Search results for "kampo"

salakay₁ [salákay] vt To invade; to attack an opponent, enemy in his territory. salakay Ingsalakay it mga rebelde tong kampo it mga sundalo. The rebels attacked the camp of the soldiers. [Bantay salakay is an expression meaning that the person asked to guard the house goes ahead and steals the things from it.]

kampon ni satanas [kámpon ni Satanás] n Satan’s helpers; demons. Kag mga sawa ay kampon ni Satanas. Snakes are believed to be Satan’s helpers. (sem. domains: - Demon possession, 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.)

kampo [kámpo] n Camp (as of a temporary barracks, sleeping place). Inglusob it mga rebelde kag kampo it mga sundalo. The rebels attacked the soldiers camp. (sem. domains: - Fort.)

kampamento [kampaménto] n Army camp. kampo Ingyusob it mga rebelde kag kampamento. The army camp was attacked. (sem. domains: 5.7 - Sleep, - Military organization.)

hapones [Hapónes/a] n Japanese man/woman. Hapones Inglusob it mga gerilya kag kampo it mga hapones tong tyempo gera. The guerillas attacked the Japanese camp during the war. (sem. domains: - Country.)

alkampor [alkámpor] n Camphor balls (as of the slow release insecticide that is used to keep insects out of stored clothes and paper). alkampor [This is made from trees of the laurel family e.g. camphor laurel.] (sem. domains: - Preserve.) comp. asyeti di alkamporado

asyeti di alkamporado [asyéti di alkamporádo] (comp. of alkampor) n A medicinal green liquid, oil is rubbed on the fontanel of a baby's head to relieve stomach pain. [This medicinal oil comes from the laurel family of trees.] (sem. domains: - Traditional medicine.)

yusob₄ [yúsob] v To attack somebody, somewhere; to raid. lusob Ingyusob it mga rebelde kag kampo it mga sundalo. The rebels attacked the camps of the soldiers. (sem. domains: - Attack.)