Search results for "lagwa"

malagwada [malagwáda] (der. of lagwada) v To go anywhere, depart (archaic) (sem. domains: - Move out.)

lagwada [lágwada] v To stroll around. (sem. domains: - Walk.) der. malagwada

lagway₁ [lagwáy] n Gabi shoots (as of the root crop called:igabi:r). Dapat kag inro yang apilion nak abakyon ay katong mga lagway yang. You should just choose to buy the shoots of the gabi only.

lagwa [lagwá] v Leave straight away; so he left sraight away, as of someone who sees a crowd and doesn't want to stay. (sem. domains: - Escape, - Move out.)

kusmo [kúsmò] (irreg. infl. lagway) n Gabi shoots (as of the root crop called gabi). usbod Mas gusto nako kag mga kusmo it gabi kisa mga guyang dahil kalasa kag kusmo. I like the shoots of the ‘gabi’ root plant better than the older ones because the shoots taste better.

lagway₂ [lagwáy] irreg. infl. of kusmo