Search results for "kasal-anan"

tubos [tubós] vt 1To redeem, obtain the release of something, somebody with a certain payment; to redeem something for somebody (as of obtaining a license, regaining a mortgaged, pawned object, and the release of a captive, hostage or prisoner of war. The payment may be money, property or anything of value). tubos Atubuson nako tong kulintas nak ako ingsangla sa ida. I’ll redeem the necklace that I pawned to her. Atubusan ka nako it lisensya’t biseklita. I’ll get a bicycle license for you. Nabaton namo kag kwartang itutubos it amo duta. We received the money that will be used to redeem our land. Natubos kita ni Hesus sa ato mga kasal-anan. We were redeemed by Jesus from our sins. (sem. domains: - Pay, - Exchange, trade, - Pardon, release.) 2To redeem, obtain the release of a person spiritually with a certain payment (as of a person in spiritual bondage. The payment is through faith in Christ’s blood). (sem. domains: - Christianity, - Salvation.) der. itubos , der. manunubos , der. pagtubos , der. pangtubos

talikor₁ [talikór] 1vbt To turn one’s back towards somewhere; to turn one’s back on something or somebody; to reject. talikod Waya nida ako namalayi dahil sida ay nagtatalikor pag-abot nako. She didn’t notice me because she was turning her back as I arrived. (sem. domains: - Move straight without turning.) 2v To break a contract; to breach a contract. Kabay pang indi nimo gitalikuran ka ato pinirmahang kontrata. I hope you will not break the contract we have signed. (sem. domains: - Break a contract.) 3v To turn one's back on one’s sin; to stop, give up a certain sin or vice (figurative). talikod “Maghinuysoy kamo ag talikuri ka inro mga kasal-anan ag magpabunyag para kamo mapatawar it Dios” Repend and turn your backs on your sin and be baptized so you can be forgiven by God. Ingtalikuran nida kag ida bisyo nak magpanigarilyo it kag nagka sakit sida. He gave up his vice of smoking when he became sick. (sem. domains: 4.9.6 - Heaven, hell.) der. panalikor

tagapagmana [tagapagmána] n Heir. Kitang tanang tawo kag tagapagmana it kasal-anan nina Adan ag Eba. All of us are heirs of the sin of Adam and Eve.

rungan₂ [rungán] v 1To be with, all together; to go together. sabay Nagrungan kami it kaligos sa ragat. We went swimming together at the sea. Nakarungan nina Jesus sa pagkaon ka mga makasal-anan nak tawo. Sinner ate together with Jesus. syn: impon. (sem. domains: 4.1.1 - Friend.) 2To put something togeher. Irungan yangey it gisa tanan nak utan para sa pinakbit. We’ll put all the vegetable together to be sauteed for the pinakbet. (sem. domains: - Logical.) der. karungan

makasal-anan [makasal-ánan] n Sinner. makasalánan

kumbiktar [kumbíktar] 1sta To feel convicted. Nakukumbiktar kita kung nakakasala kita sa Diyos. We feel convicted when we sin against God. (sem. domains: - Repent, - Request forgiveness.) 2vt To convict somebody. kunsensiya Inakunbiktar kita it Santong Espiritu sa ato kasal-anan. We’re being convicted by the spirit of our sins. (sem. domains: 3.1 - Soul, spirit, - Sorry.) der. kunbiktado

kasal-anan [kasal-ánan] (der. of sala) n Sin. kasalánan (sem. domains: - Below standard, - Bad.)

hinuysoy [hinúysoy] vt To repent of one's sins; to regret something. magsisi Abang hinuysoy nida nak waya gitaposa kag pag-eskwela tong bata pa. He really regrets not having finished school when he was still young. Maghinuysoy kamo it inro mga kasal-anan ag magpati sa Maadong Balita nak kali.” Repent of your sins and believe the Good News. (sem. domains: - Repent.)

halar [hálar] 1n Offering, sacrifice (as of money, service, killed animals etc. given to God, evil spirits or the dead ancestors). [This word is used for pagan and Christian offerings.] (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.) 2vbt To offer, make offerings to a supernatural being (as of money, service, killed animals etc. offered to God, evil spirits or the dead ancestors). magsakripísyo, alay Naghahalar kag mga anak it buyak sa Mayo kang virhin Maria. The children offer flowers to the virgin Mary in May. Igwa it mga tawo nak naghahalar it pagkaon sa minatay. There are people who offer food to the dead. Ihalar nato sa Ginoo aber maisot it ato nababaton. We should offer something to the Lord even if it’s just a little of what we have received. Dapat nato ihalar kag ato kabuhi sa Ginoo dahil ida gingtubos kag ato kasal-anan. We should offer our lives to God because he has redeemed us. Pag nagbubuhat ay nahalar ra it pagkaon para sa halag. When they celebrate the harvest they offer food to the souls. Ahalaran nako it bukay nak manok kag pakilibit sa ako anak para sida maulian. I will sacrifice a white chicken for the healing ceremony for my child so he will recover. (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Offering, sacrifice.) 3n Dedicated, consecrated thing (as of an object, person, place set aside for the use or service of a supernatural being e.g. God, evil spirits or dead ancestors). (sem. domains: - Dedicate to religious use.) 4vbt To dedicate, consecrate something to the use, service of a supernatural being (as of an object, person, place set aside for God, evil spirits or dead ancestors). alay Nag-alay sinra’t maramong buyak sa inra santo. The offered many flowers to their saint. (sem. domains: - Dedicate to religious use.) der. halaran , der. ihalar

amin₂ [ámin] vt To confess, admit, own up to one’s guilt. tanggap, amin Ing-aamin nida nak kuyang kag ida naitao nak sinsilyo sa ako. She confesses that the change she gave me wasn’t right. Ida kuno aaminon kag ida mga kasal-anan sa ida nanay. She said that she’ll confess her sins to her mother. (sem. domains: - Admit, - Bad, immoral.)