Search results for "kay sa"

yawhaw [yáwhaw] 1adj High place where one feels like falling. 2vi To feel like one will fall from a height; to have one’s stomach in one’s mouth. lula Ingyawhawan ako pagsakay sa eroplano. I felt like falling from a height when I rode on the airplane. 3adj Scarey, frightening as of Jeepney going too fast in steep hills. (sem. domains: - Afraid.)

yansa [yánsa] 1.1adj Foul smell of fish; bad, wild smell, taste of food (as of birds). malansa Abang yansa katong amo suya nak nabakay sa restauran. The viand we bought in the restaurant tasted really bad.

usa₂ [usá] 1nmrl The number one. (sem. domains: - One.) 1.1nmrl One (especially of quantity). isa Imbakay nako kag usang bilog yang. I bought only one of them. Tig-dos kag usa. One is two pesos each. [The Bantoanon system of numbers (1-10) is used alongside the Spanish system. The Bantoanon system indicates quantity while the Spanish system indicates price or time.] 1.2adj Once; one time. (sem. domains: - Number of times.) 2nmrl 3v alone 3.1v To do something alone, on one's own. Nag-usa sida sa pagsakay sa tren. She rode the train alone. (sem. domains: - Few, little.) 3.2adj To be alone, on one's own when doing something. Nagpanaw sida’t mag-usa. She walked alone. (sem. domains: - Few, little.) 4v 55.1vt To do something one-by-one; one at a time. Usa-usahon it muyat kag mga pasyente. The patients will be seen one at a time. (sem. domains: - One.) 66.1nmrl Fellowship; unity. (sem. domains: 4.1.5 - Unity.) 6.2vi To unite, to become be bound as one , as of being married, having one's heart, become one (sem. domains: - Husband, wife.) comp. aber pilang asawa ay pweding makita pero kag nanay ay ausa yang , comp. bawat usa , comp. ingpakig-usa ka inra mga puso , comp. kag usang siki ay sa yubnganan , der. ausa , der. magka-usa , der. pahig-usa , der. pakausa , der. usa’g-usa , id. sa usa ag usa , id. sa usag usa

udog-udog [udog-udóg] v To move back and forth like an earthquake (as with jerking side to side movements rather than rolling wave-like movements). Namadlaey sida magsakay sa barko kung makusog dahil pay kali ay ing-uudog-udog. She has learnt not to ride on the boat when it’s rough because it rocks back and forth like an earthquake.

tsanggi [tsanggî] n Stalls temporarily set up to sell goods (as in a market). tsanggi Kag ida bag-ong baro ay hagto nabakay sa tsanggi sa Quezon City. Her new dress was bought at the market stalls temporarily set up in Quezon City.

tinguha [tinguhâ] vt To achieve something; to set a goal; to strive, endeavour to gain something; to woo a girl. nagsikap, nagtiyaga Atinguhaon nakong makabakay sa suyor it limang tuig it bag-ong kotse. I’ll set a goal that within five years I’ll be able to buy a new car. It kato si Nanay Leoning, usa sa ako mga tiya ay rayaga pang gingtinguha pa kag ida matam-is nak oho ni Tatang Onti nak taga-Mar-as. Back then Aunty Leoning, one of my aunts was still single and Uncle Onti from Mar-as, was still striving to win her sweet “yes”. syn: sikap.

tagam [tagám] 11.1vt To taste something. tikim Atagman nako kag imo yuto, ha? I’ll taste what you cooked, okay? Nakatagamey baga ikaw it tapoy? Have you tasted black sticky rice yet? 22.1vt To experience something. Ya pa nako natagmi magsakay sa eroplano. I haven’t yet experienced riding in an airplane. Patagma sida it lapo agor indi sida magliwat. Give him a taste of the whip so he won’t repeat what he did.

salisi [salisí] (dial. var. hinalisi) vi To miss meeting each other on the way (by going opposite directions or ways); to cross on the way. salisi Nagkasalisihan sinra pagsakay sa dyip kada waya sinra gikinitaan. They missed meeting each other when riding on different jeeps, so they didn’t see each other. Nagsalisi kag ako suyat sa ida. My letter crossed hers on the way. syn: hinalisi. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.)

salakay₂ [salákay] v To go out into battle; to go out to fight, war. Kag mga Pilistinhon ay nagsalakay sa mga Israelita. The Philistines went out into battle against the Israelites.

roro [róro] n Vehicle ferry which is flat on both ends where the doors drop-down allowing vehicles to drive on and off either end. roro Si Jose ay nagsakay sa roro pa Batangas. Jose boarded the ferry with a dropped back going to Batangas. [They also carry some cargo and passengers.] (sem. domains: - Boat.)

rindi [ríndi] vi To strain oneself; to strain a muscle, limb; to be under strain, hardpressed (as when short of money, getting too tired). rindi Indi anay ako magbakay sa groserya dahil narindi ako’t ako ingpangbakay tong usang domingo. I will not buy goods from the grocery store now because I am hardpressed for money due to the prices of the commodities I bought last week.

rila [rílà] 1n Tongue. 2vbt To lick something; to taste something with the tongue. dílà Ingrilaan ni Nida kag liwag nak ing ukay sa kaldereta. Nida licked the ladle which had been put in the ‘kalderetta’ dish. comp. hardin it sariling rila

resita [resíta] 1n Prescription of medicine prescribed by a doctor. resita Kag resita it doktor sa ako ay ako gingbakay sa botika. I bought what the doctor prescribed at the drug store. 2v To prescribe medicine especially by a doctor. Gingresitahan ako it doktor para sa ako sagnat ag ubo. The doctor gave me a prescription for my fever and cough.

ramyog [rámyog] n Small sailing boat. bangkang di layag Si Doway ay nagsakay sa ramyog pa Mindoro. Doway boarded a small sailing boat to go to Mindoro.

ragli₁ [ráglì] 1adv Fast; quickly. Ragli kag ako pagkaon dahil mahaliney kag dyip. I ate quickly because the jeepney’s about to leave. 2vi To do something quickly; to take a short time. Nagragli sida sa tinrahan. She went to the store in a short time. 3vt To get or do something quickly. dagli-an Ingragli nida kag amo mga ingpamakay sa merkado. She got the things we bought from the market in a short time. syn: rali, tulin 1, raan.

plano₂ [pláno] 1n Plan. (sem. domains: 3.3.1 - Decide, plan.) 2v To plan, design. plano Kauno ka giplano magpamakay sa Odiongan? When did you plan to buy things in Odiongan? (sem. domains: 6.5 - Working with buildings.)

pangipi [pangípì] v To fold, tuck one’s skirt between one’s legs especially a woman. kipi Mapangipi kag usang kabadi kung nagsasakay sa dyip. The girl folded her shirt between her legs when boarding the jeep.

pangidapot [pangidápot] adj Clinging to somebody usually by the arm (not of husband and wife). mahigpit na hawak Abang pangidapot it tong anak sa ida nanay pagsakay sa dyip. The child really clung to his mother when riding on the jeep.

paduda [padúdà] adj Being carried above, on top of something (as of a puppy on one’s arm, or being on a boat which is like being carried above the water). Aba tong anak ay paduda nak nagsasakay sa kariton. Oh that child is carried around riding on the cart. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.)

marisgo₂ [marísgo] adj Risky. dilecado Marisgo magsakay sa baroto pa-Talisay pag maragko kag bayor. It’s risky to ride in a boat to Talisay when the waves are big.

liyo [líyo] 1adj Dizzy. 2vi To feel dizzy. hilo Siguradong aliyuhan gador ako pag magsakay sa dyip. I am sure I will feel dizzy if I’ll ride on a jeepney.

kuyba₁ [kúyba] vi 1To palpitate (heart) rapidly Nagkukuyba kag ako rughan pag ingwa’t nag-aaway. My heart palpitates rapidly whenever there’s a fight. 2To experience a rapid heart palpitation. kabahan Inakuybaan ako pag nagsasakay sa eroplano. I experience rapid palpitations when riding in an airplane.

kuralon [kuralón] n Thick nylon rope (1/4-3/8 inch diameter). kuralon Abang mahay tong kuralon nak ida gingbakay sa merkado tahapon. The thick rope she bought from the market yesterday was very expensive.

kumbuya [kumbúya] n Caravan of camels. Kag mga Arabyanong negosyante ay naghahalin it lugar parayan sa pagbakay sa kumbuya it kamelyo. The Arab businessmen transfer from place to place by riding in a caravan of camels. (sem. domains: - Move to a new house, 7.2 - Move.)

kisa₁ [kísa] irreg. infl. of kay sa ___
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