Search results for "pater"

sapatero [sapatéro] n Shoemaker, cobbler, bootmaker. Karako it kita kag sapatero hali sa Odiongan. A shoemaker gets a bigger income here in Odiongan.

pater [páter] 1sta To trip. Napater ako sa bato dahil maruyom. I tripped on the rock because it was dark. 2vt To trip somebody intentionally. patid Pinater sida it ida kalaban sa karera. He was tripped in the race by his opponent. Inpater nida kag anak agor indi makarayagan. He tripped the child so that he couldn’t run away.

hungor [hungór] 1adv Intentionally. sinadya Buko hungor ka ako human. What I did was not intentional. Patawara ako dahil waya nako ginghungor nak ikaw ay madamaan. Please forgive me because I didn’t intend to stand on your foot. syn: matuor 2.1. (sem. domains: - Deliberately, - Intend.) 2vt To do something intentionally. Waya nako gihungora nak damaan kag ida siki. I didn’t intentionally step on his foot. Waya nako gihungora nak apateron ka. I didn’t intentionally trip you. (sem. domains: - Intend.)

kalabitos [kalabítos] n Tacks (as of tiny nails 1/2’ long). Kag sapatero ay naggagamit ra it kalabitos sa sapatos nak ingpapando. The shoemakers are using tacks on the shoes they repair. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, 6.7.5 - Fastening tool, 6.6.3 - Working with wood.)