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yayugan [yayúgan] n Container for pig’s food. lalagyan ng pagkaing baboy Natumba kag yayugan it baktin ag naudak kag suyor nak baho. The container for the pig’s food fell on its side and the smelly contents spilled out.

yayog [yayóg] n Pig’s food. pagkain ng baboy karako kag inra natipon nak yayog tong maghanra sinra sa kasay ni Teri. They saved a big amount of pig’s food when they prepared for Teri’s wedding.

yawhak₂ [yáwhak] v 1To beat fast (said of one’s heart when one is nervous). kaba, nininerbyos Nagyayawhak kag ako puso. My heart is beating fast. 2To be nervous; anxious. Ingyayawhakan sida pagkarungog it bagyo. She was nervous when she heard of the typhoon. Inayawhakan ako sa ato eksamin. I’m nervous about our examination. syn: taranta 1. 3To intentionally make somebody nervous. Apayawhakan nida kinang anak it ida istorya nak kahahadlok. He will make the child nervous with his frightening story.

yati₃ [yátì] 1excl Aagh! An expression of disgust, anger said when something doesn’t turn out the way you want it to. buwisit Yati, nag-uyan ay indi kita makapamasyar. Oh no, it rained and we can’t go for a walk. syn: yamat, yawa 1. 2vt To say this word for being disgusted. buwisit Nagpangyati sida’t mga anak pagkakita nak kag mga baso ay nabasag. She said the word “yati” to the children upon seeing the glasses broken. Yati nak nag-idamo ray sa tubi kaliong anak a! Aagh this child here is playing in the water again, ah!

yasik [yásik] 11.1vbt To disperse; scatter; splash, spray; roll away; spread about; fly out of reach. (This is a movement away from a point of impact, source.) tumilamsik, tumilapon Iyasik kaling baso pag imo matamaan it bunggo. This glass will fly everywhere when you hit it with the stone you’re throwing. Sida ay ingyasik pag balintong it dyip. He was thrown clear when the jeep rolled over. Nagyasik kag baga sa subrang kainit. The coals were scattered because of too much heat. Ingyasik kag ida bolpen pagkahuyog sa sayog. Her ballpoint pen rolled away when it fell on the floor. Nayasikan ako it tubi nak halin sa saguyong. I was splashed by the water which came from the manmade spring. [This one motion has a cause whether seen or unseen, which often changes the object into small pieces which move away from the original position and cause. English uses different words specific to different objects being affected.] 22.1vi To drive away from one’s body, mind (as of worrying thoughts or tiredness feelings). Ingyayasik ka inra tungka dahil sa inra guya. Their tiredness was driven away because of their laughter. Nagyayasik kag ako kapilay pag di sonata. My tiredness was driven away by the music. Ayasikon kag ako kapilay pag di sonata. My tiredness was driven away by the music. Iyasik kag ako kapilay pag di sonata. My tiredness was driven away by the music. syn: talsik, yaswa 1.

yasaw₁ [yasáw] vi To salivate with desire for sour tasting foods; one’s mouth waters for something sour. yasaw Nagyasaw kag yuba pagkakita it sampaloc. My mouth watered when I saw the tamarind. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.)

yas-ay [yás-ay] 1vi To loose one’s appetite; to become disinterested in doing something or going somewhere (as of eating or traveling). Tong baktin nina A.Alice ay nagpayas-ay it pagkaon kada inra gingbaligya. The pig of A.Alice lost it’s appetite that is why they sold it. Baka ayas-ayan ra si Elmer magpa Manila dahil indi ikaw magnunot sa ida. Elmer might be disinterested in going to Manila because you will not go with him. 2adj Without appetite, specifically of food; to find food tasteless; to lose flavour. walang gana Mayas-ay kag ida pagkaon dahil sida ay ingsasagnat. She is without appetite when eating because she’s sick. Si Nene ay mayas-ay magkaon dahil ingsasagnat. Nene found it tasteless because she was sick.

yari [yárì] v To settle a matter, problem. Pagkatapos it pirma ay nagkayari sinra. After signing the matter was settled between them. syn: areglo 1, tagapamagitan.

yapsi [yápsì] adj Pale skin coloring (as when afraid, sick). putla Sida ay nagpangyapsi pagkakita it tong anak nak naipit it dyip. She turned pale when she saw the child run over by the jeep. syn: putla 1, yansi. (sem. domains: - Nervous.) der. pangyapsi

yaon₃ [yáon] vbt To cook leafy food for pigs. luto ng pagkaing baboy Nagyaon sida it tangkong nak ibahog sa baktin. She cooked kangkong leaves to feed for the pigs.

yansi [yánsì] adj To be pale in skin colour (as when one is sick). maputla Si Tang Tawi ay nagpangyansi pagkauli sa sakit sa atay. Tang Tawi got a pale colour of the skin after recovering from sickness of liver. syn: yapsi, putla 1.

yaktor₁ [yáktor] v To crop over land; to take direct route; to take short-cut overland, crosscountry. Pagkatapos it linog kag mga estudyante ay nakaisip nak magyaktor halin sa Baguio papagto sa Cagayan. After the earthquake the students were able to think of taking a direct route overland from Baguio to Cagayan. (sem. domains: - Way, route.)

yain it ginhawa [yáin it ginháwa] idiom - Convert to subentry Sick, bad feeling. masama ang pakiramdam Nagpayain it ginhawa si Nancy pagkakita it maramong bitos. Nancy felt sick when she saw a lot of intestinal worms.

yaghag₂ [yághag] v To open up and leave spaces between; to separate, draw apart (as of teeth weaving, flooring). Kag ida ngisi ay nagyaghag pagkatapos mabunot kag mga bag-ong. Her teeth open up and left spaces between after her molars were pulled.

yabor [yábor] 1n Sediment, slime, deposit left from a liquid (as of something falling to the bottom of a container). Sayaa kag tubi bag-o ibutang sa gining dahil abang ramong yabor. Strain the water before putting it in the water jar because there’s a lot of sediment in it. (sem. domains: 1.3.6 - Water quality.) 2v To sink to the bottom of liquids (as of sediment, solid particles). Pagkabawas it tubi sa planggana ay nabilin kag nagyabor nak buling ag sabon. When some water is poured out of the washing dish what’s left is the dirt and soap that has sunk to the bottom.

yabog₁ [yábog] 1adj Healthy; overgrown; shady (leaves or plants). Mayabog kag tanom nak ingabunuhan. The plant that was given fertilizer is healthy. 2vi To become healthy, overgrown. mayabong Nagyabog kag amo tanom pagkaabuno. Our plants became healthy when they were fertilized.

yabaw [yabáw] (irreg. infl. yapaw) 1vi To extend beyond a point; to protrude. Nagyayabaw kag ida kamison sa ida malip-ot nak baro. Her slip extends beyond her short dress. Pagkakusog ka imo itsa ay nagyayapaw kag bola sa ida. When you throw hard, the ball goes out beyond her. 2vbt To extend something beyond a point; to exceed something. labis Ayabawan nako kag imo mga nabaoy nak marka sa eskwela. I’ll exceed the mark you got in school. Ingyapawan nida it taas kag nayukso’t kalaban sa ‘high jump’. She surpassed the height that her opponent made at the high jump.

ya nahilak sa pagka-on [yâ nahílak sa pagká-on] PH Don't waste food, so rather eat it than throw it out (lit. no pity on food). (sem. domains: - Waste.)

wilig-wilig₂ [wilig-wilíg] vi To go, move from side-to-side; to zig-zag (as of a boat tipping from side-to-side, a dog waging it’s tail). iling-iling Ingwilig-wilig it iro kag ida ikog pagkakita sa ida amo. The dog wagged his tail from side-to-side when he saw his master. Nawilig-wilig pa kag ikog it israng kadadawi yang. The fish that was just caught is still wiggling its tail. Ingwilig-wilig ni Gail kag ida damot para makabuhi kag uning nak nakakagat. Gail shook her hand to get the cat off which was biting her. syn: hiwag 1. (sem. domains: - Move noisily.)

wayat kanugon sida sa pagkaon [wayá't kanúgon sidá sa pagkáon] adj Careless, wastes food (as of throwing out or neglecting useful things). walang hinayang siya sa pagkain Sa inra nabibilin nak kabulig waya’t kanugon sida sa pagkaon nak sobra. The maid that they left there is careless with food and throws out the left overs.

waya napigahe ka nababatyagan [wayâ napigahé ka nababatyagán] v To be unable to control feelings. hindi napigilan ang damdamin Napauwang si Loyd pagkakita nida sa ida kaaway dahil waya nida napigahe ka ida nababatyagan. Loyd cried when he saw his enemy because he couldn’t control his feelings.

wagit kag respito sa imo pagkatawo [wágit kag respíto sa ímo pagkatáwo] idiom - Convert to subentry Lost respect for yourself. nawala ang respito sa iyong pagkatao Nawawagit kag respito sa imo pagkatawo kung maghuman ka it kalokohan. The respect for yourself is lost if you perform some deceptions.

uymor [úymor] vi To be startled and afraid; to be frightened. takot Napauymor sida pagkakita it tong murto. He was startled and afraid after seeing the ghost. syn: hadlok 1, tagudlom.

usap [úsap] vt To chew something, such as food. nguyâ Karugay sida mag-usap it pagkaon dahil waya’t ngisi. She chews her food for a long time because she doesn’t have any teeth. Usapa it maado kag pagkaon agor indi ikaw mapur-ok. Chew the food well so that you don’t choke. syn: guop, ot-ot, pa-pa, guop, ut-ot 2.

upot₁ [upót] 1adj Completely consumed. Upot-upotey kag pagkaon sa puntsionan kada wayaey kami’t naabutan. All the food at the banquet was completely consumed, therefore we didn’t have any. 2vbt To clean something up completely so that there is none left; to consume completely up. To leave no trace of something. simot Uputi it tubi kinang planggana. Don’t leave any trace of water on the basin.