Search results for "it yang"

yagtok₁ [yágtok] 1n The sound of cracking knuckles or joints. Abang kusog kag yagtok it ida mga tudlo. The sound of her cracking knuckles is very loud. 2vi To crack, creak as of knuckles or joints. It yang nagyayagtok kag ida mga yuta-yuta pag napas-an it mabug-at. His joints creak when he lifts up heavy things. Bada-ey gipayagtuka kag imo tudlo ako’y nadidisturbo. Stop cracking your knuckles it’s disturbing me.

tukob-tukuban [tukob-tukubán] 1v 1.1vbt To eat greedily (as of people, animals). kain It yang tukuba it tong priso tong sobrang pagkaon it gwardya. The prisoner suddenly eats greedily the left over food of the guard. Atukubon tan-a it tong baktin tong amo manok. The pig would have have greedily eaten our chicken. [Vulgar term.] 2v To wrestle.

sobsob₂ [sóbsob] 11.1adj Bent forwards; down in front. 1.2vi To be bent forwards; to be too heavy in front (as of old person bending over, a boat overloaded at the front, or sinking prow first). Nagsusobsob kag maguyang. The old person is bending forwards. Nagsusobsob kag lantsa dahil puno-puno hampig sa pruwa. The launch is down in front because the prow is too full. 1.3vbt To fall forwards, head first Asobsoban kag semento it yango. The drunk man fell forwards onto the cement. Nagsusobsob kag yango. The drunk man is falling forwards. 22.1n Absorbed; concentrating. 2.2vi To concentrate hard; to be too absorbed in a task; to be serious, intent about something. sobsob Nagsusobsob sida adlaw ag gab-i sa ida trabaho. She concentrates hard on her work day and night. syn: minatuor, ungor-ungor 1, seryuso.

ruksoy₁ [ruksóy] v To jump at. It yang giruksoy tong inra iro sa inra bisita bag-o kinagat kali sa damot. The dog just jumped at their visitor and then bit him on the hand.

malasakit [malasákit] vbt To be concerned for somebody. malasakit Nagmalasakit yang ra sida hina sa maguyang dahil apamanahan kuno sinra’t rako. He showed concern for that old man because he will be given a bigger share of his wealth. syn: bayaka.

ligpit v To pack things up. It yang ni Nory ligpita tong mga tinra ag pumauli. Nory had just packed up the goods and gone home.

kibot [kibót] 1sta To be startled. Nakibot sida pag-abot nako. He was startled when I arrived. (sem. domains: - Surprise, 5.7.3 - Wake up.) 2vt To startle somebody. bigla Akibuton nato si Ana sa kwarto. Let’s startle Ana in her room. syn: gulpi 1, it yang, antimano, bigla 2. (sem. domains: - Surprise, 5.7.3 - Wake up.)

kananam [kananám] (irreg. infl. mananam) adj Tasty. masarap Kananam kag busoy it yangkang hinog kung ingyayaga. The seeds of the ripe jackfruit are tasty if boiled. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.)

kag tayong ay indi magbunga it yangka [kag tayóng ay índì magbúnga it yángkà] say Good children come from good families (lit: eggplants don’t bear jackfruit). and talong ay hindi magbubunga ng langka Inggwa it kabisayahan nak kag tayong ay indi magbunga it yangka. There’s a saying that an eggplant won’t bear a jackfruit. [This can be said by substituting various fruits or vegetables eg. kamansi “breadfruit”, yangka “jackfruit”, kamatis “tomatoes”, tayong “eggplant”, mangga “mango”, badabas “guava”, etc. and says that good children come from good families or vice versa.] (sem. domains: - Disgusted, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.)

kadab₁ [kadáb TAG] vbt To fan somebody, something. paypayan Ingkadaban nida it yangaw tong pagkaon. She fanned the food of its flies. (sem. domains: - Blow air.)

kabit₂ [kabít] 1vbt To reach, get something by going hand-over-hand (e.g. somebody hanging from a branch and moving along it to reach some fruit). TWO ENTRIES Kabitan nimo kag madabas sa sanga. You reach the guava by going hand-over-hand along the branch. Kabiti sida it badabas sa sanga. Reach the guava for her by going hand-over-hand along the branch. (sem. domains: - Actions of the hand, - Extend.) 2vbt To hang onto, from by using one’s hands (e.g. somebody hanging from a branch, moving along a branch hand-over-hand, hanging onto the outside of the jeep). Kag anak ay nagkakabit sa sanga it madabas. The child is hanging from the branch of the guava tree. Makabit yang si Juan sa dyip nak punoey. John just hung onto the outside of the jeep because it was already full. 3n Object on which something hangs. 4vt To attach, reattach something that hangs; hang up (as of mending the tear in a dress, sewing the ruffle on a dress, joining a skirt onto a blouse, putting a hose on a faucet, tieing a rope on a tree, plugging in an extension cord to electricity, pin a ribbon on a dress, hang up curtains, hang a picture on the wall). Akabiton nako kag ako blusa nak nagísi. I will reattach the tear in my blouse. Ingkabit nida it ispili kag panyo sa ida blusa. She attached the handkerchief on her blouse with a safety pin. Kabita kag rebite sa ida baro. Attach the ruffle to her dress. Akabitan nako it litrato kag ringring. I will hang the photo on the wall. Ikabit kag kurtina sa gaha. Hang up the curtains on the window. [Suspected loan from Tagalog.] 5n Place where something is attached. 6adj Attached.

it yang gilalamsot [it yang gilalámsot] id Impulsive thought, action (lit. in one gulp). (sem. domains: - Instinct.)

it yang gihahanlas [it yang gihahánlas] v 1Slips down easily, as of food that tastes good. (sem. domains: - Feast, - Manner of eating.) 2Words slipout without thinking. (sem. domains: - Known, unknown, - Think about.) 3Words slip out without thinking. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.)

it yang [it yáng] part In a moment, split second; suddenly. basta nalang It yang tulay sida ag humalin it waya bubisaya. Suddenly, he just stood up and left without a word. syn: gulpi 1, kibot 2, antimano, bigla 2. (sem. domains: - Immediately.)

hapnit [hápnit] vt To grab, snatch something. halbot It yang nida gihapnita katong bag it maguyang nak kabade. In a moment he grabbed the bag of the old lady. syn: yabni, agaw 1.

gulpi [gúlpi] 1adv Suddenly. syn: kibot 2, it yang, antimano, bigla 2. (sem. domains: - Immediately, - Quick, - Sudden, 8.4.8 - Speed.) 2vt To do something suddenly. biglaan Naggulpi sida it liwas pag-abot nako. She went out suddenly when I arrived. (sem. domains: - Immediately.) 3sta To get a shock; to be shocked. “Indi yang ikaw tung magulpihan dili sa amo ibabalita, ha? Ka imo anak rabuno ay gingbawianéy it kabuhi it ato nakaako.” “Don’t be startled at our news, ha, Uncle? your daughter’s life has been taken back by our creator.” syn: bigla 1. (sem. domains: - Shock.)

bukag [búkag] n The inedible stringy parts, pith of the jackfruit that separates the fruit sections. Waya gikakauna kag bukag it yangka. The divisions of the jackfruit are not eaten. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

bigla [bíglà] 1adv Suddenly (as of without warning or notice). It kag sinra ay sa yaworey, bigla yang nak nagkusog ag kag inra sasakyan ay pay mapupun-aney it ragat. When they were out at sea already it suddenly became rough and their boat was almost filled with water. syn: gulpi 3. (sem. domains: - Immediately.) 2v To do something suddenly (as of without warning or notice). bigla Abiglaon nako kag ako estudyante it bisita sa inra bayay. I will visit my students at their house without notice. syn: gulpi 1, kibot 2, it yang, antimano. (sem. domains: - Immediately.)

baril [baríl] 1n Gun. baril (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.) 2vt To shoot with a gun. bumaríl Nagbaril sida it yanggam. He shot a bird. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.)

antimano [antimáno] adv Suddenly; immediately; unexpectedly; straight away. kapagdaka, biglâ Nakabati ako antimano pagkarungog it mga yupok it baril. I was suddenly awakened when I heard the gunshots. syn: gulpi 1, kibot 2, it yang, bigla 2. (sem. domains: - Sudden.)

yupak-it [yúpak-it] vi To sit flat on the ground or with legs curled to one side. salampak ng upo Nagyupak-it yangey sida sa sayog dahil wayaey it ingkuran. She just sat flat on the floor because there were no more seats.

yusa-yusa [yusa-yúsà] n White, fibrous strings of a jackfruit. sabang Al, aya gigkaona kinang mga yusa-yusa it yangka dahil waya kina gigkakauna. Al, don’t eat those white fibrous strings of the jackfruit because they’re not to be eaten.