Search results for "sapoy-sapoy"

sapoy-sapoy [sapoy-sápoy] (der. of sapoy) v 1To keep crossing, passing eachother (as of people walking different directions across a street). (sem. domains: - Meet together.) 2To keep happening close together (as of fast breaths). (sem. domains: - Quick.)

sapoy-sapoy kag hingab [sápoy-sápoy kag hingáb] (comp. of sapoy, hingab) adv Gasping, panting for breath; fast breathing; to be hyperventilating (as of taking fast, close shallow breaths, often with some noise). [lit: close-close breath] naninikip ang paghinga Naghihingab sapoy-sapoyey sida tong nag-abot kag doktor. He was already gasping for breath when the doctor arrived. (sem. domains: - Quick, 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath, - Types of sounds.)