Search results for "kanin-o"

samba [sámba] vbt To worship somebody. sumambá Kanin-o ka gisasamba? To whom do you worship?

salawahan [salawáhan] v To be confused. Nagsasalawahan sida kung kanin-o sida maistar. He’s confused about who to stay with.

sagap [ságap] vt To hear about something; to get news of. sagap Kanin-o ikaw nakasagap nak nakitaey kag amo nawagit nak manok? From whom did you hear that our lost chicken was already found? syn: haging 2, rungog 1, balita 1.

maamyawon [ma-amyáwon] (der. of amyawon) 1adj Friendly; sociable; greets people. palakibo (sem. domains: 4.1.1 - Friend.) 2v To greet somebody. kibo (sem. domains: - Greet.) 3adj Friendly greeting. mapagkaibigan Maamyawon si Norma aber kanin-o kada karamo sidang kilaya. Norma greets anybody in a friendly way that’s why she has many friends. (sem. domains: - Greet.)

kung [kúng] conj 1If (as of condition-consequence relations). kung Kung ako ikaw, indi nako sida gipahalinon dili. If I were you I wouldn’t let him leave here. Ataw-an ka nako’t kwarta kung imo ibakay it papel ag buko dulse. I’ll give you money if you’ll buy paper and not candy. Muyati raha kung hinaey kag dyip. Look and see if the jeep is there. (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions.) 2When, if (as of a condition which is also temporal). Matam-is kaling prutas kung mahinog. This fruit is sweet when it gets ripe. syn: pagka, kato 2. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) 3Unless, if (as of an unfulfilled condition giving rise to an unfulfilled result). Indi sida gihahalin kung waya sida gisisilingga. She won’t leave unless she’s told to. (sem. domains: - Condition.) 4What; who; when; why; where; for/from whom (as of a grammatical form linking nominal clauses beginning with interrogatives or pronouns etc). Nakita nako kung nio kag ingbaligya nida. I saw what he sold. Naayaman nako kung para kanin-o nida gibaligyaan kag karabaw. I know for whom he sold the water buffalo. comp. Aunhon pa kag hilamunon kung minatayey kag kabayo , id. kung kausa/kung kaamat , id. kung pwede/kung maaari/kung sarang , id. kung sabagay

kii [kií] (irreg. infl. kio) dem This (as of something in or close at hand). ito Kanin-o kii dili sa ako. Whose is this here by me. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.)

kanin-o [kanín-o] ques Whose?; to whom? (as of interrogative pronoun). kanino Kanin-o nimo gitaw-an kag ako bolpen? To whom did you give my ballpen? Kanin-o baga kag libro nak kali? Whose book is this one? (sem. domains: - Relative pronouns.) comp. aber kanin-o

amo₃ [ámò] vbt To be, become emotionally attached to someone; to be familiar, used to someone; to follow, go with someone (as of one person to another or a dog to a master). sumusunod Waya ka amo iro giaámò sa ibang tawo. Si Mike ay nag-aamo aber kanin-ong tawo. Mike is familiar with anyone. (sem. domains: - Dog, - Like, love.) der. amo-amo

aber kanin-o [abér kanín-o] (comp. of aber, kanin-o) pro From whomever; from anyone (something belongs or has been given). [lit: even whose] (sem. domains: - Indefinite pronouns, 8.1.5 - All.)