Search results for "kaso"

umir₁ [úmir] 1vi To be included; to be involved; to share in; to implicate. Naumir sida sa mga nakabaton it regalo. She was included among those who received a gift. 2vt To include something; to include somebody in getting something. Ing-umir nimo ako’t bayon? Did you include me in those who will share the food brougt along? Aumiron ka yangey namo it plite sa barko. We’ll include you when we pay our fare on the ship. Umira anay ako it isra, ha? Include me when you get fish, ha? Iumir nako kaling ida kwarta it pagparaya sa Odiongan para sa tiket. I’ll include her money in what I send to Odiongan for buying the ticket. 3adj kasali Buko sida kaumir sa kaso. He wasn’t included in the case. Buko kaumir ka ako maleta hagto sa pangarga. My suitcase wasn’t included in the cargo. syn: partisipar, yakot 1, iba 2, yamor 2, yakay 2, halo 1, halo 2.

trangkaso [trangkáso] 1n Flu; influenza. 2vi To be sick with the flu. trangkáso Inom it buyong, sabaling ikaw ay atrangkasuhon. You take medicine, you might get sick with the flu.

tikasog [tikásog] vbt To be concerned for somebody. Ginpantikasugan nida kag raya ni Elvie baling hakwaton it mga hornal. He showed concern for Elvie’s things which the stevedors might carry without their knowledge.

sampa [sámpa] 11.1v To file a legal case. sampa Kung kamo ay indi magkaaregluhan dili sa ako ay isampa kaling inro kaso sa Station Commander. If you don’t settle this matter here before me I will file your case with the Station Commander. 22.1v To put something on top of something.

rukot₁ [rukót] v To catch, get a sickness, disease. dapo Gingruktan sida it sakit nak trangkaso. She caught the sickness called flu.

paaryendo [pa-aryéndo] (der. of aryendo) vt To lease out land to somebody for cultivation (as of when one can't manage the work oneself). magpaarénda Apaarenduhon anay nako kay Teody kaling lanas nak indi ra nako maasikaso. I’ll lease my land for cultivation purposes to Teody because I can’t attend to it. (sem. domains: 6.8.5 - Borrow, 6.2 - Agriculture.)

maniubra [maniúbra] v To twist the truth. maniubra Kaayo magmaniubra kag mga abogado it kaso nak sala. The lawyers can easily twist crooked cases around (so that they seem good).

mag-raya it pamayay [mag-rayá it pamayáy] saying - Convert to subentry To run household; to take responsibility for a household. magdala nang pamilya, mag-asikaso sa pamamahay Maasawaey si Arce dahil maayamey ra sida magraya it pamayay. Arce will get married soon because she already knows how to take responsibility for a household.

mabug-at kag uyo [mabúg-at kag úyo] (comp. of bug-at, uyo) adj Dizzy; slight headache. mabigat ang ulo Indi anay ako magnunot sa inro dahil mabug-at kag ako uyo nak ako ay ingtrangkaso. I’ll not go along with you because I’m still dizzy because of the flu. (sem. domains: - Pain, - Dazed, confused.)

maadong pagpahadag/pagpamatuor [maádong pagpahádag/pagpamatúor] adj Good expressions; enlightening, clear speech. magandang paliwanag, mabuting salita Nagraog sina Alex sa kaso dahil sa maadong pagpahadag it inra abugado. Alex won in their case beacause of the good words spoken by the lawyer.

korte [kórte] (sp. var. corte) n 1Court of justice. kórte Kag inra kaso ay gingraya sa kurte. Their case was taken to court. (sem. domains: 4.7.4 - Court of law.) 2Court used for games, sport (as of basketball, tennis). Mayapar kag kurte para sa tenis hina sa plasa. The court there in the town square is wide enough for tennis. (sem. domains: - Sports.)

kasusyo [kasúsyo] adj Business partner. kasosyo Si Tang Pruden ag si Elmer ay magkasusyo sa negosyo. Uncle Pruden and Elmer are business partners. (sem. domains: 6.9.1 - Management, 6.9 - Business organization.)

kaso-kaso [kaso-káso] v To punch, wind somebody in stomach. suntok Naospital sida dahil nakaso-kaso tong mayango. He was punched in the stomach when he got drunk. (sem. domains: - Actions of the hand, 2.5.3 - Injure.)

kasonson [kasónson] adj One-after-the-other; too often, close together. sunod-sunod Kasonson mag-anak si Linda. Linda gives birth one after the other. (sem. domains: - Order, sequence, 2.6.3 - Birth.)

kasoy n Nut species; cashew nut. kachui [The kidney-shaped nut, the kernel of which has an excellent flavor when roasted. The fleshy part of the fruit is of fair quality. The young leaves are eaten as a leafy vegetable. they are only fair sources of calcium and iron. The oil of the pericarp is used as a powerful escharotic. A decoction of the bark is given for severe diarrhoea; it acts by clearing the bowels. The old leaves are used as a paste applied to skin affections and burns, while the astringent bark makes a mouth wash for thrush. The roasted kernels are often used to make a very savory nut candy, and for the adulteration of chocolate.] Anacardium Occidentale (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

kaso [káso] 1n Legal case against somebody; legal suit. kaso Kag kaso ninra ay gingraya sa kurti dahil nak waya naayos sa baryo Kapitan yang. Their case was taken to court because the town captain alone was not able to handle it. (sem. domains: 9.5 - Case.) 2vi To file a suit against somebody. sakdál Ida ingkasuhan si Pedro dahil nagpanakaw it lugit ninra. He filed a suit against Peter because he stole their copra. (sem. domains: 4.7.4 - Court of law, 9.5 - Case.)

kasakit₂ [kasakít] (der. of sakit) v To get sick; to become sick, ill, diseased. Nagkasakit ako it trangkaso tong magpagto sa Maynila. I got sick with flu when I went to Manila. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick, 2.5.2 - Disease.)

istimar [istimár] v To show hospitality to somebody. asikaso Ging-istimar nako it maado kag ako mga bisita tong pagpagto sa amo bayay. I show real hospitality to my visitors when they come to our house. (sem. domains: - Show hospitality.)

hudot [hudót] vbt 1To hold something in the hand; to hold onto something; to touch something. humáwak, hawak Naghudot ako sa ida baro. I held onto her dress. Huyti anay kaling ako raya. Please hold my things. Ag ida inghuytan kag baro ni Jesus. And she touched Jesus’s clothes. (sem. domains: 7.3.4 - Handle something.) 2To control; to handle a legal case; to be in charge of something, such as money; to hold somebody responsible for something; to pay somebody’s maintenance, support somebody (one’s mistress). Apahuytan nako sa ida ka amo kwarta. I’ll hold her responsible for our money. Sio kag naghuhudot it imo kaso? Who is handling your case? (sem. domains: 7.3.4 - Handle something.)

asikaso [asikáso] (dial. var. bayu-bo) v To attend to needs, responsibilities, matters that need attention (as of family, work, business etc.). (sem. domains: 9.1.2 - Do.)

amuma [amúma] dial. var. of estimar

abswelto [abswélto] v To acquit . abswelto Si Imelda ay naabswelto sa ida mga kaso nak pagpanakaw. Imelda was acquitted on her case of racketeering. (sem. domains: - Vindicate.)

apila₂ [apilá/apilár] 1n Appeal (as of a legal presentation to a court). (sem. domains: 4.7.5 - Trial.) 2v To make a legal appeal to, in a court. Tong mapirde tong inra kaso ay nag-apelar pang gador sinra. When their casewas lost they still appealed to a higher court. (sem. domains: 4.7.5 - Trial.)

areglo [aréglo] vt 1To mediate, negotiate a solution to a problem between people (as of a feud, business or legal problem. It may be resolved by payment of expenses, losses incurred by the agrieved party). Ging-ariglo it abugado tong ida kaso agor maliwas sida sa asunto. The lawyer settled her case for her so she would be freed of the case. Kung kamo ay indi magkaaregluhan dili sa ako ay isampa kaling inro kaso sa station Commander. If you don’t settle this matter here before me I will take your case up before the Station Commander. syn: tagapamagitan, yari. (sem. domains: 4.7.9 - Justice, 4.7.6 - Judge, render a verdict.) 2To settle a debt, legal case out of court (as by payment of expenses, losses incurred by the agrieved party). (sem. domains: - Repay debt.) comp. aregloy , der. kaareglo , der. manog-ariglo

abibar [abibár] 1n An invitation. (sem. domains: - Invite.) 2vt To invite somebody. imbita Ging-abibar ni Misuari si Cory nak magbisaya sinra tungor sa problema it mga Muslim sa Mindanao. Misuari invited Cory to have a peace talk about the Muslim problem in Mindanao. (sem. domains: - Invite.) 3v To treat hospitably. asikaso Kung inggwa it bisita sa inra ay inaabibar gador nida. When there are visitors in their house she treats them hospitably. (sem. domains: - Show hospitality.)