab] adj Lukewarm. maligamgam syn: malakuko.

matawin it ihi [matáwin it íhì] adj Full of pride; a conceited person (lit. long, high spray of urine). mayabang, mapagmataas Nagkagusto si Mario ruto sa rayaga sa baryo dahil buko sida matawin it ihi tuyar ruto sa una nidang nobya. Mario had fallen in love with the barrio lady because she’s not conceited, unlike his other girlfriends.

mataas it ihi [matáas it íhì] (comp. of taas, ihi) adj Proud; haughty (as of from the idea of "aiming high" when a boy is urinating). [lit: high of urine] mayabang Indi sinra magkaruntoy dahil pareho ra sinrang mataas it ihi. They don’t agree with each other because they are both haughty. (sem. domains: - Proud.)

madabas [madábas] n Fruit species; guava. The leaves contain tannin on dry weight, certain amount of resin, a fat and some eugenol. Astringent decoction of the leaves is given for stomach ache and as a vermifuge. The bark and leaves are used in childbirth to expel the placenta. The fruit is extensively used in the manufacture of jellies. The bark and leaves are astringent, vulnerary, and when used in decoction are antidiarrhetic. bayabas Psidium Guajava (Linn.) (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from plants.)

kayabasa₁ n Squash, or kalabasa. kalabasa [Used as a vegetable. They are good baked, boiled, or in stews. They make an excellent substitute for pumpkin in pies. They are good source of iron, phosphorus, and vitamin A and a fairly good source of calcium. The young shoots are very extensively used as a green vegetable and have a very good flavor. They are very excellent sources of calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B. the flowers of the squash are also cooked and eaten as a vegetable.] Cucurbita Maxima (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.)

kayabasa₂ [kayabása] n Squash. kalabasa (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.)

kaligos [kalígos] 1n Bath. paligo Abang rugay kag ida kaligos. He had a very long bath. syn: bili. (sem. domains: 5.6.2 - Bathe.) 2vi To bathe; to take a bath. Nagkaligos sida sa sapa. She took a bath in the river. (sem. domains: 5.6.2 - Bathe.) 3vbt To bathe somebody else (a child, sick person, a dog). malígò Ingkaligusan nako si Rex it mayabaab nak tubi. I bathed Rex with a lukewarm water. Nagkakaligos rabuno sida it gaos sa paghakot it lugit. How pitiful, he’s bathing in perspiration because of carrying copra. comp. akaligusan tong tuor , der. kaligusan

kahadak [kahádak] (irreg. infl. mahadak) adj Boastful; braggart; proud. mayabang Kahadak kag pamilya ni Boda. Boda’s family are boastful. (sem. domains: - Boast.)

kahabok [kahábok] (irreg. infl. mahabok) adj Braggart; boastful; proud. mayabang Kahabokey baga sida tuna tong magyaman sida. That man is now a braggart since they’ve become rich. (sem. domains: - Boast.)

harang [hárang] 1vbt To stop with outstretched hands; to block something, somebody from passing. Ingharangan sinra it inra mga nakaaway sa banwa. They were blocked on the way by those that they encountered in a fight in the town. (sem. domains: - Block, dam up.) 2n Blockage; barricade; something to waylay, stop, hinder someone. (sem. domains: - Block, dam up.) 3vt To prevent something from occurring; to hinder something. harang Sida kag naghaharang it ako mga papeles para sa trabaho. She’s the one who is preventing my papers for the work from being processed. syn: bayabag 4, sagang 1, sapong, abang, taming. (sem. domains: - Hinder.) comp. karamo kag ingkakahadlukang mga harang nak ato makita sa ato pagpanaw, pag ipaling nato kag ato pagmuyat sa rumbuhan

hambog [hámbog] 1vi To brag; boast. syn: radaw 2, habagaton. (sem. domains: - Boast.) 2adj Proud; snobbish. mayabang (sem. domains: - Boast.)
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