Search results for "sibuyas"

yasona n Eaten either raw or cooked in various ways. Bulbs are used for pickles in brine. Both leaves and bulbs are much used in the kitchen for the preparation of dishes. Onions is used for treating worms in the stomach, stomachache due to over-eating, diarrhoea, a choleraic attack, pains in the loins, headaches, amenorrhoea, and need of tonics. sibuyas tagalog Allium Ascalonicum

yasuna [yasuná] n Chives, shallots. sibuyas tagalog Naggamit si Mayra it yasuna sa ida ginisang utan. Mayra used chives for her sauteed vegetables.

sibuyas [sibúyas] n Onion. sibuyas Abang mahay ngasing sa merkado kag kilo it sibuyas. A kilo of onions in the market now is very expensive. [The bulbs, cooked and mixed with coconut oil, are used in the form of an ointment applied to the abdomen to provoke diuresis.] Allium Cepa (sem. domains: - Cooking ingredients.)

gayat [gáyat] vt To chop or slice finely. gayat Inggayatey nimo kag mga sibuyas? Did you already slice the onions finely? (sem. domains: - Steps in food preparation.)

yauda [ya-úda] 1n Soup from boiling meat in water with ginger and onions. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.) 2vt To cook something into soup. nilaga Nagyayauda ako it baktin para sa paning-ugto. I made the pork into soup for lunch. Iyauda nako kaling akong bakay nak tuyo, pamyinta, sibuyas ag bawang. I will use the soy sauce, pepper, onions and garlic that I bought for the soup. syn: sabaw 1.

yuha [yúhà] 1n Tears in one's eyes (sem. domains: - Eye.) 2vi To cry silently with tears; to shed tears; to water (eyes). lumúhà Nagyuha ako paglarga nida. I shed tears when he left. Nagyuyuha ako pag nag-aanit it sibuyas. My eyes water whenever I peel onions. (sem. domains: - Eye.)