Search results for "kuripot"

pigkot [pígkot] adj Too tight, thrifty with money; begrudge spending money in certain ways. kuripot Abang pigkot magpakaon tong ida madrasta kada sinra ay puro maniswak. Her stepmother is too tight with money for buying food so they are all very thin.

kuripot [kurípot] (irreg. infl. kurispot) adj Stingy; mean with money. kuripot Abang kuripot ra nak mga tawo kina. That person is really stingy too.

buksidor [buksidór] adj Tight fisted with money; mean; stingy. kuripot Karali mag-uswag kag inra pangabuhi dahil kag ida asawa ay buksidor. Their married life prospered easily because his wife is tight fisted with money. (sem. domains: - Stingy.)