Search results for "haligi"

tigbong [tígbong] vbt To lower something, somebody into a hole. Ingtigbong nina Duway si Bolog sa buho it katong haligi nak ingkukutkot. Duway lowered Bolog into the hole of the post they are digging. Itigbong nako katong mga likot sa buho agur indi magkalat. I will lower the garbage into a hole so it won’t scatter.

rugmon [rúgmon] vbt To sleep, nest (as of pigs, snakes, cat). pugad Nagrugmon kag sawa sa buho it haligi. The snake made a nest in the hole of the post.

patong₂ [patóng] n Kind of bamboo. kag haligi it inra kasilyas ay patong. The posts of their toilet are of a kind of bamboo.

pamag-ang [pamág-ang] n Corner posts. haligi

lig-on [líg-on] 1adj Stong; sturdy. Aya gikalibog kaling bayay ay malig-on. Don’t worry, this house is strong. 2vi To become stong, sturdy. Naglig-on kag haligi tong ginghigutan it maado. The post was made strong when it was tied very well. 3vt To strengthen; to make something strong. malakas

kalamidad [kalámidad] n Calamity, disaster; destructive. Haligi yang’ey kag nabilin tong abutan sinra it usang kalamidad nak bagyo. Posts were the only things left when they were struck by a destructive typhoon. (sem. domains: - Disaster.)

haligi [halígi] n 1Pillar; foundation post. halígi (sem. domains: - Foundation.) 2The pillar, strength of the family (e.g. father), organisation - (fig. of a person). (sem. domains: - Family, clan.)

guos [guós] vbt To tie with twine. talian Aguusan nako’t maado kag mga haligi it bayay agor indi maguba. I will tie the twine very well around the post of the house so it will not collapse. (sem. domains: - Rope, string, 7.5.4 - Tie.)

buyos [buyós] n Stalk, pole, length of a whole bamboo. kawayan Kag inggamit nak haligi sa bayay ay buyos it kwadan. The post which they used in the house are whole piece of bamboo. (sem. domains: - Growing grass, 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub, 6.5.3 - Building materials, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

barena [baréna] 1n Drill; auger; posthole digger. (sem. domains: - Digging tool.) 2vbt To drill, bore a hole. barenahin Ingbarenahan nida kag haligi it inra bayay. He drilled their house post. (sem. domains: 6.6.6 - Working with land.)

borboranan [borboránan] n Place name in the forest where where a spring is located. kagubatan Nagbaoy sinra it haligihon sa borboranan. They got some posts in the forest. (sem. domains: 9.7.2 - Name of a place, - Forest, grassland, desert.)

yupak [yúpak] vi 1To collapse; to give way under the weight of something. Kag amo salong ay nagyupak dahil sa bug-at it mga payay. Our shed collapsed because of the weight of the rice. Nagyupak kag lamesa nak sira it haligi pagingkor it tawo. The table with the broken leg collapsed when the person Nagyupak kag ida bangko. The chair she was sitting on collapsed. sat on it. syn: guba 3. 2To cause something to collapse. bumigay Ingpayupak nida kag lamesa dahil nahangit sida sa ida asawa.