Search results for "katang"

tanga₁ [tangâ] v To look up above, at something. tingala Nakatanga ako, tama rang nahuyog kag nidog. I happened to look up just as the coconut fell down. Ingtatanga nako katong nagpapaypay sa ako sa kuyungan. I am looking up at the one waving at me from the roof.

pagpaubos [pagpa-ubós] (der. of paubos, ubos) 1ger Going downwards, downstairs, downhill. (sem. domains: - Move down.) 2ger Going downstairs. (sem. domains: - Move down, - Floor, story.) 3n Humility. pagpakumbaba Kag pagpaubos ay usa sa mga maadong katangian ni Presidente Cory. Humility is one of the good characteristics of President Cory. syn: pagpakamababa. (sem. domains: - Humble.) der. mapinaubuson

katangian [katangían] n Characteristic ways, traits, behaviour of somebody; good traits. katangian Kag ako hanap nak katangian it usang kayaki ay kayaki nak ingwa it kahadlok sa Diyos. The characteristic I looked for in a man was a man who had a fear of God. Karamo it katangian kag ida naging asawa kada abang palangga nida. His wife has many good traits that’s why he loves her very much. (sem. domains: - Become, change state, 4.3 - Behavior.)

katang [katáng] n Small freshwater crabs (about 6cm in diameter). talangka Abang ramong katang kag inra narakop sa sapa. They caught many small crabs in the river. (sem. domains: - Small animals.)

alas dose [álas dóse] (id. of alas, dose) time 1Twelve o'clock; noon; mid-day. katanghalíang tapát (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) 2Lunchtime, siesta time (as of anywhere from 11am-1pm when people eat and rest, and some offices close). (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

alimasag [alimásag] n Crab species which is an edible crab about 5cms across, in black and green coloring. katáng syn: alimango. (sem. domains: - Small animals.)