Search results for "kataw"

yawas [yáwas] n 1Body (as of the general term for the whole body animals and people). katawán (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.) 2Trunk, stem, body of large plants and trees. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) comp. mga parti it yawas , comp. mga yawas , der. pangyawasnon

woki-toki [woki-tóki] n Two-way radio. woki-toki Madali makatawag kag mga sundalo sa woki-toki. The soldiers can easily call eachother by means of a two-way radio.

wagit kag respito sa imo pagkatawo [wágit kag respíto sa ímo pagkatáwo] idiom - Convert to subentry Lost respect for yourself. nawala ang respito sa iyong pagkatao Nawawagit kag respito sa imo pagkatawo kung maghuman ka it kalokohan. The respect for yourself is lost if you perform some deceptions.

sirena₂ [siréna] n Mermaid. sirena Sina Uncle Pisyo ay ingga it nasayap nak sirena sa inra pag pamante sa yawor. Uncle Pisyo and his friends caught a mermaid in their fishing net in the deep sea. syn: kataw. (sem. domains: 4.9.9 - Irreligion.)

sertipikat [sertípikat] n Certificate (as for health, graduation, birth, marriage, death, baptism). sertipiko Kailangan nako kag sertipikat ni Nene sa ida pagkatawo para sa ida pag-pagto sa Amerika. I need a Birth certificate for Girlie for her to go to America.

paubos [pa-ubós] (der. of ubos) 1dir Down, downwards. (sem. domains: - Down.) 2vbt To go downstairs. (sem. domains: - Move down.) 3vbt To humble oneself; to put somebody else down. pakumbaba Mapaubos ka sa imo isigkatawo agor itataas ikaw it Dios. Be humble before your fellowmen so that God will exalt you. Nagpaubos yang ako pagbisaya nida sa ako kada ngasing sida’t nahuhuda sa ako. I put myself down when she scolded me so now, she’s ashambed to me. Ingpaubos ako it ako kaibahan sa trabaho dahil indi nida gustong mayapawan. I was put down by my companion at work because she didn’t want to be surpassed. (sem. domains: - Humble.) 4vbt To put somebody down (as of saying bad things or making them look incapable, insignificant or bad). (sem. domains: - Proud, 3.2.1 - Mind.) der. mapainubuson , der. pagpaubos

paniluko [panilukó] v To mock somebody; to play mocking games; to treat in a mocking way; to play practical jokes on somebody. magpula Aya gipaniluko sa isigkatawo agor indi ka gilabanan. Don’t mock your neighbor so that they won’t get angry with you.

pakatawo [pakatáwo] (der. of tawo) v To act like a human being; to be a good, decent person. comp. maayam magpakatawo

pagpakamababa [pagpakamabábà] n Humility. pagpapakamababa Imo mapapansin kag pagpakamababa sa ida pagkatawo. You will notice the humility that is in her personality. syn: pagpaubos 3.

pagkatawo ni Cristo [pagkatáwo ni Crísto] n Nature of Christ; humanity of Christ. pagkatao ni Cristo Kag pagkatawo ni Cristo ay mapinalanggaon ag mabuot. The nature of Christ is loving and kind.

pagkatawo [pagkatáwo] n 1Personality; human nature; being; selfhood. pagkatao Sida it usang kandidato nak maado it pagkatawo kada sida kag ato butuhan. He is one candidate with a good personality so we should vote for him. (sem. domains: 3.1.1 - Personality.) 2To become a person, human being (as of Christ coming to earth as a person). (sem. domains: - Christianity, 2 - Person.) comp. duminahan kag pagkatawo

ober-ober [ober-óber] n Side-band radio. Nakatawag si Neysa sa ida Mama parayan sa ober-ober. Neysa was able to contact her mother by means of s side-band radio.

makatawo [makatáwo] adj A person who is compassionate towards his fellowman. makatao Makatawo tong doktor dahil nasugot sida magbuyong aber libre. That doctor is compassionate because he agrees to treat people for free.

maayam magpakatawo [ma-áyam magpakatáwo] (comp. of maayam, pakatawo) v Knows how to get on with people; knows how to relate to people (as of how to get on well socially). [lit: know-how to-be-human] marunong makisama Kag gustong asawa ni Loy ay maayam magpakatawo. Loy wanted to marry a woman who knows how to relate to people.

lahi it katawuhan [láhì it katawúhan] n Human race. láhì ng sangkataúhan

katawuhan [katawúhan] (der. of tawo) n People; peoples (as of many, all people). katauhan, mamamayan (sem. domains: 2 - Person.)

katawo [katáwo] n A person’s height. (sem. domains: - Move up, - Tall, 2 - Person.)

katawin [katáwin] adv Long and high trajectory of an object. Katawin kag ida pagbunggo kada naabot tong bunga. His throw was long and high so it reach to that fruit tree. (sem. domains: 8.2.2 - Long, - High, 7.1.9 - Move a part of the body.)

katawhayan [katawháyan] n Relaxed, eased, relieved, peaceful (as of mind, body, work). katahimikan Si Nang Nena ay nagkainggwa it katawhayan tong namatay kag ida asawa. Nang Nena had a relaxed mind when her husband died. (sem. domains: 4.8.4 - Peace, - Relaxed.)

kataw [katáw] n Mermaid. sirena Siling it mga tawo sinra kono ay nakakakita it kataw pag sinra ay nagpapangisra sa yawor. They say people said that they saw a mermaid when they were fishing in the deep sea. syn: sirena. (sem. domains: 4.9.4 - Miracle, supernatural power.)

kabuuhan [kabu-uhán] n Characteristic ways of doing things (as of a person’s traits and ways of acting). kabuuan Kag kabuuhan it pagkatawo nida ay halin sa ida tatay. The characteristic ways of her personality are from her father. (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth, 4.3 - Behavior.)

isip-isip [isip-ísip] v To realise something is wrong. Naisip-isip ni Magda nak sala kag ida mga inghuhuman sa ida isigkatawo. Magda realised something was wrong in her treatment of her fellowman. (sem. domains: - Misunderstand, - Realize.)

isigkatawo [isígkatáwo] n Fellowman. kapwa-tao Magkabayaka kita sa pagbulig sa ato mga isigkatawo. Let’s be concerned in helping our fellowmen. (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, 4.1 - Relationships, 2 - Person.)

ingtaas kag pagkatawo [ingtá-as kag pagkatáwo] v To raise one’s standard of life. itinaas ang pagkatao Si Menciong ay ingtaas kag pagkatawo it inra pamilya tong sida ay maging konsol. Menciong raised the standard of life of their family when he became a consul. (sem. domains: 4.3.1 - Good, moral, - Reputation.)

ingsira kag pagkatawo [ingsírà kag pagkatáwo] adj Ruined name, character, person, self image (as by rape). sinira ang pagkatao Kaluluoy ra si Nena nak ingsira kag pagkatawo it ida tiyo. Nena is to be pitied because her stepfather ruined her character when he raped her. (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.)
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