Search results for "limpyo"

udap [údap] vbt To shake, winnow rice to remove the tiny broken grains. tahip Udapi it maado ng bugas agor limpyo nak gador. Winnow the rice well so it will really be clean. syn: tahop.

tuka₂ [túka] vbt To assign a person work to do; to assign somebody to a location to work. tuka Ruto ako gitukahan. I’m assigned there to work. Itutuka sinra sa ibang trabaho. They will be assigned to other work. Atukahan ka nako nak manogpanglimpyo dili. I’ll give you an assignment as a cleaner here. Ituka nako kaling trabaho sa imo.

tikundong₁ [tikúndong] n A container for storage of clothes (before, after laundry). Nagpangyayakut sa tikundong kag limpyo ag bulingon nak yamit. The clean and soiled clothes got mixed in the container for storing clothes. (sem. domains: 5.6.4 - Wash clothes.)

sipilyo₂ [sipílyo] 1n Wood shavings; sawdust (from planed timber and used to light fires). sipilyo Kag ida ing-amak paghaling it kayado ay mga sinipilyuhan. What she used for kindling (when making) a fire is wood shavings. Pagnalimpyo it lamesa maramo kag natitipon nak sinipilyuhan. When cleaning the wood of tables a lot of wood shavings are collected. 2vt To plane timber. Ingsipilyuhan nida liwat kag tabla. He planed the wood again.

platera [platéra] n Cupboard where dishes are kept. platera Waya ninra nalilimpyo tong inra platera kada ing-iipisey. They haven’t cleaned their cupboard so the cockroaches housed in it

panglimpyo sa pinggan [panglímpyo sa pinggán] n Plate-scraper. panlinis ng plato

malimpyo kag ako buot [malímpyo kag ákò buót] idiom - Convert to subentry To have a clean conscience. Aber itabil pa ninra ako malimpyo kag ako buot nak waya ako gipangbaril. Even if they will talk about me I have a clean conscience that I did not shoot him.

malimpyo [malímpyo] irreg. infl. of kalimpyo

mainamanon [mainamánon] adj Always ready beforehand. laging handa, listo, hindi nawawalan, maagap Aber katong binata pa ra sida ay mainamanon sida sa paglimpyo it lanas. Even when he was still a bachelor he was always had his ricefield cleaned and ready early.

limpyo kag ako pagpangabuhi [límpyo kag ákò pagpangabúhì] idiom - Convert to subentry Live with a clean conscience. Limpyo kag ako pagpangabuhi dahil ayam nakong waya ako’t inghuhumang sala. I live with a clean conscience because I know I don’t commit any grave sin.

limpyo [límpyo] 1adj Clean; tidy; orderly. syn: himuyboy. 2vbt To clean something. maglínis Dapat nato nak limpyuhan kag ato bayay. We must clean our house.

kalimpyo [kalímpyo] (irreg. infl. malimpyo) 1n Cleanliness. (sem. domains: 5.6.1 - Clean, dirty, 5.6 - Cleaning.) 2adj Very clean. malinis (sem. domains: 5.6.1 - Clean, dirty.)

himuyboy [himúyboy] vbt To pluck the feathers of the chicken. alisan ng balahibo Kung maghimuyboy sida’t manok ay matulin. When she plucks the feathers of the chicken, it’s done very fast. Inghimuybuyan anay nida kag manok bag-o ing limpyo kag bituka. She first plucked the feathers of the chicken before cleaning the inside part of it. syn: limpyo 1. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, - Pull, 6.4.6 - Things done to animals, - Chicken, - Parts of a bird.)

busri [búsrì] v 1To have a sore burst (as of a boil, swollen part of the body). putok Tong nagbusri kag hubag, nagliwas kag nana. When the boil burst, pus came out. syn: buswang 1. (sem. domains: - Skin disease.) 2To intentionally burst, squeeze, lance a sore (as of a boil, swollen part of the body). Ingbusri nako it ispili kag hubag it anak. I burst the boil of the child with a pin. Paglimpyo nako it manok, ingbusrian anay nako kag igot. When I cleaned the chicken I first slit open the rear end. (sem. domains: 7.8.5 - Make hole, opening, 7.8.3 - Cut.)

buluhaton [buluhatón] (der. of buhat) n 1Responsibility; duty; obligation; work (as of things one is obligated to do). gawain Kag amo buluhaton sa simbahan ay magpanglimpyo sa palibot. Our responsibility at church is to clean the surroundings. Inggwa’t mga bag-ong buluhaton kag ato organisasyon sa masunor nak buyan. Our organization has new activities next month. (sem. domains: 6.1 - Work, - Faithful.) 2Activities, events, things to do (as of social, other things to do). gawain Indi anay sida maglaba dahil karamo pang buluhaton. She won’t wash clothes yet because she still has plenty of work to do. (sem. domains: 4.2 - Social activity, 6.1 - Work.)

bulig₁ [búlig] 1n Help, assistance. tulong (sem. domains: - Help.) 2v To help somebody. Nagbubulig sida sa pagpanglimpyo it bayay. She helps in cleaning the house. Ingbuligan nida kag maguyang nak ramo’t raya. He helped the old woman that was carrying many things. (sem. domains: - Help.) 3n Financial, monetary assistance; donation. (sem. domains: - Give, donate.) 4v To donate money, assist financially. Nagtao kami it bulig nak kwarta sa mga tawo nak waya it gingkakaon. We gave a donation of money to the people who had nothing to eat. (sem. domains: - Give, donate.) comp. aya gikalibog, hali kami nak mabulig , comp. bulig dum-ok , der. kabulig , der. mabinuligon , der. pabulig , der. pagbulig-buligan

as-is₁ [ás-is] (dial. var. bili) n Plant species which has a rough leaf that is used for scrubbing cooking pots and windows etc. is-is As-is kag amo ginggagamit nak panglimpyo it mga ingkuran sa eskul. We use a kind of rough leaf for cleaning the desks in school. [Some have edible fruits.] syn: bili. (sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub, 5.6.3 - Wash dishes, 5.6 - Cleaning.)

agbon [ágbon] n Ash of cigarettes or cigars (as of hand rolled tobacco). abo Bag-o maghaling inalimpyo anay kag agbun sa abuhan. Before making the fire we first clean the ashes off the cooking fireplace. (sem. domains: 5.5.5 - What fires produce, 5.2.4 - Tobacco.)

panimahi₂ [panimahî] 1n Sense of smell. pangamoy Waya sida it panimaho tuna tong nagkasakit ka ida ilong. She has no sense of smell since she had a sickness in her nose. 2v To smell something. Nagpapanimaho sida it mga buyak sa palibot it bayay. She is smelling the flowers around our house. Ing panimaho nida kag mga binunakan kung limpyo. She smelled the washed clothes to see if they were clean. Ingpanimahuan it guyang nak uning kag ida pito. The mother cat smelled her kittens.

basin [basín] n Toilet bowl (as of the porcelain bowl that holds the seat and water seal in the U bend that joins to the sewer). inodoro Abang limpyo kag basin sa inra kasilyas. Their toilet bowl is very clean. (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

limbong [limbóng] 1vt To be freed from doing something; to be let off doing something. pahihingahin Alimbungon ka nako ngasing sa paglimpyo it bayay. I will let you off cleaning the house now. (sem. domains: - Hide your thoughts.) 2v To keep secret, withhold information from someone; to keep to oneself. (sem. domains: - Hide your thoughts.)