Search results for "marka"

yabaw [yabáw] (irreg. infl. yapaw) 1vi To extend beyond a point; to protrude. Nagyayabaw kag ida kamison sa ida malip-ot nak baro. Her slip extends beyond her short dress. Pagkakusog ka imo itsa ay nagyayapaw kag bola sa ida. When you throw hard, the ball goes out beyond her. 2vbt To extend something beyond a point; to exceed something. labis Ayabawan nako kag imo mga nabaoy nak marka sa eskwela. I’ll exceed the mark you got in school. Ingyapawan nida it taas kag nayukso’t kalaban sa ‘high jump’. She surpassed the height that her opponent made at the high jump.

ugot [ugót] 11.1adj Irritable. 1.2vi To be irritated. nagalit, nagngalit ang bagang Ing-ugtan sida sa nakitang kadat sa sala. She was irritated by the mess she saw in the lounge. syn: napika, sapot 1. 1.3vt To irritate somebody. Ingpaugot it anak kag ida maestra dahil ingbabaan kag ida marka. The child irritated his teacher because his mark was lowered. 22.1vbt To have a temper tantrum. Nagpaugot kag anak tong waya nabakye it idamuan. The child had a temper tantrum when he wasn’t bought a toy. Ingpaugtan it anak kag dulse. The child was caused to have a temper tantrum because of the candy.

tupong [tupóng] 1adj Just touching, meet in the middle, as of two objects. (sem. domains: - Between.) 1.1adj Level; Point, place at which items meet, touch (as of blinds meeting, touching one-on-one); Equal with something, somebody (in height, length) Tupongey baga kami it ako manghor. My younger sister snd I are the same height now. 1.2vt To equalize; to level something. ipapantay Atupungon nako kag kuray. I’ll level the fence. Itupong nako’t kuray kag yagari. I’ll use the saw for leveling the fence. 22.1vbt To reach the same level as somebody else (as of achievement, height) Natupungan nida kag inarayan it ida maguyang. He was able to reach the same level with the education gained by his brother. Atupungan nako kag ida marka, kada mapakaestudyo pa ako. I’ll study more so I can reach the same level with his mark.

tama₁ [táma] 1sta To be hit accidently by something thrown, falling, etc. Natama ka maisuting anak it bato it kag nagbubunguan ka mga kayaki. The small child was hit by a rock when the boys were throwing rocks at each other. 2vt To hit the mark. tama Atamaon nako kag marka sa ringring. I’ll hit the mark on the wall.

pero 11.1conj But (as of adversitive relations). pero Maayo si Rosa pero buko maado ka ida mga marka. Rosa is intelligent but her marks aren’t good. 22.1conj But nevertheless. Yumang-yumaey kag kotse pero ay abakyon pa ra nida. The car is already very old but nevertheless he will still buy it.

pantay₂ [pántay] 11.1adj Equal; fair; level. pare-pareho 1.2vt To level something; to flatten something; to make something equal. pare-pareho Apantayon nimo ka pag utoy it mga buyak para maadong muyatan. You try to level the cuttings of the flowers so its good to look at. 22.1v To treat impartially; to treat equally. 33.1n A standard; a level. 3.2vbt To equalise; to level; to reach a certain level. Apantayan nako kag marka nimo sa klase. I’ll reach tha same marks that you get in class. Apantayon ninra kag raga nak apatulayan it bayay. They level the land where they’ll build the house.

marka [márka] 1n Mark; brand an animal. 2vt To but a mark on something; to brand an animal. tanda, palatandaan

lamang [lamáng] 1n Excess; additonal amount; an advantage. lamang Waya’t lamang kag Crispa sa Toyota. The Crispa team didn’t get any more points than Toyota. 2vbt To exceed; to have more of something than somebody else; to excell (such as more points or a higher score). Nalamangan nida kag marka’t ida maguyang. He got a higher mark than his older. Naglalamang sida sa Math. She excells at Math. Nakakalamang ako sa imo it puntos sa test. I have more points than you in the test.