Search results for "oras"

waya sa oras [wayâ sa óras] 11.1idiom - Convert to subentry Unexspectedly; without giving prior signs, symptoms, notice of something (lit:‘no hour’). wala sa oras Dahil sa pag-abot it mga hapon sa ato bansa kag mga rayaga ay nagkahadlok ag sinra ay napa-asawa it ’waya sa oras’. Because of the arrival of the Japanese in our country the young women were afraid and they got married to someone without giving any notice. 22.1idiom - Convert to subentry Premature birth. Dahil sa ida kasasaka sa barko para magtinra, sida ay napa-anak it waya sa oras. Because of her climbing up onto the ship to sell things she gave birth prematurely.

wardi-wardi [wardi-wárdi] (irreg. infl. waldi-waldi) vi To loiter. ikot ng ikot, gala ng gala Sige yang kag ida wardi-wardi palibot sa banwa kada wayaey sida it oras magbulig sa bayay. She just loitered around the town therefore she has no time left to help at home. syn: gala 1, yad-aw, yagadaw 3.

uli₁ [úlì] 11.1vbt To return to; to return home; to go down to town from the farm. balikan Nag-uli sinra sa banwa tong gab-i. They came back down to town the other night. Nag-uli sinra halin sa Maynila. They came back from Manila. Anong oras aboy mapauli ka imo tatay? What time do you think your father will return home? Aulian ninra ka inra dating bayay dili. They will return to their former house here. syn: balik, pabisong, sapoy. 22.1vbt To return something borrowed or purchased; to give back; to return for something. Ing-uli nida kag pala it tahapon. He returned the spade yesterday. Aulion ninra kag tratong isra. They will come back from the farm for the order of fish.

tuna [túnà] 1part Beginning at; since, from sometime onwards (as of beginning-post-span time, at some point in the past); starting from (a place). Mag-aaray sinra tuna alas otso. They’ll begin studying at eight o’clock. Tuna tong usang buyan ay perming nag-uyan. Since last month it has rained often. Nidog kag gingtunaan it amo pag-away. Our fight began over a coconut. Kag pakarera ay tuna sa Odiongan. The race starts from Odiongan. Tuna pa it katong Martes ay masakit sida. She has been sick since last Tuesday. Tuna pa it katong usang tuig sida it ka kapangrayaga sa imo. Since last year he has been the one courting you. syn: raginot 1.1. 2vbt To start something. simulâ Nagtuna sida’t trabaho tong Lunes. She started work last Monday. Atunaon nako sa primero kag pagbilang. I will start my counting from the beginning. Matuna ako’t paali insulip. I’ll start to come tomorrow. Niong oras matuna ka ato miting? What time will our meeting start? Atunaaney nako kag estorya. I’ll now begin the story.

tugas [tugás] 1adj Hard, tough (as of the texture, surface of timber, ice, meat, etc.). matigas Abang tugas gihapon kag karne ay usang orasey it ya-ga. The meat is still hard even if its already boiled for one hour. (sem. domains: - Hard, firm.) 2v To become hard, tough (as of the texture, surface of timber, ice, meat, etc.). (sem. domains: - Hard, firm.) comp. abang tugas it uyo , comp. matugas it uyo , comp. matugas nak uyo , der. panugas

taning [táning] n A deadline. taning Pag abot katong oras nak taning ag pagkatapos nak makapisar sida ay waya sida gikumplar raha sa ida pangako bumalik ikaw rili sa ako. When that deadline comes and after he has sold his copra, if he doesn’t comply with his promisory note you will come back here to me. comp. di taning

tagtag₁ [tágtag] 11.1vi To fall, come off from where something is put, attached. Natagtag kag bunga pag mahangin. The fruit falls off when its windy. 1.2vbt To drop something; to take something down; to pull something off; to fall off of where something is attached or stuck. taktak Gingtagtag nako kag mga dekorasyon pagkatapos it amo parti. I took down the decorations after our party. Ingtagtag nako kag mga bato. I dropped the stones. Ingtagtagan nako sa hagran it baybay kag ako tsinelas. I dropped the sand from my thongs on the steps. 2v To abort a fetus (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.) 2.1vt To miscarry; to abort; to lose a baby in pregnancy. nagpalaglag Matatagtag kag ako ingsasabak pagnag-undag-undag kag dyip. My pregnancy will miscarry with the jolting of the jeep. Ingtagtag nida kag anak dahil waya sida it asawa. She intentionally aborted the child because she got no husband. Nagpatagtag katong rayaga dahil sida’y nahuda nak maaayamang sabak The young girl had an abortion because she was ashamed of being pregnant. (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.)

tabog₁ [tábog] v To chase away, drive somebody out in anger, strong emotion. taboy Ingpangtabog it nanay kag ida mga anak paeskul dahil orasey ay nag-iidamo pa sinra. Their mother sent her children out in anger to go to school because it was already time and they were still playing. (sem. domains: - Annoyed, - Chase away.)

suma [súma] 1n Sum; total. 2vt To total, add up. kabuuán Asumahon anay nako ka imo oras sa trabaho bag-o aswelduhan ikaw. I will first total your hours of work before you are paid your salary.

suga₁ [sugâ] 1n Fire, as of cooking fire. siga Pagkalipas it ruhang oras nag-ugraw kag sugâ kadâ bukoey mainit. After two hours the fire has died down so it’s no longer hot. (sem. domains: 5.5 - Fire.) 2v To light initially something that burns (lamp, rubbish, candle, fire, paper, firewood). Nagsuga sida it iwag. She lit the lamp. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.) 3n Flame, as of a lamp. Nagrako kag suga it iwag. The flame of the lamp got bigger. (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire.) der. panuga

sayang [sáyang] 1adj Useless. sayang Sayang kag ida hanra nak waya ra’t nag-abot nak bisita. Her preparation was useless because no visitor arrived. 2vt To waste something. Masayang ikaw it imo oras roto ay waya ra kato it kapuyos-puyos? Will you waste your time there when that thing is also useless? 3vt To waste something. Nagsayang sida’t maramong kupon sa pagmakinilya bag-o natapos kag ida trabaho. She wasted much typing paper in typing before finishing her work. syn: kanugon 2.

salamin [salamín] v To look in a mirror. salamin Kaling maisot nak pila sa yupa - nak sa ano mang oras ako magpanalamin ay imaw it nakikitang raan. This small scar on my forehead - whenever I look in the mirror that is what I see straightaway. syn: ispiho. (sem. domains: - Reflect, mirror.) der. panalamin

ramay₂ [rámay] vbt To help others; to help each-other. damay Nagraramay-ramayan kag mga tawo sa Banton sa oras it kinahangyan. The people of Banton are fond of helping each other in times of need.

raginot [ragínot] 11.1vt To begin something; to introduce something new. umpisahan Ingraraginutaney nida kag ida trabaho dahil limitado kag ida oras. She is beginning with her work because of her limited time. syn: tuna 1. 22.1vt To do gradually; to do bit-by-bit. umpisa Raginotey ikaw it sag-ob habang apila pa kag mga tawo sa gripo. You gradually fetch water while there are still few people at the faucet. syn: inot-inot 1. 33.1vbt To hurry to do something. pinasimulan Ingraginutan ni Neysa it silhig kag mga likot sa rayaag. Neysa hurried up doing the sweeping of trash on the lawn.

palipasan it oras [palipásan it oras] n A passtime. palipasan nang oras Kag ako nagiging palipasan it oras ay kag pagtanom it mga buyak. What has become my passtime is planting flowers.

pagto [págto] vbt To go somewhere. pumuntá Mapagto ako sa imo opisina pag inggwa’t oras. I’ll go to your office if I still have time. Igwa ako it apagtuan kaling Sabado. I have some place to go this Saturday. syn: panha 2.

pagtanom [pagtánom] time Planting season. panahon ng taniman Pag oras it pagtanom kag mga mangunguma ay puro sa inra bukir. When its planting season farmers are always in their farm.

orasyon [orásyon] 1n Prayer, incantation of religious practitioners (as of repetitive wording used by a priest, spirit-healer etc). 2v To pray, say incantation especially of religious practitioners. dasal Bawat pista it minatay kag pari ay nag-oorasyon sa sementeryo. Every ‘all saints day’ the priest says prayers at the cemetery.

oras [óras] 11.1time Hour. óras 22.1n Time. 33.1conj When; the minute that something happens (as of simultaneous or overlapping events). Oras nak mag-abot sinra atawagan nako kamo. The minute they arrive I’ll call you. Magpalakpakan kamo sa oras irawat nako kali sa ida. You clap when I hand this to him.

nagbukas it oras sa pagbisaya [nagbukás it óras sa pagbisáya] v To give, make time for somebody to speak. Kag ibang maguyang ay nagbukas it oras sa pagbisaya it inra mga anak. Some elders make time for somebody to speak with their children.

muasa [muása] (irreg. infl. puasa) vi To abstain from something, such as food, cigarettes, etc.; to fast. ayuno Pag oras it “Ramadan” sa mga Muslims nak lugar, nagpapamuasa sinra sa pagkaon. When its time for Ramadan in the Moslem countries, they abstain from taking in so much food.

mini-mini [mini-míni] 1n The words, prayers of a spiritista. Si Nang Puting ay nahinghing it mini-mini pag oras magbuyong. Nang Puting utter words of a spiritista when in the act of healing. 2vi To utter words of prayers of a spiritista. mini-mini Nagmimini-mini si Batoy it rali-rali. Batoy uttered words of prayers hurriedly.

medya [médya] adv Half hour after. medya Kag orasey ay alas tres y medya. The time is already half past three.

lugar₂ [lugár] 11.1n Place. lugar Magandang lugar kina. That’s a beautiful place. 22.1n Time; opportunity. oras, pagkakataon Rayan anay kung igwa ikaw it lugar. Come by for a while if you have the time. 33.1adj Spacious. Kag amo bangkiti ay hagto aganapon sa Tulay dahil hagto ay malugar. Our banquet will be held at Tulay because it’s spacious there. syn: maliway.

liwas [liwás] 1loc Out; outside. labas Abuyaron nako kaling yamit sa liwas. I’ll hang these clothes to dry outside. syn: yuaw. 2vi To go outside. Nag-uyan katong nagpapangliwasey kag mga tawo sa simbahan. It started to rain just as the people went out of the church. 3vt To take or bring something outside. Ato ipaliwas kaling ingkuran. Let’s take these chairs outside. 4vt To let out (a meeting, school, etc); to dismiss. Nagpangliwasan nak raan kag mga klase dahil sa bagyo. Classes were dismissed immediately because of the typhoon. Ingpaliwas ni Mr. Fortu kag mga klase. Mr. Fortu dismissed classes. Niong oras gipapangliwas kag mga eskwela? What time are the students dismissed? Waya pa baga napangliwasan sa simbahan? Isn’t church out yet? 5n Dismissal time. Aya gipaliwasa kaling ako bisaya sa iba. Don’t let what I said out to others. Maskin nio kag natatabo, waya gador nida gipapaliwasan kag ida kahangit. No matter what happens, she never expresses her anger. Pagkapangutana sa ida it mga pulis, nagliwas nak sida kag nagpanakaw sa amo manok. After he was questioned by the police it came out that he was the one who stole our chicken. 6n To get rid of by spitting (expectorant) der. liniwasan , id. anak sa liwas
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