Search results for "liki"

talikir [talíkir] v To lie on one’s side (haplology; talikir is correct). syn: takilir. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.)

taliki [talikî] (dial. var. tagiptip) 1n A black mold which grows on moist cloth or paper. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing, 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.) 2adj Having black mold which grows on moist cloth or paper. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing, 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.) 3v To have black mold grow on cloth or paper that remains wet for too long. taliki Ingtatalikiey kinang imo panyo ay waya pa nimo nawawaswasi. Your handkerchief got black mould so why don’t you rinse it. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing, 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.)

takilir [takílir] v To lie on one’s side. tumagílid Nagtatakilir kag anak sa kona. The baby is lying on his side in the crib. syn: talikir. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.) der. patakilir

sinda [síndà] v To be subject, vulnerable to the attack of evil spirits (as of when one is admiring a place and points at things and gets sick, or has accidents etc. Such an attack is said to be because the evil spirit "takes a liking" to the person and causes them harm). [While growing up, children are taught not to point at things, especially in the countryside where it is assumed there are evil spirits i.e. dwarf spirits, who will cause sickness if offended. Children are taught not to point or the end of their fingers will be cut off.] (sem. domains: - Demon possession, 4.9.4 - Miracle, supernatural power.)

sauli [saulî] 1n Looking back action. syn: lingig 2. 2vbt To look behind. balikid, lingon Imo sida asaulion pagligar it inra bayay. You look behind at him after you walk passed their house. syn: lingig 1.

pay inggway it mansanas sa ida kilikili [pay inggwáy it mansánas sa ida kilikíli] id It's like he has apples under his armpits, as of a proud person strutting with arms akimbo (lit. like, has-already apples in his armpits). (sem. domains: - Boast.)

panghilikita [panghilikítà] 1n Eyesight. Maado ka ida panghilikita. Her eyesight is good. 2v To look around and see, observe, examine. pananaw Nagpapanghilikita sida sa mga tinrahan. He looked around at all the things in the shops. syn: lingat. (sem. domains: - Look.)

pangbinbin [pangbínbin] n Tweesers to pluck hair. binbin Waya sida nakakabunot it buhok sa kilikili dahil nawagit kag ida pangbinbin. She hasn’t pulled out her hair in the armpit because her tweesers were lost. (sem. domains: 5.4.3 - Care for hair.)

palaato [pala-áto] (der. of ato) adj Prone to provoking a reaction, fights one can win against somebody younger or weaker; prone to paying unnecessary attention, taking childish actions seriously enough to react (as of an older child liking to react, bully, intimidate or show their superiority over a younger sibling). (sem. domains: 4.8 - Conflict.)

pagusto [pagústo] n Whenever one likes; at one’s own whim, liking (as of indulging oneself or one’s children). kung gusto Pagusto it tong inra bisita nak magkaligos ay napagto sa ragat ag magrangoy. Whenever their visitors like to swim they just go to the beach and swim.

pabuyag [pabuyág] (der. of buyag) v To make a couple separate, divorce (as of parents making a couple separate because of not liking the spouse etc.). (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations, 4.1.6 - Disunity, - Divorce.)

nabilin kag buot [nabilín kag buót] (comp. of bilin, buot) id Stole my heart; left my heart there (as of really liking something SOMEBODY??). [lit: left-behind inner-being] naiwan ang loob Nabilin kag buot nako ruto sa abang gandang kulintas nak ako nakita pero indi nako kaya nak bakyon. I left my heart there with that beautiful necklace which I saw but which I could not afford to buy. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.)

mu-ot [mu-ót] vbt To like something; to be pleased with something; to love somebody. gusto, ibig Namuot ako roto sa ida bag-ong tabas it baro. I liked the new cut of her dress. Nagkamut-anan sinra aber sa unang pagkita pa. They liked each other even at the frist meeting yet. Tong nag-iistar sida sa Manila, nagkamuot sida sa mga pagkaong mayamig. When she was living in Manila she developed a liking for cold foods. Waya nako namut-i kag ida pakitang tawo nak pakikipag-amigo sa ako. I didn’t like her superficial show of friendship to me. syn: mahilig, gusto 3, hilig 1, gusto 1, yain 3, udon 1.1. (sem. domains: - Pleased with, 4.1.8 - Show affection.) der. namumu-ot , der. pahamu-ot

lingat [lingát] vi To turn one’s head in order to look; to be distracted. Nalingat ako kada natakaw ka ako raya. I looked away therefore my things were stolen. Kung malilingat ikaw indi nimo maayaman ka imo apagtuan. If you are looking around you will not find your way to where you are going. syn: panghilikita 2.

likisan [likisán] n Cylindical core onto which the woven abaca cloth is wound. (sem. domains: - Weaving cloth.)

likir [líkir] (irreg. infl. liker) vt To roll something up. babalutan Alikiran ka nako it tabako. I will roll up some tobacco leaves for you.

likido [likidó] n Liquid. líkidó

liki [líki] n A dance step. sayaw

kilikig [kilíkig] v To shudder, as of one's body. (sem. domains: - Afraid, - Nervous.)

ilok [ílok] n Armpit. kilikíli (sem. domains: - Arm.)

habay [hábay] n A boil; a tropical ulcer. hábay Abang rako kag habay ni Neysa sa kilikili. Neysa got a big boil in her armpit. syn: hubag 1. (sem. domains: - Skin disease, 8.3.4 - Hot, 2.5.3 - Injure.)

gusto [gústo] 1v To want; to like; to desire. ibig, hangad, hilig Gusto nakong apatubuan kag rayaag it buyak agor maganda. I want to grow flowers in the yard in order to make it beautiful. Nio kag imo gustong inuman? What would you like to drink? syn: mahilig, mu-ot, gusto 3, hilig 1, yain 3, udon 1.1. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.) 2vi To have a liking for something, somebody. Nagkakagusto sida sa mga rayagang mahaba it buhok. He has a liking for women that have long hair. (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, 3.3 - Want, - Like, love.) 3vi To like something or somebody; to find something pleasing (eg. to one’s taste). Nagugustohan nako kag tapoy. I like the black rice. Waya nako nagustuhi kag ida batasan. I didn’t like her character. syn: mahilig, mu-ot, hilig 1, gusto 1, yain 3, udon 1.1. (sem. domains: - Happy for, - Like, love.) 4vi To allow somebody else to decide what they want; to leave a decision up to somebody else. Apagustuhan ka nako kung niong oras ikaw magtuna it trabaho. I’ll allow you to decide on what time you start to work. 5vt To want; to like. gustó Agustuhon pa nako nak magsakay sa bapor kesa sa eroplano. I’ll like riding in a ship more than in an airplane. Inggusto nida nak maging maestra. She wanted to be a teacher. comp. gustong bisayahon , der. pagusto-gusto

gana₂ [gána] (dial. var. agong-ong) 1n Appetite, liking, desire (as of for food or money). (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat, 6.8.6 - Money, 3.3 - Want.) 2adj Appetizing, likable, desirable (as of food or money). gana (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat, 6.8.6 - Money, 3.3 - Want.) 3vi To be, become, find appetizing, likable, desirable (as of food or money). Naggana kag ako pagkaon pagkauli sa sakit. My eating became appetizing after recovering from my sickness. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat, 6.8.6 - Money, 3.3 - Want.)

alíkir [alíkir] 1n Rolls, balls, skeins (as of rope, split dried strips of palm leaves for weaving or dried tobacco leaves for storage). (sem. domains: - Roll up.) 2vbt To roll up into balls or skeins (as of rope, split dried strips of palm leaves for weaving or dried tobacco leaves for storage). Ing-alikir nako kag buli. I rolled up the buri leaves into balls. (sem. domains: - Roll up.)