Search results for "madyong"

tong₁ n A fee for the place where a game is played. Karako kag nakulikta nak tong ni Lyn sa manog idamo it madyong. Lyn collected a big fee from the majong players.

rubya₃ [rúbya] (dial. var. yubra) v To roll tobacco leaf cigarette. balot nang tabaco sa papel Nagrubya anay si Ebing bag-o mag-idamo it madyong. Ebing rolled a tobacco leaf cigarette first before playing majong. (sem. domains: 5.2.4 - Tobacco.)

madyong [mádyong] 1n Mahjong. 2vi To play mahjong. Nagmamadyong pa gihapon kag mga tawo kana Rolly. The people at Rolly’s house are still playing mahjong.

guslit [gúslit] adj Old in age (as of people). (colloquial) matanda Kag lola ni Margie ay maguslitey pero maayo pa gimadyong. Margie’s grandmother is old but still plays madyong well. [This term is used in jokes or insults. It is jokingly applied to children who are acting like an old person.] (sem. domains: - Old person.)

bag-ong yanggaw [bág-ong yánggaw] (comp. of bag-o, yanggaw) 1n Newly accredited, empowered (as of somebody newly gaining the flying powers of an áswang "witch"). bagong asuwang Kaling kabadi ay masupog dahil bag-ong yanggaw. This woman is agressively following witchcraft because she’s a newly empowered witch. [A newly empowered flying witch aswáng is agressive and dangerous, and is said to be likely to kill sombody they encounter near rivers alone at night.] (sem. domains: - Demon possession, - New.) 2id Neophite; greenhorn; novice (as of an enthusiastic beginner at playing mahjong or preaching). baguhan Si Bulog ay bag-ong yanggaw sa pagmadyong. Bulog is a greenhorn at playing mahjong. (sem. domains: - Expert, - New.) 3adj Agressive, enthusiastic, overpowering, pushy. (sem. domains: - Enter by force.)

alingit [alingít/áringít] adj Irritable, grumpy, ill-humored. sumpungin Alingit si Bulog kung pirdi sa madyong. Bulog is irritable if he’s not winning in the madjong session. (sem. domains: - Angry.)