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yasip [yasíp] n An eating bowl made from half a dried coconut shell. Nakausang yasipey kami it mga kukurton, hila, sarinlab ag tatlong balinsungay,... We had one coconut shell bowl of kukurton, hila, sarinlab, and three balinsungay shells,... (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment.)

yamay₂ [yamáy] n Dried banana leaves. tuyong dahon ng saging Nagpangbaoy kami it maramong yamay para ahumanong pamahiran. We got several dried banana leaves to be used in making rugs.

yabaw [yabáw] (irreg. infl. yapaw) 1vi To extend beyond a point; to protrude. Nagyayabaw kag ida kamison sa ida malip-ot nak baro. Her slip extends beyond her short dress. Pagkakusog ka imo itsa ay nagyayapaw kag bola sa ida. When you throw hard, the ball goes out beyond her. 2vbt To extend something beyond a point; to exceed something. labis Ayabawan nako kag imo mga nabaoy nak marka sa eskwela. I’ll exceed the mark you got in school. Ingyapawan nida it taas kag nayukso’t kalaban sa ‘high jump’. She surpassed the height that her opponent made at the high jump.

yaag [yáag] 1sta To lose one’s way. táyang Kag amo rayan ay nagyaag dahil maruyomey kami napauli halin sa inra. We lost our way because we were already late coming home from their place. syn: suhag, tayang 1.1. 2vt To lead somebody the wrong way; to misguide somebody; to give wrong directions.

waya [wayâ] (irreg. infl. ya; irreg. infl. uya) 1To not show up; to be absent, missing. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 1.1sta Is not there (as of negative statement of location). wala Waya si Nanay sa bayay. Mother is not in the house. Waya raha sinra. They are not there. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 22.1vi To be out of something; to have something consumed and nothing left for one; to be emptied of the contents (i.e as of a container). Mawawar-an ako’t tinapay pag ako ita-o kaling ausa sa imo. I will have nothing if I give you the only piece of bread. Nawar-an sida it pamasahe. She has none left for the fare. Ingwar-an sida it suya it ida mga manghor. All the viand was consumed by her younger siblings leaving nothing for her. Ingpawar-an nida it suyor kag gining. She emptied the water pot of its contents. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 33.1part To be missing; to not be present; not here/there. Waya dili ka ako antityuhos. My glasses aren’t here. Waya pa baga dili ka imo tatay? Isn’t your father here yet/ (sem. domains: - Absent.) 3.2sta To be missing; to be lost. Pay igwa’t mga nawawaya sa ato grupo. It seems some are missing in our group. 3.3vt To lose or misplace something. Ingwaya kag ako dawi it mga anak sa bayay. The children lost my keys to the house. (sem. domains: - Forget.) 44.1neg Did not (as of past and continous actions). Waya kami nakapa Maynila. We have not been to Manila. comp. ayos yang maado ra sa waya , comp. bali-waya , comp. kinabuhing wayat katapusan , comp. waya gihahalin ka ida pagbisaya , comp. waya kita nagkaintyendihan , comp. wayat buot , comp. wayat dipekto , comp. wayat diperensya , comp. wayat ibuhi , der. baliwaya , der. nawar-an , der. pawar-an , id. nak waya

usang kahig usang tuka [úsang káhig úsang tukâ] (say. of tuka) saying - Convert to subentry Poor; ‘hand to mouth’ existence (lit: ‘one scratch one peck’ which can be varied by different words used with kahig and tukâ. see káhig tukâ). Ako ay waya gusto it ida nanay para sa ida anak dahil nak kami ay usang kahig usang tuka yang. His mother didn’t like me for her son because we are poor.

upot₁ [upót] 1adj Completely consumed. Upot-upotey kag pagkaon sa puntsionan kada wayaey kami’t naabutan. All the food at the banquet was completely consumed, therefore we didn’t have any. 2vbt To clean something up completely so that there is none left; to consume completely up. To leave no trace of something. simot Uputi it tubi kinang planggana. Don’t leave any trace of water on the basin.

una₂ [úna] 1first 1.1nmrl First. una, kauna-unahan Una nak anak sida. He’s the first child. syn: primero. 22.1vbt To be or go first; to put or do something first; to be ahead of others. Ing-una nako it bunak kag ida baro. I washed her clothes first. Aunahan nako sida it bakay it tiket. I’ll be ahead of her in buying the tickets. Igwa’t naunaey nak nagtrato it karne sa amo. There was already someone who was first in taking our order of meat. 2.2vi To cause or allow something to be taken first; to let somebody get, do, know something first or beforehand. inuna, nag-unahan Ingpaunahan nako sa mga anak kag dulse. I’ll let the children see who can get the candy first. Nagpaunahan kami it rayagan. We tried to be first in the race. Ingpaunahan nako it bisaya sida nak indi ako makapali. I let her know beforehand that I wouldn’t come. 33.1loc Front. unahan, harapan Sa unahan it linya sida gitinrog. She stood at the front of the line. 44.1vbt To lead somebody or something. nanguna Ingpangunahan nida kag pagkanta. He led the singing. Ingpapangunahan kami it Balaan nak Espiritu. We are led by the Holy Spiritu. 55.1vt To make the first payment on something that is being purchased on an installment basis. pinaunahan, nagdeposito Ingpaunahan nako it badar kag ako radyo. I made the first payment on my radio. comp. paunang badar , der. ka-una-unahan , der. pauna

udong₂ [udóng] vt To pull; to pull in (as of a fishing net). hila Kami ay nagbulig it pag-udong it tong sayap kada kami ay ingpartihan. We helped pull in the fishing nets therefore we were given a share of the catch. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2.

ubos₂ [úbos] 1sta To be consumed; used up; ‘out of stock’. ubos Naubosey kag amo kwarta! Our money is all used up! Naubos it takaw kag amo manok! Our chickens were all stolen! Naubos it sunog kag inra baro. All their clothes were burned up. 2vbt To consume something; to have nothing left. Waya’t natura nak suya nak ing-ubos it mga anak. There’s no viand left because it was all consumed by the children. Naubusan kami it bugas. We have run out of rice.

tupong [tupóng] 1adj Just touching, meet in the middle, as of two objects. (sem. domains: - Between.) 1.1adj Level; Point, place at which items meet, touch (as of blinds meeting, touching one-on-one); Equal with something, somebody (in height, length) Tupongey baga kami it ako manghor. My younger sister snd I are the same height now. 1.2vt To equalize; to level something. ipapantay Atupungon nako kag kuray. I’ll level the fence. Itupong nako’t kuray kag yagari. I’ll use the saw for leveling the fence. 22.1vbt To reach the same level as somebody else (as of achievement, height) Natupungan nida kag inarayan it ida maguyang. He was able to reach the same level with the education gained by his brother. Atupungan nako kag ida marka, kada mapakaestudyo pa ako. I’ll study more so I can reach the same level with his mark.

tup-is₃ [túp-is] v To get, become wet. nabasa Natup-is kami pa Romblon nak kakusog kag humbak. We all got wet when we went to Romblon because of big waves.

tumak₁ [túmak] v To mash, pound cassava, cooking banana or root crops like mashed potatoes. lupak Nagtumak kami it batag para sa meryenda kana Margie. We mashed bananas for snack at Margie’s house. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.) der. tinumakan

trabisiya₂ [trabisíya] (irreg. infl. tunga-tunga it trabisiya) n Midpoint in ocean voyage between islands; midpoint of a journey. gitna Hagto kami inabot it bagyo sa tunga-tunga it trabisiya it Tablas ag Mindoro. We got caught in a storm in the middle of the voyage from Tablas Island to Mindoro Island. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.)

trabisiya₁ [trabisíya] n Harbour entrance (as of rocky outcrop). Haponey kami nag-abot sa trabisiya it Romblon. It was afternoon when we arrived at the harbour entrance of Romblon.

tigbak₁ [tígbak] 1n Epilepsy. 2vi To faint; to become unconscious; to have an epileptic seizure. epilépsi Atigbakon kami it ling imo bisyo. We will faint with what you did. der. tigbakon

tigana [tigána] vt To save something; to put something aside; to reserve; to conserve. tira Nagtigana ako it suya para sa paninghapon. I saved viand for supper. Tigan-e kami it itlog kung maabot, ha? Save us some eggs when they arrive, ha? Gusto nako nak magtigana it mga prutas para sa ako mga barkada. I want to save fruits for my friends. syn: hanay, laan 2.1, yain, tura 1, sobra 1.

tayang [táyang] 11.1vi To get lost on the way. ligaw Kami ay nagtayang papagto kana Arsing bayay. We lost our way going to Arsing’s house. Angay, nagtayang si Pet papagto sa punsyunan. Good, Pet got lost on the way to the banquet. syn: suhag, yaag 1. 22.1v To miss the mark, target when doing something; to misjudge one’s aim; to be inaaccurate. Kag pagbaril nida sa pispis ay waya natama dahil nagtayang kag ida puntariya. When he was shooting the bird he didn’t hit it because he missed his aim.

tatap₂ [tátap] v To chaperone; to take care of somebody; to supervise young people. aruga Gingtatap nako it maado kag ako anak para sida ay maulian sa ida sakit. I took good care of my child so he would recover from his sickness. Kag amo Nanay ay imao gador it nagtatap sa amo tong waya pa kami it asawa. My Mother was the one who really chaperoned us before we were married.

tambo [támbò] 1n Bamboo shoots. Abang ragko katong mga tambo nak amo nakita it tahapon. The bamboo shoots we saw yesterday were so big. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2vi To gather bamboo shoots. Nagpanambo kami sa kayhasan tahapon. We went to gather some bamboo shoots in the forest yesterday. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) der. panambo

tambak₁ [támbak] n Man made fish-pond, rock-pool, dam, weir enclosed by earth, rock walls for keeping fish. Kami ay nakabaoy it isra sa suyor it tambak ni Uncle Ilyong. We got fish from inside Uncle Ilyong’s rock fishpond.

talahuron₃ [talahúron] adj Respected, Honourable. Sa amo talahuron nak Gobernador rako kag amo pagpasalamat nak inro kami gingbuligan. To our honourable governor we are very thankful that you helped us.

takor₁ [takór] 1adj To attached, as of curtain being hang. syn: salpak. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Stick together.) 2adj To install, as of electricity. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.) 3n Place where something is attached. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Stick together.) 4vbt To attach something (with long term use or significance e.g. curtains, side car on a bycicle, house hold fittings like faucets, utilities like electricity, the pinning of one’s graduation ribbon); to install. kabit Ingtakor nida kag sayd-kar sa bisikleta. He attached the side-car to the bycicle. Nagtakor it ribon si N. Lori kang Inday. Aunty Lori attached the graduation ribbon to Inday’s blouse. Waya pa kami nagpatakor it koriyente sa amo bayay. We have not had electricity attached to our house yet. Waya nida natakor kag hos sa gripo. He was not able to attach the hose to the faucet. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Stick together.)

tagrukon [tagrúkon] n Pole; a long, slender round wood often used for fences. Ingpaparaya kami’t amo maestra it tiglimang tagrukon sa eskul. Our teacher requires us to bring to school five pieces of poles each. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

tagbayay [tágbayáy] n Owner of a house. may-ari Waya kag tagbayay katong nagpagto kami sa ging-iistaran ni Amor. The owner of of the house wasn’t in when we went to Amor’s boarding house. syn: tag-iya.