Search results for "payok"

payok [páyok] n First squeezing of coconut milk (yields about one cup). kukong gata

apot [ápot] vbt To catch on fire, catch alight, smolder, burst into flame (as of something catching on a fire from windblown sparks). dikitan ng apoy Inapaaput anay kag uling bag-o magsúgnar. Make sure the charcoal has caught on fire first before putting things on the stove to cook. Kung kag alipayok ay natugpa sa kuyungan naaapútan kali ay narukot. If flying sparks land on the roof it will catch on fire and it will burn. Paapúta kag kayado. Light the fire. Nag-aaput pa kag papel kada nasunog ka inra sayog. The paper was still smouldering so their floor was burnt. (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire.) der. paapot