Search results for "bugno"

udong₂ [udóng] vt To pull; to pull in (as of a fishing net). hila Kami ay nagbulig it pag-udong it tong sayap kada kami ay ingpartihan. We helped pull in the fishing nets therefore we were given a share of the catch. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2.

timpla it uyo [tímpla it úyo] n Mood of somebody (may be e.g. unresponsive, sullen, or good e.g. responsive, pleasant). timpla Maado kag timpla it uyo ngasing kada nagpangbugno. She is in a good mood now therefore she’s talking to people.

randa [ránda] adj Open. bukas Kag ida kabuhi ay pay randa nak libro. Her life is like an open book. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2.

pangbugno [pangbúgno] (der. of bugno) v To greet, mix freely among people in order to get to know them. (sem. domains: - Speak with others.)

palabugno [palabúgno] n Friendly; always greets people. (sem. domains: 4.1 - Relationships.)

nabugno it kalag [nabúgnò it kalág] v To have a dead person, enchanted spirit try to take somebody to the second life with him (as of causing symptoms like sickness). binati nang kaluluwa Ingsagnat si Claire tong nabugno it kalag. Claire got sick when the soul of the dead person tried to take her. [Symptoms of this are weakness, fever, headache and cold extremities at certain time daily when not sick. The person wil make an offering buhat to the dead.]

malay [málay] vt To notice something. malay Ako namalayan kag ida pagsuyor. I noticed his coming in. syn: bugno 2. (sem. domains: 3.2.3 - Know.)

kubra₁ [kúbra] 1v To pull in (as of an anchor). kubra syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Save from trouble.) 2vt To receive payment/salary; to withdraw money (as in a bank). Akubrahoney nako kag ako sweldo ngasing. I’ll receive my salary now. (sem. domains: 6.8.6 - Money, - Pull, - Remove, take apart.)

hugnot [húgnot] 1n Pulling action. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Pull.) 2adj Removed; pulled out. (sem. domains: - Pull.) 3vbt To pull out something (a splinter, weeds, electric plug). bunot Ahugnoton nako kag ida tanom nak sili. I’ll pull out the chilli that she planted. Ahugnotan nako it mga balahibo kag ako batiis. I’ll pull out the hair on my legs. Ahugnotan ka nako it ungon sa payar. I’ll pull out the splinter in your palm for you. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, - Pull.)

hugkot [húgkot] vbt To pull something out; to unplug. bunot Usa-usa ni Myrna nak inghugkot kag mga kuto sa buhok ni Maret. Mryna pulled out all the lice from Maret’s hair one by one. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, - Pull.)

hiknit [híknit] 1n Picking, untangling process of removing something attached, caught. (sem. domains: 7.4.3 - Get.) 2vbt To pick something out, off of something (as of lice from hair, flesh off bones for cooking); to remove something from where it is caught, attached; to untangle (as of fish from a net). bunot Ahikniton ninra kag isra sa pukot. They’ll untangle the fish that are tangled in the net. Inahiknit nida kag karne it manok nak pansiton. She picks the meat of the chicken off the bones to be used for making the pansit. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Growing vegetables, - Comb hair, - Choose.)

gunot [gúnot] vbt To pull off or out (as of hair, plants). bunot Agunuton yangey nako tong mga waya nakalihirang buyak agor kaadong muyatan. I’ll pull off the flowers not in line so it’s nice to look at. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Actions of the hand, - Pull.)

guna₂ [gúna] vt To pull up, out. bunot Nagguna kami it hilamunon sa uma it balinghoy. We pulled out weeds in our farm planted with cassava. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, - Pull.)

gudor [gúdor] (dial. var. balingling) vt To pull; to drag. híla Inggudor it karabaw kag karusa. The carabao pulled the cart. Ingpagudor nako sa biseklita tong mga kawadan nak ako raya. I will have the bamboo that I brought be pulled by the bicycle. Nagudor it iro tong mga kahoy. The wood was pulled by the dog. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Pull.)

gabot [gábot] vt 1To pull something out or up from where it is attached. bunot Agabuton ka imo ngisi insulip it dentista. The dentist will pull out you tooth tomorrow. Naggagabot it punla kag mga tawo sa lanasan. The people in the field are pulling out the rice seedlings. syn: bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Tooth.) 2To pull something up, out; (as of pulling out grey hairs, pulling out a drawer or chair). bunot Pagkapilhig nida, umingkor sida roto sa bagoy nak nakita nida ag ida ingpangbunot katong mga tunok. When he climbed down he sat on the old coconut shell which he found and he pulled out the prickles. Bunuta kag butong-butong ag magbaoy ka it mga punra. You pull out the drawer and get some pillowcases. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Pull.) 3To draw, pick-up a card from a pack of cards; to pick out one item from many (as in a game of cards, contest, or gift exchange). Kag ako nabunot nak regalo ay abang gandang relo. The gift I picked out was a really nice watch. (sem. domains: - Card game.)

dordor [dórdor] 1adj Being pulled, tugged, dragged along behind (as of a child being taken by the hand everywhere one goes, an animal being led on a tether or a small boat being pulled along by a big fish). (sem. domains: - Pull.) 2vt To pull, tug, drag something along behind (as of leading an animal on a tether or having a fish pull a boat behind it). kaladkad Adordoron yang kuno ni Cliff tong ida mga idamuan kung sinra ay mapa-Linao. Cliff will just drag his toys around when they go to Linao. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot. (sem. domains: - Pull.) der. dinurdor

bukas [bukás] 1adj Open (as of a zipper, house etc.). (sem. domains: 7.3.6 - Open.) 2v To open, unwrap something (as of a parcel, zipper, house etc.). (sem. domains: 7.3.6 - Open.) 3v To turn a maching on (as of a faucet, radio, light, stove, etc.). bukas Ingbuksan nida kag gripo ag ya gisarhi. He turned on the faucet and didn’t close it. Ingbuksan nidang raan kag ida regalo. She unwrapped her gift at once. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something, 6.6.8 - Working with machines.) der. pabukas

bukar [búkar] v 1To open something up to examine the contents (as of a suitcase full of clothes etc.). bukas Abukaron nako kag ida maleta. I’ll open her suitcase up. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: 7.3.6 - Open.) 2To open up, reveal details about something private, unknown (as of one’s past life etc.). Bada’ey bukara katong ato nagligar nak paginaway. Don’t open up details on our past quarrel. (sem. domains: - Admit.)

bukâ [bukâ] 1v To split something in two; open up an animal, body. buka, biak Ingbuka nida kag nidog it sunrang. He split the coconut with a bolo. syn: pisang, bika 2. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation, 7.8.1 - Break.) 2v To become split in two. Nagbuka kag tabla paglansang nako’t kwadro sa ringring. When I nailed the frame on the wall, the wood split. (sem. domains: 7.8.1 - Break.) 3sta To split in two or apart. Nabuka kag siper it ida sayway dahil huot ey sa ida. His zipper on his pants split apart because they were too tight for him. (sem. domains: 7.8.1 - Break.) 4v To open a hinged object (said of hinged objects such as clam shells, cupboard doors, a person’s mouth or of flowers). bukas Nagbuka sida it yuba para pamuyatan kag ida ngisi. She opened her mouth so her teeth could be examined. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: 7.3.6 - Open.) comp. aber kag batong bantiling, mabuka gihapon sa tuyo it tubi , comp. buk-a kag itlog , comp. buka kag itlog

bugnot [búgnot] dial. var. of hugot

bugno [búgno] (dial. var. binga) 1n Word, response, gesture of greeting. Kag bugno nida sa ako ay kung hariin ako gihalin. Her greeting to me was the question of where I came from. (sem. domains: - Greet.) 2v To greet, respond, give a verbal response to somebody. bati, sagot Maado kag timpla it uyo ngasing nida kada nagpapangbugno. She is in a good mood now so she’s talking to people. syn: malay. (sem. domains: - Greet.) 3v To greet, respond, speak to someone again after a long time of not speaking to each other. Nagbubugno sida sa ako pag buko hangit. She greets me when she’s not angry. Nabugno it maestra kag rayang buyak sa ida it eskwela. The teacher noticed the flowers brought by her pupil for her. (sem. domains: - Greet.) 4v To be made ill by the influence of a dead ancestor, evil spirit who is said to have "greeted" the person (as of coming to get them and therefore making them sick, eventually leading to their death). puna, sabihan Abugnuhon anay nako si Ressie nak nagliliwas kag ida panti. I’ll tell Ressie that her panty is coming out below her dress. (sem. domains: - Demon possession.) comp. bugno it kalag , der. pangbugno

baliwaya [baliwayâ] (der. of waya) vt To disregard, neglect, ignore, eliminate, put something out of one's mind. baliwala Abaliwayaon nako katong imo bisaya sa ako. I’ll forget what you said about me. Ingbaliwaya nida kag pagbugno it ida amigo. She disregarded her friend’s greeting to her. Abaliwayaon nako ikaw sa listahan pag indi ka mag-abot. I’ll eliminate your name on the list if you won’t come. Dapat nak indi nato baliwayaon kag mga bisaya it ato Panginoon. We should not ignore God’s words. (sem. domains: - Ignore.)

abri [ábri] v 1To open something (as of opening a cupboard). buksan Abrihi baga kag radyo nak mapamati kita it balita. Please turn on the radio so we can hear the news. Ingabrihan nako kag gaha. I opened the window. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: 7.3.6 - Open.) 2To turn on a machine (as of a radio, lights). (sem. domains: - Working with electricity, - Radio, television.) der. abrido , der. abridor , der. abyerto , der. pang-abri

bira [birá] 1n The rope being pulled (as of on the side of a fishing net etc.). (sem. domains: - Pull.) 2v To pull something. kabígin Ingbira nako kag oning sa ikog. I pulled the cat by its tail. Nabira nida kag kurtina. He unintentionally pulled the curtain. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Pull.) comp. binirahan it layas , der. biniray

hugot₁ [húgot] (dial. var. bugnot) vbt 1To pull something out (as of a machete from it's scabbard); to unplug (as of an electric plug from the wall socket). bunot Ahuguton nako kag bayagon nak nagsabor sa kahoy. I’ll pull out the vine that’s tangled in the tree. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, - Pull.) 2To pick fruit one at a time (as of fruits which grow on trees or vines). (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.)
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