Search results for "mura₁"

mulay [múlay] vbt To scold somebody. mura, pagalitan Ida ako ingmulay sa maramong tawo. She scolded me before many people. syn: mura, bisaya.

bisaya₂ [bisayá] v To scold, rebuke, speak harshly to somebody. pagalitan, mura Nagpapangbisaya si Nanay nak waya kita gitalinto sa ato trabahuon. Mother is scolding because we do not attend to our work. Ingbisar-an kag anak it ida tatay nak waya gibantayi kag binuyar nak payay. The child was scolded by his father because he didn’t watch the drying rice. syn: mulay, mura. (sem. domains: - Rebuke.) der. abisar-an , der. abisayahan , der. pangbisaya

mura₁ [múra] vt To swear at somebody; to drive out, away somebody (as of children, spirits). mura, pagalitan Mahilig sida magpangmura. She’s fond of swearing at people. Ingmura nida tong anak nak suplado. She drove out that boy because he’s very naughty. syn: mulay, bisaya.