Search results for "dyip"

yasik [yásik] 11.1vbt To disperse; scatter; splash, spray; roll away; spread about; fly out of reach. (This is a movement away from a point of impact, source.) tumilamsik, tumilapon Iyasik kaling baso pag imo matamaan it bunggo. This glass will fly everywhere when you hit it with the stone you’re throwing. Sida ay ingyasik pag balintong it dyip. He was thrown clear when the jeep rolled over. Nagyasik kag baga sa subrang kainit. The coals were scattered because of too much heat. Ingyasik kag ida bolpen pagkahuyog sa sayog. Her ballpoint pen rolled away when it fell on the floor. Nayasikan ako it tubi nak halin sa saguyong. I was splashed by the water which came from the manmade spring. [This one motion has a cause whether seen or unseen, which often changes the object into small pieces which move away from the original position and cause. English uses different words specific to different objects being affected.] 22.1vi To drive away from one’s body, mind (as of worrying thoughts or tiredness feelings). Ingyayasik ka inra tungka dahil sa inra guya. Their tiredness was driven away because of their laughter. Nagyayasik kag ako kapilay pag di sonata. My tiredness was driven away by the music. Ayasikon kag ako kapilay pag di sonata. My tiredness was driven away by the music. Iyasik kag ako kapilay pag di sonata. My tiredness was driven away by the music. syn: talsik, yaswa 1.

yapsi [yápsì] adj Pale skin coloring (as when afraid, sick). putla Sida ay nagpangyapsi pagkakita it tong anak nak naipit it dyip. She turned pale when she saw the child run over by the jeep. syn: putla 1, yansi. (sem. domains: - Nervous.) der. pangyapsi

undag-undag [undag-úndag] 1adj Bouncing of a jeep. undag-undag 2vi To go up-and-down; to bump up-and-down. Naguundag-undag kag dyip sa mga batsis. The jeep is bumping up-and-down on street holes. 3vbt To bounce up and down somewhere; to jump up and down somewhere. Ida aundag-undagan kag kutson pag idamo. She’ll bounce up-and-down on the cushioned bed when she’ll play.

tuway₂ [túway] v To tilt, almost tip over sideways. Pay matuway tong dyip sa karamuon it karga. It seems the jeep will almost tip over sideways due to so much baggage.

tib-ong [tíb-ong] vt To lift, pass something up somebody else unto the shoulders. ikarga Ako yang ugaling itib-ong sa imo si Nene pag ako ay apilayoney. I will just lift Nene up to your shoulder if I get tired. Atib-ungon ni Danny katong tangke it gas sa ibabaw it dyip. Danny will lift up the gas tank on top of the jeepney.

tayr n Tire. goma Nabuhos kag tayr it inra dyip kada waya sinra nakabiyahe. The tire of their jeepney burst that’s why they concelled their trip.

tapaludo₂ [tapalúdo] n Mudguard; fender. Wasak raw kag tapaludo it ida dyip tong mabanggaan it trak. The mudguard of his jeepney was badly damaged when it was hit by a truck.

tapaludo₁ [tapáludo] n Mudguards on a bicycle, car. Natimi kag tapaludo it ida bisikleta tong bumangga sa dyip. His bicycle mud guards were buckled when it hit the jeep. (sem. domains: 6.7.3 - Carrying tool, 6.7.6 - Holding tool.)

tagtag₁ [tágtag] 11.1vi To fall, come off from where something is put, attached. Natagtag kag bunga pag mahangin. The fruit falls off when its windy. 1.2vbt To drop something; to take something down; to pull something off; to fall off of where something is attached or stuck. taktak Gingtagtag nako kag mga dekorasyon pagkatapos it amo parti. I took down the decorations after our party. Ingtagtag nako kag mga bato. I dropped the stones. Ingtagtagan nako sa hagran it baybay kag ako tsinelas. I dropped the sand from my thongs on the steps. 2v To abort a fetus (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.) 2.1vt To miscarry; to abort; to lose a baby in pregnancy. nagpalaglag Matatagtag kag ako ingsasabak pagnag-undag-undag kag dyip. My pregnancy will miscarry with the jolting of the jeep. Ingtagtag nida kag anak dahil waya sida it asawa. She intentionally aborted the child because she got no husband. Nagpatagtag katong rayaga dahil sida’y nahuda nak maaayamang sabak The young girl had an abortion because she was ashamed of being pregnant. (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.)

salisi [salisí] (dial. var. hinalisi) vi To miss meeting each other on the way (by going opposite directions or ways); to cross on the way. salisi Nagkasalisihan sinra pagsakay sa dyip kada waya sinra gikinitaan. They missed meeting each other when riding on different jeeps, so they didn’t see each other. Nagsalisi kag ako suyat sa ida. My letter crossed hers on the way. syn: hinalisi. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.)

sakay [sakáy] 1.1vbt To ride; get into/onto a vehicle; to load. sumakáy Nagsakay ako’t dyip pa-Balogo. I rode a jeepney to Balogo. Ipasakay nato ka mga bisiklita sa dyip dahil kahanrig roto sa Salingsling. We will have the bikes loaded onto the jeep because it’s so steep there at Salingsing. der. sakyan

sagitsit [sagítsit] vi To speed past; to go by fast. paragasa Nagpasagitsit sida’t parayagan it dyip tong ingraya kag ida anak sa hospital. He went fast driving the jeep when his child was brought to the hospital.

sagasa₁ [sagása] v To go straight through water, mud especially of vehicles (as of proceeding despite rough, difficult terrain, weather). sagasa Gingsagasa it dyip kag baha agor sinra ay makatabok. The jeep went straight through the flood so that they could cross to the other side.

sabwag₂ [sabwág] v To be scattered, unplanned in arrangement; to sow seed scattering it by hand. Nagsabwag kag tanan nidang gamit tong mabunggo sida it dyip. All her things were scattered when she was hit by a jeep. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.)

sa₂ 11.1case To, in, at (which is the non-personal oblique case marker occasionally having the spatial meanings ‘from, on’ as well). sa Nagpagto sinra sa sapa. They went to the river. Nakabutang kag Pepsi sa frige. The Pepsi is in the frige. Hagto sida sa eskwelahan. She’s at the school. 22.1case Ownership; belongs to somebody (as of possession indicated by the oblique case marker). Sa ida katong dyip. That jeep is her’s. 33.1temp On, at, for, in (as of future or duration of time). Mapa-Maynila ako sa Sabado. I’ll go to Manila on Saturday. Katong programa ay sa alas tres sa masunor nak Sabado. That program is at three o’clock on the following Saturday. comp. ay sa , comp. kumporme sa , id. sa ap-at nak tuig , id. Sa Lunes nak hapon , id. sa masunor nak adlaw , id. sa ngasing nak paabuton nak Lunes , id. sa ngayan nak , id. sa nio , id. sa pitsa beynte it Enero , id. sa suyor it usang semana , id. sa usang adlaw , id. sa wakas

ruyog [rúyog] vbt To stop (walking, working, etc.); to stop something. tígil, hinto Nagruyog ako sa kanto para maghuyat it marayan nak dyip. I stopped at the crossing to wait for a jeep to pass by. syn: pundo, tungon 1, tungon 2, humpay, pigil, ampat, punro 1, hupa, pundo-pundo 2.

rugay [rúgay] 1adv Long time. tagal Marugay pa kami dili bag-o magsaydo sa Banton. We’ll be here for a long time yet before moving to Banton. Abang rugay nak waya kita gikinitaan! It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other! Rugayey ikaw dili? Have you been here long? Waya narugay ag nag-abot kag dyip bag-o nagsakay kami. Before long the jeep arrived and then we got on it. 2vi To allow something to go on for a longer time; to extend the time of something. Aparugayon nako it pahinog kag abokado bag-o kaunon. I’ll let the avocadoes ripen a little longer before eating them. der. parugay

rugang [rúgang] 1vbt To increase an amount; to add to something. magdagdág Nagrugang kag nanay it donasyon sa eskwelahan. The mother added a donation to the school. Arugangan nako it usa pang gantang kag ako binakay nak bugas. I’ll add one more gantang of rice to what I am buying. syn: abuno 1, rugli. (sem. domains: - Earn.) 2n Surcharge. Naghagar it rugang sa pamasahe kag kunduktor it dyip. The conductor of the jeep asked for a surcharge to the fare.

rayos₁ [ráyos] n Spokes of a wheel. Nabali kag rayos it bisikleta tong mabanggaan it dyip. The spokes of the bicycle were broken when it was hit by a jeepney.

rayan₂ [ráyan] v To experience ordinary events. ranas Narayanan ra nako kag magkabit sa dyip. I have also experience ordinary events like hanging on the outside of a jeep.

ragli₁ [ráglì] 1adv Fast; quickly. Ragli kag ako pagkaon dahil mahaliney kag dyip. I ate quickly because the jeepney’s about to leave. 2vi To do something quickly; to take a short time. Nagragli sida sa tinrahan. She went to the store in a short time. 3vt To get or do something quickly. dagli-an Ingragli nida kag amo mga ingpamakay sa merkado. She got the things we bought from the market in a short time. syn: rali, tulin 1, raan.

purba₂ [púrba] 11.1vi To try; attempt. Nagpurba ako magdrayb it dyip. I tried to drive a jeep. 1.2vt To try; attempt. subok Ingpurbahan namo it yuto kag mayagkit. We tried to cook the sticky rice. 22.1vt To test try something with somebody; to test somebody to find out their character, ability or limits. Apapurbahan nako sa mga tawo kag ako translation kung tamaey. I will test my translation with people to see if its correct. Apurbahan it nanay it palayas it ida anak agor mahadlok magliwat. The mother will try the running off of her child to scare him into not repeating it. Ingpurbahan si Job it Ginoo kung hariin kutob kag ida pagsalig sa Ginoo Job was tried by God to see the extent of his faith.

punro₃ [púnro] (irreg. infl. pundo) 1vi To stop. hinto Kag dyip ni Fred ay nagpunro sa tunga it karsada dahil inggwa it nagtabok nak mga baka. Fred’s jeep stopped at the middle of the road because a hoard of cows crossed. Nagpunro kag ida pagrugo tong ingpainom sida it karambuyan. His bleeding stopped when he was made to drink the ‘karambuyan’ leaves. syn: pundo, ruyog, tungon 1, tungon 2, humpay, pigil, ampat, hupa, pundo-pundo 2. 2vt To stop something, usually a vehicle. Ingpunro ni Fred kag ida dyip sa atubangan it amo bayay. Fred stopped his jeep in front of our house. der. punruhan

pundo₃ [púndo] (irreg. infl. punro) 1vi To stop. hinto Nagpundo tong bapor sa tunga it ragat. The ship stopped in the middle of the sea. 2vt To stop something. Waya nida gipunduha kag makina it dyip. He didn’t stop the jeepmotor.

prino₂ [príno] 1.1n Brakes. prino Nawar-an it prino kag dyip. The jeep lost its brakes. 1.2vbt To put on the brakes; to brake. Nagprino sida tong mayungotey sa inra. He put on the brakes when he got near their place.