Search results for "mayuko"

mayukong supera [mayukóng supéra] n Large serving bowl. sulyáw

mayuko [mayúkò] adj To become creased, crushed, crinkled, wrinkled clothes. gusot Aya giingkuri kinang pinalantsang mga baro sabaling mayuko. Don’t sit on the iron clothes or they might get creased.

mayukong [mayukóng] n Small bowl; container. mangkók

litik₂ [litík] v To crack (as in glass, china). Pagbutang nida it mainit nak sabaw sa mayukong ay naglitik. When she put hot soup in the bowl it cracked.

kutsara [kutsára] 1n Spoon. 2vbt To use a spoon; to feed somebody with a spoon. kutsára Ingkutsara nida kag isra sa mayukong. She used the spoon in removing the fish from the bowl. Hamak nimo! Ingkutsarahan nida it ‘medico’ kag ida buyangan tong di sagnat. Imagine! When his fighting cock had a fever he fed it aspirin with a spoon.

hangir [hángir] n Hanger, for clothes. Butangan sa hangir kinang imo baro para indi mayuko. You put your dress on a hanger so that it won’t be crumpled. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing.)