Search results for "masinop"

sinop [sínop] 1adj Orderly; tidy person; neat. Abang sinop nak kabadi si Leony. Leony is a tidy lady. Kinang bayay ay maisot pero ay masinop sa suyor. That house is small but orderly inside. 2vbt To have things in order; to plan things; to tidy up something. sinop Asinupon nako katong nabilin nidang gamit. I’ll tidy up the things she left.

masinop [masínop] 11.1adj Tidy housekeeper. masinop Si Nang Lina ay masinop sa inra pamayay. Aunty Lina is a tidy housekeeper in their household. 22.1adj Tactful; discreet (as of speech). Kag amo Pastor ay masinop magpamisaya sa ida mga membro. Our pastor speaks tactfully to his members.

mahipir [mahípir] adj Prudent; frugal; careful with things. masinop Si Mabis ay maadong kaibahan sa bayay dahil mahipir it gamit. Mabis is a nice house companion because she is careful with things.