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yawhak₁ [yáwhak] v To get stagefright; to be nervous doing something. kaba Ingyawhakan sida tong magsaka sa intablado ag magbisaya sa atubangan it mga nagtapos. He got stagefright when he went up on the stage and gave a speech in front of the graduates.

yakot-yakot [yakot-yákot] (der. of yakot) adj Mixed; mixed up (as of somebody’s speech or plans) halo-halo Yakot-yakot ka ida pagbisaya dahil inapilayey sida. Her speech is mixed up because she’s tired. syn: halo-halo 1. (sem. domains: 4.3.6 - Self-controlled.)

wayat katapusan [wayá't katapusán] adj Eternal, endless, everlasting. walang katapusan Waya’t katapusan kag ida kabibisaya sa ida anak. Her scolding of her child is endless.

waya pa ikaw namumuslok nak maguslit ka [wayâ pa ikáw namumuslók nak magúslit ka] idiom - Convert to subentry You haven’t died yet you silly old thing (as of an insult to elders). hindi pa namamatay Ya pa ikaw namumuslok nak maguslit ka agor wayaey it mabisaya sa ako. You haven’t died yet you silly old thing so that nobody will scold me.

waya nabawi [wayâ nabáwì] idiom - Convert to subentry Didn’t correct, contradict something wrongly said, assumed. hindi nabawi Waya nabawi ni Myrna kag ida mayain nak ingbisaya sa ida kaaway. Myrna wasn’t able to correct the false hearsay she said to her energy.

waya gihahalin ka ida pagbisaya [wayâ gihahalín ka ída pagbisáya] (comp. of waya, halin, bisaya) id 1To keep repeating what one said [lit: his speech doesn’t depart/change]. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say, - Multiples.) 2To keep using a certain style of speech, dialect. [lit: his speech doesn’t depart/change] (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say, 3.5.3 - Language.)

waya gihahalin₂ [wayâ gihahalín] idiom - Convert to subentry To keep repeating an action; keep using a certain style of speech; unchanging (lit: ‘his speech doesn’t depart’). hindi nagbago Waya gihalin ka pagbisaya nida sa ida mga hali bilang usang hari. He kept speaking like a king to his brothers.

visayas [visayas] n Visayan, central area of the Philippines. (sem. domains: 4.6.7 - Region.)

una₂ [úna] 1first 1.1nmrl First. una, kauna-unahan Una nak anak sida. He’s the first child. syn: primero. 22.1vbt To be or go first; to put or do something first; to be ahead of others. Ing-una nako it bunak kag ida baro. I washed her clothes first. Aunahan nako sida it bakay it tiket. I’ll be ahead of her in buying the tickets. Igwa’t naunaey nak nagtrato it karne sa amo. There was already someone who was first in taking our order of meat. 2.2vi To cause or allow something to be taken first; to let somebody get, do, know something first or beforehand. inuna, nag-unahan Ingpaunahan nako sa mga anak kag dulse. I’ll let the children see who can get the candy first. Nagpaunahan kami it rayagan. We tried to be first in the race. Ingpaunahan nako it bisaya sida nak indi ako makapali. I let her know beforehand that I wouldn’t come. 33.1loc Front. unahan, harapan Sa unahan it linya sida gitinrog. She stood at the front of the line. 44.1vbt To lead somebody or something. nanguna Ingpangunahan nida kag pagkanta. He led the singing. Ingpapangunahan kami it Balaan nak Espiritu. We are led by the Holy Spiritu. 55.1vt To make the first payment on something that is being purchased on an installment basis. pinaunahan, nagdeposito Ingpaunahan nako it badar kag ako radyo. I made the first payment on my radio. comp. paunang badar , der. ka-una-unahan , der. pauna

ugom [úgom] vt To have something inside one’s mouth; to suck on something such as candy or a throat lozenge. lulon Ahat sida makabisaya dahil nag-uugom it dulse. She can’t speak clearly because she has candy inside her mouth.

tuyar [tuyár] (irreg. infl. tyar) 11.1adv Like; similar to (as of comparisons of equality). kagaya Sida ay tuyar nako it taas. She is like me in height. Tuyar sa uyan ka ida yuha. Her tears fell like rain. Tuyar kali ka ako baro. My dress is like this. syn: pareho, hawig, ambit 1, tugma, parehas 1. (sem. domains: - And, also, - Evaluator, - Combinative relation.) 22.1vbt To imitate, copy something; to mimic. ganitó, ganiyán,gayahin Patuyari ako siling ni Pablo. Imitate me said Paul. Aya gipatuyari kag ako bisaya. Don’t mimic how I speak. Apatuyaron nako kag tabas it ako baro sa imo. I will copy the style of my dress from yours. der. patuyaran

turok [turók] 1vi To pierce or sink deeply into something (words, into one’s heart, mind or something into the ground). Tanan nak ida gingbibisaya ay nagtuturok sa ako puso. Everything he’s saying cuts deeply in my heart. Indi magturok sa raga katong tagrokon dahil sa katugas. The pole won’t sink into the ground because it’s hard. 2vbt To stick or pierce something with something sharp or pointed. turok Iturok nimo kinang tinayuman nak kwadan hina sa rayaag. Stick the pointed bamboo there in the yard.

tuon₂ [tuón] vbt To learn something, how to do something. mátúto, nag-aral Nagtuon si Neysa it pagyuto. Neysa learned how to cook. Marali makatuon ka ida anak. Her child can learn quickly. Kung matun-an nimo ka amo bisaya, masadya ka imo kabuhi dili. If you learn our language, your life here will be happier. (sem. domains: 3.6.1 - Show, explain.) comp. miyentras malip-ot kag tamong, matuon ka it pagbalikutot

tungor₁ [tungór] 1part Concerning something; about; because of (this); the reason is. dahil Indi ako makakahalin tungor nak di sakit kag ako anak. I can’t leave because my child is sick. Nag-istorya sida tungor sa imo. She told me stories concerning you. Waya sida’t ibang bilin kundi’y tungor sa imo utang. She said no other thing to me but about your debt. syn: komo, bangor nak, dahil, imaw ngani, ay sa, bangor 2, kumo. (sem. domains: 9.6.1 - Coordinate relations.) 2vi To be about something; to be concerning something. tungkol Karamo ka ida istorya sa mga anak natutungor sa unang panahon. His stories to the children about the old times were many. Kag ako abisayahon ay natutungor sa ako ekspirensya sa Hapon. What I’ll say is about my experience in Japan.

tore [tóre] n Spire; tower. Kag tore ni Babel ay waya natapos dahil kag mga trabahador ay nagbisaya sa iba’t ibang bisaya. The tower of Babel was not finished because the workers spoke in different languages.

tisoy [tisóy] (irreg. infl. tisay) n White collar worker. Indi mag-asawa si Cristy kung buko yang ra tisoy kag ida magiging asawa. Cristy won’t get married if her husband won’t be a white collar worker.

tisay [tisáy] irreg. infl. of tisoy

tiom [tióm] 11.1adj Closed; shut (as of a mouth) Tiom kag ida yuba kada indi mabutangan it buyong kag ida ngisi. His mouth is closed that’s why the medicine can’t be applied into his teeth. 1.2vt To close the mouth. tiom, sarado Nagtiom it ida yuba kag anak tong pagkatapos bingawan it dentista. The child closed his mouth after his teeth were extracted by the dentist. 22.1vt To refrain from telling something to others; to keep quiet about something; to keep one’s mouth shut. tikom ang bibig Atiomon nako kag ako yuba kung akabisayahon nida ako tungor rutong problema. I’ll keep my mouth shut if she’ll talk with me regarding that problem.

tikis [tikís] 11.1v To hold back from greeting, speaking to somebody. tikis Ako ay gingtikis it ako manghor dahil sida ay nagsungon sa ako mga bisaya. I held back from greeting my younger sister because she took offense at my words. 22.1vbt To not give in to somebody. Ingtikis nida tong ida nanay sa waya pagruaw sa ida sa ospital. She did not give in to her mother by going to see her in the hospital.

tamang paggamit [támang paggámit] adj Correct use. Si Heather ay nakakabisayaey it binisaya dahil maayamey sida’t tamang paggamit it mga bisaya. Heather can fluently speak Visayan because she now knows the correct use of the words.

talisay n Tree species which grows in sand near the ocean. valisai [The bark contains tannin which is used as an astringent in dysentery. The leaves act as a sudorific, and they are applied to rheumatic joints, and for dysentery. Juice of young leaves are used internally for headache and colic, otherwise they (leaves) are used externally.] Terminalia Catappa

talisayon [talisáyon] n A long legged rooster. Variegated colours.

talinghaga [talinghágà] adj Figurative speech; picturesque speech; expressive speech (as of older people). Kag mga bisaya ni Hesus ay puro matalinghaga. The speech of Jesus is full of figures.

tahor₁ [táhor] 1n Respect; the way respect is shown; address of respect. (sem. domains: - Pleased with.) 2adj Respectful person. 3vt To show, act with respect (as to ones elders). igagalang Dapat natong tahuron kag ato maguyang. We ought to show respect to our parents. Ato atahuron kag bandira pag ingiisa parayan sa pagtinrog. We’ll show respect to the flag when it is being raised by standing. Atahuron nako kag imo bisaya kung imo ra atahuron kag ako. I’ll respect what you’ll say if you’ll respect mine too. (sem. domains: 3.6.1 - Show, explain, - Pleased with.) der. talahuron

tabil [tabíl] 1vt To talk about somebody (sometimes implies gossiping). Ingtabil nida sa ibang tawo kag problema it ida kayungot. She talked to other people about her neighbor’s problem. syn: tsismis 2, da-da 2, istorya 1, himplo, bisaya 3. 2n Chatterbox as of people who talk a lot. (sem. domains: 3.1.1 - Personality.) 3adj Talkative; gossip; a person who talks ill of somebody. madaldal Tabilan sida kada sida ay natampa it ida tatay. She’s talkative so she was slapped by her father. (sem. domains: 3.1.1 - Personality, - Gossip.)