Search results for "lanásan"

yamaw₂ [yámaw] 1vi To flood; to be covered with water. nabahaan Kag amo bayay ay nayamawan it tubi dahil sa uyan. Our house was surrounded by floodwaters because of the rain. Nayamawan kag lanasan. The ricefield was covered with water. 2vt To flood somewhere; to let water in to somewhere; to irrigate. Ingpayamaw ni Tang Bunong kag tubi sa lanas para magduta kag raga. Tang Bunong let the water spill in the ricefield so the soil will loosen. syn: lanip.

uyob [uyób] (dial. var. ayumog) 11.1sta To be completely covered, reached by something such as news spreading through a town, weeds in a field, penetrating smell. Nauyobey kag buong banwa it balita. The news has spread completely through the whole town. Nauyobey kag buong banwa it butang it koryente. The installation of electricity has covered the entire town. 1.2vbt To completely cover, spread something with something; to do something in entirety. Ing-uyuban nida it butang it Azolla kag ida lanasan. He covered his rice fields completely with Azolla. 1.3adj Completely covered with something. Uyob it buyak kag inra palibot. Their surroundings are completely covered with flowers. 22.1vbt To finish something; to complete something. Ing-uyob ninra it trabaho kag pantalan bag-o tig-uuyan. They finished the work on the pier before the rainy season.

tugpa₂ [túgpa] 1n Cooperative work. Kag tugpa sa Pagsangahan ay insulip. The cooperative work is tomorrow at Pagsangahan. 2vt To do a job cooperatively. bayanihan Nagtugpa sinra it patanom. They planted rice cooperatively. Ingtugpa ninra kag patrabaho sa lanasan. They did the work in the field cooperatively.

puyos [puyós] 11.1n Usefulness; value; benefit; importance. halaga, pakinabang Waya’t puyos kag amo pagpahuman it kulungan nak natakaw ra gihapon kag manok. Our making of the chicken coop has no value because the chickens were stolen. 1.2vt To make use of something; to benefit from something. Wayaey napusli kag ida sira nak mangga. Her rotten mango has no use anymore. Nagpuyos it rako sa mga ani kag nagsubling kabulig it inra lanasan. The succeeding helper in their field benefited much from the harvest. Makakapuyos ako it ida hinanapan pag pauli nida. I will benefit from her earning when she returns. Indi mapuslan kag imo hinanapan kung imo yang isugay. Your earning will have no value if you just spend it for gambling. Ako ingpuslan kag nasirang baro dahil ako inghuman nak mga punra. I made use of the torn clothes because I made them into pillow cases. 22.1vi To take a chance; to take opportunity. Apuslan yangey nako kag imo pagpali, paki laba yangey kalio. I’ll take the opportunity of your coming here will you please wash this. 2.2n Usefulness; opportunity. pakinabangan comp. di puyos kag utok , der. panghimuyos

permi [pérmi] 1part Always; continuously. Kag anak ay perming nagraraya it buyak sa ida maestra. The child always brings flowers to her teacher. syn: karamuang beses. 2vbt To always be, live somewhere. Nagpepermi sida sa amo. He is always at our place. 3vbt To maintain a condition, state of something or an event. palagi Pagnapatubo it payay, ingpepermi ka rayom it tubi sa lanasan sa 3-5 cm. When growing rice, the depth of the water in the field is maintained at 3-5 cm. comp. buko permi-permi

lanásan [lanásan] n Fields of rice growing paddy fields. (sem. domains: 6.2.9 - Farmland.)

kiwkiw [kíwkiw] n A grass with sharp scalloped edges used for making woven bags and roofs. kugon Ingtubuan it kiwkiw kag lanasan dahil wayaey naintindi. The ricefield was grown with kiwkiw because it was neglected. [A grass with scalloped edges which grows in uncultivated rice fields and which is used in making woven bags and roofs.] (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

ibok [íbok] vt To root in the ground with the snout (of a pig). sud-sud Tong ing-ibok it baktin kag lanasan, pati mga tanom nak payay ay nasira. When the pig rooted in the ricefields, the rice plants were also destroyed. (sem. domains: 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)

gabot [gábot] vt 1To pull something out or up from where it is attached. bunot Agabuton ka imo ngisi insulip it dentista. The dentist will pull out you tooth tomorrow. Naggagabot it punla kag mga tawo sa lanasan. The people in the field are pulling out the rice seedlings. syn: bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Tooth.) 2To pull something up, out; (as of pulling out grey hairs, pulling out a drawer or chair). bunot Pagkapilhig nida, umingkor sida roto sa bagoy nak nakita nida ag ida ingpangbunot katong mga tunok. When he climbed down he sat on the old coconut shell which he found and he pulled out the prickles. Bunuta kag butong-butong ag magbaoy ka it mga punra. You pull out the drawer and get some pillowcases. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Pull.) 3To draw, pick-up a card from a pack of cards; to pick out one item from many (as in a game of cards, contest, or gift exchange). Kag ako nabunot nak regalo ay abang gandang relo. The gift I picked out was a really nice watch. (sem. domains: - Card game.)

tinrog [tínrog] 11.1vbt To stand up; to stand up on something. tumayî Nagtitinrogey kag anak. The child is already standing up. 22.1vt To stand, put something upright; to build, construct a house. Gingtinrog ninra ka “scarecrow” sa tunga it lanasan dahil ingkakaon kag mga punla it mga mada. They stood a scarecrow up in the middle of the rice field because the seedlings were being eaten by the rice birds. syn: tugrok.