Search results for "diyes"

remedyo₂ [remédyo] 11.1n Remedy; solution. Waya it remedyo sa ida sakit. There is no remedy for her illness. 22.1vt To look for something that is badly needed. hanap, remedyo Maremedyo ako it isra. I will look for fish. Aremedyuhan nako ikaw it aber diyes pesos yang. I will look for even just ten pesos for you.

raog₂ [raóg] vbt To win; to overcome. manálo Indi kita makaraog it ato kaaway kung waya si Kristo sa ato. We won’t be able to overcome our enemy if Christ isn’t in us. Sio kag nagraog sa butuhan? Who won the election? Aparaugon nato kag ato napipiliang kandidato sa pagka-presidente. We’ll let our choice candidate for president win. Naraog sida it ida pagkamalanguhin. He was overcome by his desire to drink. Naraugan nako kag ako kasapot sa trabaho nak kali. I overcame my irritation with this work. Kag ida ingraugan sa bunot-bunotan ay diyes pesos. What he won in the raffle was ten pesos.

mag-alas [mag-alás] time To reach the hour/time/night. bago mag-alas Kinse minutos yangey bag-o mag-alas diyes. It is fifteen minutes to reach the hour of ten.

kutob₂ [kútob] 1prep Up to specific time, point, place; until. hanggang Hinaey sida kutob sa pitsa diyes. He was there up to the 10th. Kutob sa Romano yang ka amo natatapos nak libro. We’ve only finished the books up to Romans. Hariin kutob kag baha sa bayay? Up to what part of the house has the flood reached? (sem. domains: - Until.) 2adj To top a tree until a certain point. (sem. domains: - Growing trees.)

huyog₁ [húyog] 1vi To fall, drop from a height (as of leaves, fruit off a tree). Naghuhuyog kag bunga sa puno aber buko pa hinog. The fruit is falling from the tree even though it’s not ripe yet. syn: taktak, yakrag 1, tikrag 1, lagas 1, unot. (sem. domains: - Lower something, - Fall.) 2vbt To drop something from a height (as of posting a letter, lowering a fishing net into water, dropping a coconut from a tree). Kung matawog sida sa nidog, sida ay mahuyog it butong sa ako. When he climbs up the coconut tree, he’ll drop a young coconut down for me. Nahuyugan ako it nidog sa uyo. A coconut fell on my head. Ihuyog nako kaling ako suyat ruto sa huyugan it suyat. I’ll mail my letter there at the post office. (sem. domains: - Lower something, - Fall.) 3vbt To have something fall, drop on a thing, person or place. (sem. domains: - Lower something, - Fall.) 4sta To fall from a height (people, objects); to fall from a high level to a lower rank, resulting in lower lifestyle. hulog Nahuyog kag anak sa hagranan kada nagtibaw. The child fell down the stairs so he cried. (sem. domains: - Lose wealth, 7.1.3 - Lie down.) 5v To miscarry, lose a baby prior to birth. hulog Nahuyog ka ida anak. Her child was miscarried. (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.) 6vt To buy an item or pay off a debt on instalment basis. hulog Mahuyog si Jun pagbakay it kang Ted baligyang kotse. Jun will buy Ted’s car that’s for sale on an installment basis. Mahuyog ako it diyes pesos ruto sa ako utang sa tinrahan. I’ll pay ten pesos towards my debt there at the store. (sem. domains: - Pay.) comp. nahuyog kag buot , der. huyog-huyugan , der. huyog , der. huyugan it suyat , der. ihuyog , say. nahuyog kag ako buot sa ida

dyes [dyes] (sp. var. diyes) nmrl Ten (especially of money and time). sampu [The Bantoanon system only has numbers 1-10,100 and 1000, so the Spanish dyes "ten" needs to be used to derive other "tens" e.g. disi-syéte "seventeen".] (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.)

diyes [diyés] sp. var. of dyes

anam [anám] vi 1To grow taller or bigger (of plants, people or a tumor). Nag-anam it gulpi kag tanom pagkaabuno. The plants grew suddenly when fertilized. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big, - Tall, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants, - Grow, get bigger.) 2To increase, rise in amount, price. Nag-anam it diyes sentimos kag presyo it bugas sa inra tinrahan. The price of rice in their shop was increased by 10 centavos. syn: karato-rato, tubo. (sem. domains: - Expensive, - Increase.) der. kaanam