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yas-ay [yás-ay] 1vi To loose one’s appetite; to become disinterested in doing something or going somewhere (as of eating or traveling). Tong baktin nina A.Alice ay nagpayas-ay it pagkaon kada inra gingbaligya. The pig of A.Alice lost it’s appetite that is why they sold it. Baka ayas-ayan ra si Elmer magpa Manila dahil indi ikaw magnunot sa ida. Elmer might be disinterested in going to Manila because you will not go with him. 2adj Without appetite, specifically of food; to find food tasteless; to lose flavour. walang gana Mayas-ay kag ida pagkaon dahil sida ay ingsasagnat. She is without appetite when eating because she’s sick. Si Nene ay mayas-ay magkaon dahil ingsasagnat. Nene found it tasteless because she was sick.

yagit [yagít] adj Poorest of the poor. yagit Abang ramong yagit nak mga anak sa Maynila. There are many children who are the poorest of the poor in Manila.

waya [wayâ] (irreg. infl. ya; irreg. infl. uya) 1To not show up; to be absent, missing. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 1.1sta Is not there (as of negative statement of location). wala Waya si Nanay sa bayay. Mother is not in the house. Waya raha sinra. They are not there. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 22.1vi To be out of something; to have something consumed and nothing left for one; to be emptied of the contents (i.e as of a container). Mawawar-an ako’t tinapay pag ako ita-o kaling ausa sa imo. I will have nothing if I give you the only piece of bread. Nawar-an sida it pamasahe. She has none left for the fare. Ingwar-an sida it suya it ida mga manghor. All the viand was consumed by her younger siblings leaving nothing for her. Ingpawar-an nida it suyor kag gining. She emptied the water pot of its contents. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 33.1part To be missing; to not be present; not here/there. Waya dili ka ako antityuhos. My glasses aren’t here. Waya pa baga dili ka imo tatay? Isn’t your father here yet/ (sem. domains: - Absent.) 3.2sta To be missing; to be lost. Pay igwa’t mga nawawaya sa ato grupo. It seems some are missing in our group. 3.3vt To lose or misplace something. Ingwaya kag ako dawi it mga anak sa bayay. The children lost my keys to the house. (sem. domains: - Forget.) 44.1neg Did not (as of past and continous actions). Waya kami nakapa Maynila. We have not been to Manila. comp. ayos yang maado ra sa waya , comp. bali-waya , comp. kinabuhing wayat katapusan , comp. waya gihahalin ka ida pagbisaya , comp. waya kita nagkaintyendihan , comp. wayat buot , comp. wayat dipekto , comp. wayat diperensya , comp. wayat ibuhi , der. baliwaya , der. nawar-an , der. pawar-an , id. nak waya

uno₂ [unó] 11.1vi To do what? (in the question form ‘what will/are (you) doing?). ano Mauno ka kung indi mag-abot ka imo sweldo? What will you do if your wage doesn’t arrive? Nag-uuno kamo mga anak hina sa ibabaw it tangke? What are you kids doing there on top of the water tank? 22.1vt To harm somebody; to do something bad, wrong to something; to have something bad, hurtful happen. aanuhin Katong ako maguyang ay sanay sa Hapon sa Maynila ay nupay igwa sida it kumpiyansa nak indi sida giunhon it Hapon. My elder brother was used to the Japanese in Manila and it seemed as if he had confidence that the Japanese wouldn’t harm him. Indi mauno kita basta magrahan. Nothing will happen to us as long as we are careful. comp. Aunhon pa kag hilamunon kung minatayey kag kabayo , der. kag-uno , der. mag-uno , der. mauno , der. mauno , der. panguno-uno , der. pauno , der. pay nauno’y , der. sauno

uli₁ [úlì] 11.1vbt To return to; to return home; to go down to town from the farm. balikan Nag-uli sinra sa banwa tong gab-i. They came back down to town the other night. Nag-uli sinra halin sa Maynila. They came back from Manila. Anong oras aboy mapauli ka imo tatay? What time do you think your father will return home? Aulian ninra ka inra dating bayay dili. They will return to their former house here. syn: balik, pabisong, sapoy. 22.1vbt To return something borrowed or purchased; to give back; to return for something. Ing-uli nida kag pala it tahapon. He returned the spade yesterday. Aulion ninra kag tratong isra. They will come back from the farm for the order of fish.

tuyo₄ [túyò] 1n Purpose; reason; goal; mission; aspiration. nais Kag ida tuyo sa pagpa-Maynila ay makahanap it trabaho. His purpose in going to Manila is to find a job. Ka ako tuyo ay maging nars. My aspiration is to become a nurse. 2vt To plan, intend to do, see something or somebody. sadyain Atuyuon nato sida sa ida bayay isag. We’ll intend to see her later at her house. 3vt To aim at somebody, something. umang Ingtuyo nida si Goliath it ida tirador. He aimed his slingshot at Goliath. der. katuyuan

tuman₂ [túman] 1n 1.1adj Obedient. masunurin 1.2n Obedience. 1.3vt To obey. sunod Kung indi nako gitumanon kag kasuguan it ako tatay, ako ay aparusahan. If I don’t obey my fathers commands I’ll be punished. 22.1vt To fulfill a promise, prophecy; to do what is required; to perform an act. sunod Pag-abot ni Juan Bautista sadisyerto natunaaney kag hula it mga propeta it katong una. When John the Baptist arrived in the desert the prophecy of the prophets in former times was fulfilled. Ako gingtuman kag ako pangako sa ida anak nak aray-on sida sa Maynila. I fulfilled my promise to her to take her to Manila. 33.1sta To be without limit, restrictions (as of one’s desires); to do something for as long as one wishes to. Natuman kag ato pamasyar dahil waya’t trabaho. We strolled around as long as we like because there’s no work to do. 3.2vt To do something without limit, restrictions. natupad Atumanon nida kag ida kagusto nak magbayle dahil pista pa. He’ll allow his desire to dance to be without limit because it’s still fiesta time.

tugon [túgon] 11.1n A reminder to do something. (sem. domains: - Think about, - Remind.) 1.2vbt To remind, be reminded to do something. paalala Ingtugon sida nak magbisita sa ida nanay pag pa Manila. He was reminded to visit his mother when he went to Manila. Tuguna sida nak magbalik isag. Remind her to come back later. (sem. domains: - Think about.) 22.1n A parting, final request to do something for somebody (eg. buying things); the things requested to be purchased; purchases. Maramo kag ida panugon pag pa Manila nako. The things he requested me to get for him when I went to Manila were many. Kag ida tugon ay ako nabakay. I was able to buy the things he requested. (sem. domains: - Think about, - Remind.) 2.2vbt To request somebody to do something for somebody (often buying things for somebody else when going somewhere). Ingpanugon nako sa ida kag pagbakay it karne. I requested him to buy meat for me. Ingpanugon nida si Rose kang Fely nak magpa-Manila. She requested Rose through Fely to come to Manila. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request.) 2.3vbt To give parting, order final instructions, command somebody to do something; to give strict orders to somebody, often before leaving or sending them away. Nagtugon nak gador si Nanay sa amo nak indi magpagab-i sa rayan. Mother gave strict orders to us not to stay out late on the street. (sem. domains: 3.6.1 - Show, explain.) der. katugon-tugon

tika [tikâ] v To pay a quick visit somewhere. silip Nagtika yang si Willy sa ida pamilya ag nagpaMaynila ray. Willy just paid a quick visit to his family and went back to Manila.

tawag₁ [tawág] vt To call somebody by name; to summon; to bid at an auction; to telephone. tawag Atawagon nako sidang ’Ankol’. I will call him ’Uncle’. Nagtawag it doktor si Norma. Norma called a doctor. Ingtawag si Heather nak magtrabaho sa opisina sa Manila. Heather was summoned to work in the office in Manila. Ipatawag yang nako ikaw pag-abot nida. I’ll just call you when she arrives. Syn: ayaba 2.

tanom₁ [tánom] (der. of tanom) v To plant crops like rice. makatanim Pag makatanom tong inra kabulig ay mapaManila anay sida. If their co-worker finishes planting rice he will go to Manila for a while first. (sem. domains: 6.2.3 - Plant a field.)

tan-a₂ [tán-a] part Hope to do something; hope something happens. sana Tan-a ay makapaMaynila ako sa Martes. I hope to go to Manila on Tuesday. syn: kabay pa 1.

tan-a₁ [tán-a] 11.1part Would have but didn’t; was supposed to do something but didn’t (as of contrafactual or hypothetical relationsand a thwarted plan); would have....; should have... sana Nag-abot tan-a si Neysa itahapon. Neysa was supposed to arrive yesterday. Ikaw tan-a kag amo impili nak lider. You would have been our choice for leader. Nagpali tan-a ako pero ay nag-uyan. I would have come but it rained. Kung waya giuyan nagpali tan-a ako. If it hadn’t rained I would have come. Nabakay nida katong baro tan-a kung waya ka giabot ag nagsiling nak mahay. That dress was the one she would have bought if you hadn’t arrived and said it was expensive. Kung tan-a ay nag-uyan natanom kag payay. If it would have rained the rice would have been planted. Mapa-Manila tan-a ako ugaling waya ako’t kanunot. I would have gone to Manila but I didn’t have a companion. 22.1part Think; might (as of a polite softener when complaining). Inggwa tan-a ako it ireklamo. I think I have a complaint to make.

takingking [takíngking] (dial. var. balingling) v 1To tip dangerously to one side, as of a boat on a rough sea; to be in a lopsided position; to try to keep one’s balance. kiling Nagtaking-king kag “Manila City” nak barko sa kabug-at. The boat “Manila City” tipped dangerously to one side because of the heavy load. (sem. domains: - Boat.) 2To be disconcerted; to be thrown off balance; to be thrown for a loop (as of figurative usage). Kung ingtakaw tan-a nida kag ako bayon nak kwarta ay matakingking dahil waya ako’t agastuhon. If he had managed to steal the money I brought I’d have been thrown for a loop because I’d have had nothing to spend. (sem. domains: - Disappointed.)

suluguon₃ [sulúguon] n Errand boy; servant; maids; messenger. utusan Kada sida nagpaMaynila ay naghator it tatlong bilog nak suluguon sa ida hali. She went to Manila to accompany the three maids to her sister’s place.

subasta₁ [subásta] vbt To bid; to tender for something (as of getting a construction job, land bid, or auction). subasta Ingpasubasta sa mga taga Maynila kag patrabaho sa pantalan. The bid for the work on the pier was given to those from Manila. Ingpasubastahan ninra it mataas kag duta. They made a high bid for the land. (sem. domains: - Buy, 6.8.4 - Financial transaction.) der. pasubasta

sida₂ [sidá] pro He, she (3rd person singular nominative pronoun). siya Nagpa-Maynila sida tong Lunes. He went to Manila last Monday. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.)

sauno [sa-unó] (der. of uno) ques When? (future) kailan Sauno kamo mapaManila? When will you go to Manila? Saunoey sida nauma. When will he ever tell the truth? [This can also be used to express doubt or sarcasm when suffixed with the particle ey.] (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time, 8.4.3 - Indefinite time.) comp. aber sauno

sangla [sánglà] vt to mortgage; to pawn something; to use as collateral when borrowing money. sangla Ingsangla nako kag ako kulintas tong naubusan ako it kwarta sa Manila. I pawned my necklace when I ran short of money in Manila. syn: prinda.

sabaling₁ [sabáling] (irreg. infl. kada sabaling; irreg. infl. baling) conj Since... perhaps; something might happen therefore (on the grounds that something might happen a conclusion is drawn [as of grounds-conclusion relations]). baka…kaya Sabaling indiey magbalik sida kada ida inaparaya kag ida mga suyat sa Maynila. She might not come back since she had her letters sent to Manila. (sem. domains: - Basis, 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.)

sa₂ 11.1case To, in, at (which is the non-personal oblique case marker occasionally having the spatial meanings ‘from, on’ as well). sa Nagpagto sinra sa sapa. They went to the river. Nakabutang kag Pepsi sa frige. The Pepsi is in the frige. Hagto sida sa eskwelahan. She’s at the school. 22.1case Ownership; belongs to somebody (as of possession indicated by the oblique case marker). Sa ida katong dyip. That jeep is her’s. 33.1temp On, at, for, in (as of future or duration of time). Mapa-Maynila ako sa Sabado. I’ll go to Manila on Saturday. Katong programa ay sa alas tres sa masunor nak Sabado. That program is at three o’clock on the following Saturday. comp. ay sa , comp. kumporme sa , id. sa ap-at nak tuig , id. Sa Lunes nak hapon , id. sa masunor nak adlaw , id. sa ngasing nak paabuton nak Lunes , id. sa ngayan nak , id. sa nio , id. sa pitsa beynte it Enero , id. sa suyor it usang semana , id. sa usang adlaw , id. sa wakas

rungan₁ [rungan] 1n Travel together. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.) 1.1vi To travel together. sabay Nag rungan kami ni Romy nak nagpaManila. Romy and I traveled together going to Manila. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.) 22.1vbt To dance with somebody. sayaw Ingsabayan sida in Mayor katong pabayle sa merkado. The Mayor danced with her during the dance at the market. (sem. domains: 7.1.9 - Move a part of the body.)

ruha-ruha₂ [ruha-rúha] 1n Doubt. 2adj Doubting; vascillating. 3vi To doubt; to vascillate; to be of two minds, to be double-minded; to be reluctant. dalawang isip Nagruha-ruha sida sa ida mga sabat sa inra eksamen. She doubted her answers during their exam. Nagruruha-ruha pa ako nak mapa-Manila insulip. I’m still double-minded about going to Manila tomorrow.

repara [repára] v To help provide needs. Si Frida kag nagrepara it mga anak sa bapor tong maglarga sinra paManila. Freda helped provide the needs of the children in the boat when they sailed to Manila. (sem. domains: - Provide for, support.)

rayan₁ [ráyan] 11.1n Path; trail; road. 1.2vbt To pass by; to come by to pick somebody/something up; to visit, call on somebody as one passes by. daán Nagrayan kami sa inra bayay. We passed by their house. Arayanan ka nako bag-o mag alas kwatro. I’ll come by to pick you up before four o’clock. 1.3adv After (the passing of time or an event). Pagkarayan it tatlong adlaw, nagbalik ray sida sa Manila. After three days had passed he returned again to Manila. 22.1n Way. 33.1vbt To experience something; to have experienced a sickness. Waya pa nako narayani magsugay hanggang aga. I haven’t yet experienced gambling until morning. Narayananey nida kinang sakit nak tipos. She has already experienced being sick with typhoid. 44.1n Ways of reaching, achieving a goal. Si Mani ay nagsunor it rayan sa politika it ida Lolo. Mani followed the way his grandfather became a politician.