Search results for "kamatayan"

wayat kamatayon [wayá't kamatáyon] adj Immortal. walang kamatayan kag mga ingkanto suno sa istorya ay waya’t kamatayon. The enchanted spirits according to some stories are immortal.

sa bingit it kamatayan [sa bingít it kamatáyan] (comp. of bingit, matay) id Close to death (as of coming close to death e.g. in extreme poverty or when mothers come close to death when giving birth). [lit: on edge of death] (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.)

nag-aagaw kag kabuhi ag kamatayan [nag-aágaw kag kabúhi ag kamatáyan] idiom - Convert to subentry Between life and death (as of a mother in childbirth, lit:“life and death struggling”. nag-aagaw buhay Nag-aagaw kag kabuhi ag kamatayan it usang nanay kung sida ay nag-aanak. If a woman gives birth to a child she’s between life and death.

kamatyanon [kamatyánon] time No moon; moonless; dark night (as first night after full moon). kamatayan (sem. domains: - Moon, - Less.)

kamatayan [kamatáyan] n Waning of moon, after full moon. (sem. domains: - Moon.)

bingit [bingít] id On the edge, end of one's resources, strength and facing a life threatening situation (as of when in extreme poverty or when mothers come close to death during childbirth). bingit Kag mga nanay ay nabubutang sa bingit it kamatayan pag nag-aanak. Mothers are at the edge of death when giving birth. (sem. domains: 8.6.6 - Edge.) comp. sa bingit it kamatayan

anino ni kamatayan [aníno ni kamatáyan] (comp. of matay) id To be aware of, feel the closeness of death; to feel close to death. [lit. shadow of death-one] Tong si Nancy ay mabangga it dyip abe nida ay mamamatayey sida dahil pay nakita nida kag anino ni kamatayan. When Nancy was hit by a jeep she thought she was about to dies because of the shadow of Mr. death. [This is probably a transliteration of the English idiom.] (sem. domains: - Saying, proverb.)