Search results for "pasta"

pasta [pásta] n Flour paste glue. pandikit Yutoi baga ako it pasta. Will you cook me some flour paste glue.

pasipala₁ [pasipalá] v To rebel, blaspheme against elders, God. bastusin Indi nato dapat nak pasipalahan kag Ginoo sa mga mayain nak natatabo sa ato kabuhi. We musn’t blaspheme the Lord for bad things that happen in our lives.

palhit [pálhit] vbt To wipe, put something on a surface, somewhere (as of glue, dirt, poison). punas, dikit, pahid Apalhitan nako’t pasta kag propaganda it kag ako kandidato para humupot sa ringring. I will put paste on the sticker of my candidate so it will stick to the wall.

paksi₃ [paksî] vt To pry something off that is stuck, nailed or pasted on somewhere; to scrape off. tanggal Ingpangpaksi ni Joan tong mga litrato nak nakapasta sa inra ringring. Joan scraped off the pictures which are pasted on their wall.

lampas it bisaya [lámpas it bisáya] vi To blaspheme. lapastangánin