Search results for "pangil"

pangilat [pangilát] (der. of kilat) 1adj Flashing of lightning. (sem. domains: - Lightning, thunder.) 2v To be flashing with lightning. (sem. domains: - Lightning, thunder.)

pangilin [pangílin] n Worship day. araw ng pagsamba

pangidlis [pangídlis] vi To stand on end specifically of body hair(as when in an eerie, uncanny of frightening situation). pangilabot, nanindig ang balahibo Nagpangidlis raw ako pagkakita nako it murto. They said my hair stood on end when I saw a ghost. (sem. domains: - Afraid.)

matayom nak pangilat [matayom nak pangilat] n Strong, sharp bolt, strike of lightning. (sem. domains: - Lightning, thunder.)

kayaman [kayáman] (irreg. infl. mayaman) adj Wealthy; rich. mayaman Indi magpangilaya tong kayaman ninrang hali. Their wealthy relative won’t recognise them anymore. syn: igwahanon, manggaranon. (sem. domains: - Rich.)

bangkil [bángkil] n Eye teeth (as of the pointed canine, eye teeth of a person); canine teeth, fangs (as of an animal). pangil [These are the longer sharp teeth on either side of the front teeth.] (sem. domains: - Tooth.) comp. bangkilaney

bangkilaney [bangkílaney] (comp. of bangkil, ey) adj Slow; takes a long time (like the growth of eye teeth); long enough to have grown eye teeth. may pangil na Sobra’y sa buyan ay waya ka pa naanak sabang bangkilaney kinang anak. The birth is long overdue and if it’s not born soon the child might already have grown molar teeth. (sem. domains: - Late, - Move slowly.)

pangil [pángil] n Incisors that are in second teeth; lower tusk on wild pig; canine tooth. pangil (sem. domains: - Mammal, - Tooth.)