Search results for "buskar"

buskar [búskar] v 1To open up, bloom, come into flower (as of a flower that opens up). Nagbuskarey kag mga nuyak dahil nagsisilak. The flowers have already opened up because it's sunny. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 2To unroll and spread out something flat (as of a sleeping mat, fabric, clothing etc.). latag Nagbuskar sinra’t banig nak makatuyogey. They unrolled the sleeping mats because they are going to sleep now. (sem. domains: - Actions of the hand, 7.3.6 - Open.)

amamakoy [amamakóy] n Mushroom species which is an edible mushroom that is brown on top and white underneath which is often found under banana palms. kabuti Karamo nak makikitang amamakoy nak nagbuskar sa habig it sapa pag buyan it Agosto. You will see lots of mushrooms growing along the river banks during the month of August. (sem. domains: 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.)