Search results for "mogmog"

pay ing papanglimogmog kag gin [pay ing papanglimógmog kag gin] PH Alcoholic, always drinking (lit.seems like gargling gin) its like he gargles the gin in the morning; drunk even early in the morning. (sem. domains: - Bad, immoral.)

mogmog [mógmog] v To break, free, crumble up particles by hand (as of lump of cooked rice before frying). durog Amogmogon anay ninro kinang kan-on bag-o sabagon. You have to break up particles of that cooked rice before frying it.

limogmog [limógmog] vi To gurgle; to gargle. magmúmog Ida gingpanglimogmog kag suka nak di asin. She gurgled vinegar with salt.