Search results for "paalila"

paalila [pa-alílà] (der. of alila) 1n Animals being reared by somebody on behalf of their owner (as of piglets being raised for income by poorer people). (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry, - Pig.) 2v To have animals reared by somebody on behalf of their owner or family (as of piglets being raised for income by poorer people). paalaga Si Mamay ay ramong paalila sa mga tawo. Mamay had many animals let out for rearing by people on her behalf. [There is a custom that if a pig reared in such a way from when it is a piglet, grows up and reproduces, then the piglets are shared between the owner, the one caring for the pig and the owner of the servicing boar. With cows, the first offspring goes to the owner, the second to the one caring for it etc.] (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry, - Pig.) 3n Children of poor families being reared on their behalf by somebody better off financially (as of by another family member). [These children are provided for in return for being willing to help with household chores.] (sem. domains: - Rear a child.) 4v To have children of poor families reared on their behalf by somebody better off financially (as of by another family member). (sem. domains: - Rear a child.)

alila [alílà] 1n A pet (as of a pet animal). alaga Igwa ako’t alila nak pikoy. I have a pet parrot. syn: alaga 1. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.) 2n A slave, servant. (sem. domains: - Slave.) 3vt To act like a servant in taking care of something (as of things, animals or people). Katong ilo nak anak ay ingpaalila sa ida ibang hali. They had the orphan child taken care of by her other relatives. (sem. domains: - Worried.) der. paalila