Search results for "pamahala"

rumaya [rumáya] vbt To lead; to manage; to oversee. panguna Nagrurumaya ako’t pag-aray it biblia bawa’t Byernes. I am leading our Bible Study every Friday. syn: maniho 2.1, pamahala 2, opisyal.

pasulit₁ [pasúlit] vt To be careful with details; to be in charge of caring for animals, house, grounds, work; to take charge of something. taga-alaga, tagabantay, tagapamahala Ida gingpasulit kag amo mga pangangailangan sa bayay. She was careful with the details of what we needed in the house. Mapauliey ako ag mapasulit it mga hadop bag-o magruyom. I’ll go home and take care of the animals before it gets dark. Sio kag nagpapasulit it inro trabaho dili sa inro opisina? Who is the one in charge of your work here in your office? der. manogpasulit

pamahala [pamahálà] 1n Management; supervision. 2vbt To supervise, run an activity; to be in charge; to arrange an event; to manage. pamahala, mamamahala Sida kag nagpamahala it patrabaho. He’s the one who supervised the work. Ida apamahalaan kag pabayle sa plaza. He’ll run the dance at the plaza. syn: maniho 2.1, rumaya, opisyal.

opisyal₁ [opísyal] (irreg. infl. opisyales) n An official. opisyales, puno Si Uncle Tan ay opisyal it amo baryo. Uncle Tan is an official in our small town. Sida ay usa sa mga opisyales it ato banwa. He is one of the officials of our Town. syn: maniho 2.1, rumaya, pamahala 2.

maniho [maního] (irreg. infl. maneho) 11.1vbt To drive a vehicle; to steer. maneho Buko nako kilaya kung sio kag nagmamaneho sa dyip ni Fred. I don’t recognize who’s driving Fred’s jeep. 22.1vbt To lead, direct, manage an activity, business, shop (as of pasties, wedding, games etc). Sin-o kag nagmamaneho it kinang pabayle? Who is managing the dance party? syn: rumaya, pamahala 2, opisyal. 33.1vbt To counsel; to advise; to tell somebody how to do something. mamamahala Ako amanihuan kag mga manogyuto it pagkaon sa kasay ni Ariane. I will be the one to advice the cook at Ariane’s wedding.