Search results for "kapisok"

pilot [pílot] vt To close one’s eyes; to rest for a short time; to rest ones eyes. pikít Nagpipilot kag mga tawo pagnagrarasay. The people close their eyes when praying. Pilutan kinang imo pilay it mata. Rest your tired eyes. syn: katuyog 1, higra 1, kapisok, pahuway, hilay-hilay 1.

pahuway [pahúway] vi To rest (oneself or a body part). pahinga Pag Dominggo ay, mapahuway kono si Tatay sa ida trabaho. Father says he will rest from his work on Sunday. Pahuwayan it panaw kag imo siki nak yubaton. Rest your foot that has rheumatism. Apahuwayan nako kag katri. I will rest on the bed. syn: katuyog 1, higra 1, kapisok, pilot, hilay-hilay 1.

katuyog [katúyog] (der. of tuyog) 1vbt To sleep; to go to bed (usually referring to sleeping at night but also can be used to refer to sleeping or napping during the day). idlip, natulog Niong oras ikaw nagkatuyog it gab-i? What time did you go to bed last night? Waya ako nakakatuyog it maado dahil naghapros kag ako ngisi. I wasn’t able to sleep well because of my toothache. Makukatuyog anay ako bag-o magtrabaho. I’ll rest awhile first before working. Nagkukukatuyog kag anak agor indi masugo. The child is pretending to sleep so that he can’t be commanded to do anything. Ingpakatuyog kag anak ni Nanay tong alas otso. Mother put the baby to bed at eight o’clock. syn: higra 1, kapisok, pahuway, pilot, hilay-hilay 1. (sem. domains: 5.7 - Sleep.) 2n Sleep. Kumusta kag imo katuyog it gab-i? How was your sleep last night? (i.e., How did you sleep?) (sem. domains: 5.7 - Sleep.) 3vbt To fall asleep; to be put to sleep by something or to intentionally sleep through something (eg. a lecture, talk) Nakatuyugan ako it gab-i habang nagbabasa. I fell asleep last night while I was reading. Waya ako natuyuogi it gab-i dahil kahapros ka ako bituka. I wasn’t able to slepp last night because my stomach hurt. Nakatuyugan nako kag ida leksyon dahil kasasawa. I slept through his lecture because it was boring. [The intentional form ingkatuyugan is impolite; the unintentional for nakatuyugan is more acceptable.] (sem. domains: 5.7.1 - Go to sleep.) der. katuyugan

kapisok [kapísok] vi To go to sleep; to fall asleep. natulog Karugay magkapisok si Cliff it gab-i. Cliff went to sleep late last night. syn: katuyog 1, higra 1, pahuway, pilot, hilay-hilay 1. (sem. domains: 5.7 - Sleep.)

hilay-hilay [hiláy-hiláy] 1adv Leaning on, back resting; resting. sandal Abang pahilay-hilay nida sa tumba-tumba ni Lily. She had her back rested against the rocking chair of Lily. syn: katuyog 1, higra 1, kapisok, pahuway, pilot. (sem. domains: - Leaning, sloping, 7.1.6 - Lean, - Relaxed posture.) 2vbt To recline on, lean against something or somebody in order to rest. nagpapahinga Naghihilay sida sa bangko. She is reclining on the chair. Aya gipahilay sa ako nak inagaos ikaw. Don’t lean on me because you are hot. Nakapahilay-hilay sida sa ingkuran. She is reclined in the chair. syn: sanrig 1, halintang 2. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down, 7.1.6 - Lean.) 3vi To recline or cause something to recline. Apahilayon nako kag anak sa katri dahil napupunaw sida. I’ll recline the child on the bed because he feels faint. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down, 7.1.6 - Lean.) der. pahilay-hilay

higra [hígrà] 1v To lie down; to sleep or to rest. higa Pagpagan anay kag hapin sa katri bag-o maghigra. Shake the sheets on the bed before lying down. syn: katuyog 1, kapisok, pahuway, pilot, hilay-hilay 1. (sem. domains: 2.4.5 - Rest, 5.7 - Sleep.) 2vi To lie somebody down (to sleep). Ingpahigra nako kag anak sa katri. I laid the baby down on the bed. (sem. domains: 2.4.5 - Rest, 5.7 - Sleep.) der. higraan