Search results for "bilo"

usa₂ [usá] 1nmrl The number one. (sem. domains: - One.) 1.1nmrl One (especially of quantity). isa Imbakay nako kag usang bilog yang. I bought only one of them. Tig-dos kag usa. One is two pesos each. [The Bantoanon system of numbers (1-10) is used alongside the Spanish system. The Bantoanon system indicates quantity while the Spanish system indicates price or time.] 1.2adj Once; one time. (sem. domains: - Number of times.) 2nmrl 3v alone 3.1v To do something alone, on one's own. Nag-usa sida sa pagsakay sa tren. She rode the train alone. (sem. domains: - Few, little.) 3.2adj To be alone, on one's own when doing something. Nagpanaw sida’t mag-usa. She walked alone. (sem. domains: - Few, little.) 4v 55.1vt To do something one-by-one; one at a time. Usa-usahon it muyat kag mga pasyente. The patients will be seen one at a time. (sem. domains: - One.) 66.1nmrl Fellowship; unity. (sem. domains: 4.1.5 - Unity.) 6.2vi To unite, to become be bound as one , as of being married, having one's heart, become one (sem. domains: - Husband, wife.) comp. aber pilang asawa ay pweding makita pero kag nanay ay ausa yang , comp. bawat usa , comp. ingpakig-usa ka inra mga puso , comp. kag usang siki ay sa yubnganan , der. ausa , der. magka-usa , der. pahig-usa , der. pakausa , der. usa’g-usa , id. sa usa ag usa , id. sa usag usa

tuyon [tuyón] (irreg. infl. tulon) vt 1To swallow something. Ingtulon si Jonah nak bilog it karakong isra. Jonah was swallowed whole by a huge fish. Natuyon it anak kag butones. The child accidentally swallowed a button. 2To swallow something. lunók Nakatuyon kag anak it perdible. The child swallowed a pen.

suluguon₃ [sulúguon] n Errand boy; servant; maids; messenger. utusan Kada sida nagpaMaynila ay naghator it tatlong bilog nak suluguon sa ida hali. She went to Manila to accompany the three maids to her sister’s place.

saysay₂ [sáysay] 1n Story. 2vbt To recount, relate a story; to tell of an event; to speak, suggest, mention. salaysay, ikikwento Asaysayon kono nida it liwat-liwat kag natabo sa ida tong gira. He said that he’ll recount again and again the things that happened to him during the war. Asaysayan nida kag ida abugado it katong ida problema. He’ll relate his problem to his lawyer. Kaling mga bisaya nak ako ingsaysay sa ibabaw ay pilang bilog yang nak ako natatanraan. These words which I mentioned above are only some of the one’s I can recall. syn: sambit, mitlang 1, uma 1, siling. der. kasaysayan

sakop₂ [sákop] (dial. var. bilog; irreg. infl. ukop) 1adj To surround, encircle, enclose (sem. domains: - Inside.) 1.1loc Inside (sem. domains: - Inside.) 2v To submit. (sem. domains: - Obey.) 2.1n A part, whole included within a specified time, space or authority. sa loob Nag-istar ako sa sakop it singko anyos sa Mindoro. I lived in Mindoro for five years. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) 33.1vt To include; compose; to subjugate; to be under authority. Ingsakop it mga rebelde kag kabukiran sa Cagayan. The rebels subjugated the Cagayan mountains. Maramo kag ida sinakupan sa bayay. Those under his authority in the house are many. (sem. domains: 4.5.4 - Submit to authority.) 44.1v To encircle, surround cover with fishing net, cloth. Siguradoha nak kag imo abakyon nak mantel ay makakasakop sa ato lamesa. Make sure that the plastic tablecloth you buy will cover the table. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap, - Fish with net.) id. sa sakop it..

saga [sagâ] 1n String, bundle of fish (as of a number of fish strung together to form a bundle). (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.) 2vbt To put fish on a string (as of singly or to form a bundle). isang tali, saga Nagsaga sida’t tatlong bilog. He made three strings of fish. (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.)

pitog [pítog] adj Got bigger, protruding noticeably (as of a pregnancy showing or of developing breasts). bilog na bilog Nagsoksokey si Vilma it mga mayuga nak yamit dahil mapintogey kag ida bitukang sabakey. Vilma wore loose clothes because her stomach had got noticeably bigger during the pregnancy.

pilang bilog₁ [pílang bílog] (id. of pila) ques How many items?; how many of you?

pilang bilog₂ [pílang bílog] (id. of pila) ques How many items?; How many of you? ilang beses Pilang bilog kag imo mga anak? How many children do you have?

pabilog₂ [pabilóg] (der. of bilog) v 1To have somebody encircle, encompass something in some way (as of putting stones around a garden); to have somebody draw a circle around something. (sem. domains: - Move in a circle.) 2To make somebody put things together to handle as a whole (as of when wanting to sell fish and share the money, rather than sharing the fish themselves). (sem. domains: 8.1.6 - Whole, complete.)

pabilog₁ [pabílog] (der. of bilog) 1adj Being made round in shape (as of a flat circular shape or round balls). (sem. domains: - Concave, - Round.) 2v To let, make something go lumpy; to make, form into balls. (sem. domains: - Piece, - Concave, - Round.)

pabilo [pabílo] n 1The wick of a lamp. mitsa Nagbutang sida it pabilo sa butilya nak igwa’t petrolyo. She put a wick in a bottle which had kerosene in it. (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment.) 2The fuse on dynamite (as of on explosives for blowing up rock etc.). (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.)

paaman₂ [pa-áman] (der. of aman) 1n A free extra item, bonus given with a purchase. Waya it paaman? Isn’t there one on the house? (sem. domains: - Add to something, - Bargain, - Free of charge.) 2vbt To give something extra for free with a purchase. dag-dag, pahiling Pagbakay nako it itlog sa merkado, ingpaamanan ako it usa. When I bought the eggs at the market, I was given one without charge. Ingpaamanan it tindera it ruhang bilog kag usang kilong kamote nak ako ingbakay. The storekeeper added two pieces of sweet potato without charge to the kilo that I was buying. (sem. domains: - Add to something, - Bargain, - Free of charge.)

nak₁ (irreg. infl. -ng) link Of; which (as of grammatical form which is a phrase linker to modifiers and demonstratives in a noun phrase). Imbakay nako kinang tsinelas nak puya. I bought the red thongs. Pilang bilog katong imo imbakay? How many of them did you buy? Igwa sida it yuto nak isra. She has cooked fish. (sem. domains: 9 - Grammar.) comp. matugas nak uyo , id. it kumang hapon , id. sa Lunes nak alas-dos it hapon , id. Sa Lunes nak hapon

marabilos [marabílos] n Plant species; herbal plant, the leaves of which are boiled (bitter taste) and drunk to cause an abortion. marabilos (sem. domains: - Medicinal plants.)

malimon [malímon] (der. of limon) adj Round; circular; spherical; ball-shaped (as of flat or spherical objects). bilóg Hagto sida gisusuyat sa malimon nak lamesa. She is writing on the round table. (sem. domains: - Round.) comp. hilbang malimon

mabilog [mabilóg] n Fish sp., Onion Trevally. Carangoides uii (Kuiter). (sem. domains: - Fish.)

larga₁ [lárga] 1vi To embark; to set sail; to go on a journey (usually by boat); to travel (usually over water). paaalisin Sauno ikaw malarga? When will you leave? Apalargahon si Jane it ida nanay pa-Manila insulip. Jane’s mother will let her travel to Manila tomorrow. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.) 2vbt To allow to continue without restriction; to loosen an article or clothing. Inglargahan nako kag ako iro it pakaon it isra hanggang nakaubos it sampuyong bilog. I allowed my dog to continue eating fish until he consumed ten pieces. Largahi kag imo sinturon agor makakahingab ka it maado. Loosen your belt so you can breathe well.

kuyang [kúyang] 11.1adj Lacking; less than. kulang Kuyang sa usang kilo kag ako binakay nak isra. The fish I bought is less than one kilo. Kuyang pa it ruhang bilog kag baraha. The deck of cards is lacking two cards. kúyang it/sa pagtúo Faithless. 1.2adj Approximately. kúlang 1.3adj Faithless; lacking in faith. 22.1adj A lunatic; crazy; insane. sira ulo id. kuyang it isip

komkom₂ [kómkom] v To hold negative feelings deep inside. kimkim Buko ayam ni Bilog nak di komkom nak kahangit tong ida biyenan sa ida. Bilog doesn’t know that deep down inside her mother-in-law holds feelings of hatred towards her. (sem. domains: - Actions of the hand.)

kaon [ká-on] 1vi To eat. Nakakaoney baga kamo? Have you already eaten? Makaoney kita! Let’s eat! (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 2vt To eat something. kain Akaunon nato kaling kapada insulip pag hinogey. We’ll eat this papaya tomorrow when it’s ripe. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 3vi To cause somebody to eat, i.e., to feed somebody; to give or serve somebody food. Ingpakaon kag anak ni Nanay bag-o pakatuyogon The child was fed by mother before being put to sleep. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 4v To make a winning move that allows one to remove the opponent's piece in a game. (sem. domains: - Game.) 5vt To consume by fire; to be burnt up completely; to burn a hole in something; to damage (as of fire or the heat in an iron burning something by consuming, burning). Ingkaon it plantsa kag ida baro. Her blouse was damaged by the iron. Rako’t kaon it koriyente kag aircon. The aircon consumes a lot of electricity. Kag ida buyak ay ingkaon it kayado. His flowers were burnt up by the fire. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.) 6v To consume, use a lot of electricity. Kag plantsa ay pinaka marako it kaon it kuriyente kada dapat ay uling yangey kag gamiton. The iron uses the most electricity so we must just use the charcoal one. (sem. domains: - Use up.) 7v Take, haul in (as of a catch of fish). Ay nakaonan ray kami’t beynte otso bilog ray uli. Then we took in twenty-eight more fish the next time. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 8v To eat people’s spirits especially of a witch which causes sickness or death. Gingkaon kono it aswang katong ida anak kada namatay it waya sa oras. They say her child was eaten by a witch and therefore died unexpectedly. (sem. domains: - Sorcery.) comp. ingkaon it bakunawa , der. mansigkaon , id. usang kaunan

kahilada [kahiláda] 1n Juice of citrus fruits. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food, - Drink, - Food from fruit.) 2vt To make juice from citrus fruits. kahilada Akahiladahon nako kag suwang limang bilog. I’ll use the 5 pieces of calamansi to make a juice.

iriri [iríri] vbt To mix with people. halubilo (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, - Crowd, group, - Meet together.)

inro₂ [ínro] pro Your, you, your place (2nd person plural oblique or possessive pronoun). inyo Pilang bilog ka inro mga anak. How many are your children. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.) der. inro-inro , der. inro , der. ninro , der. pasainro , der. pasainro

iban [íban] vt To decrease; to deduct; to take away from. bawas Aibanan nako it ruhang bilog kag imo mga mangga. I will take two pieces from your mangoes. syn: riso, buhin 2. (sem. domains: - Decrease.)
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