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yangkawas n The rhizome is used as a condiment, Flavor is similar to ginger but less pungent. It is also cooked with the sap of sugar cane or with honey and water to produce an entoxicating beverage. The rhizomes are carminative and stimulative, and a decoction of the leaves is used for antirheumatic and stimulant baths. langkauás languas pyramidata

yaki [yakí] 11.1part Oh!; Surprisingly. pala Nakaabotey yaki sinra it kuman! Oh so they did arrive earlier! Ruto yaki sida gipapauli sa may simbahan! Oh so over there near the church is where she goes home! Kag ida yaki tanang anak ay sa Amerikaey. Oh so her children are all in America already! 22.1part Oh, by the way! Pauno yaki kag imo pagyuto it banana cake? By the way how do you cook banana cake?

wali [wáli] vt To preach (usually pertaining to pastors, priests preaching in church). nagsermon Pag waya dili si Pastor, sio ka nagwawali sa inro simbahan? When the Pastor is not here, who preaches in your church?

upot₂ [upót] 1adj Cleared away completely; used up. 2vbt To clear away something completely from somewhere; to use up something (as of licking a dish after cooking, using up all the paint); to clean up something (such as all the rubbish or water on the floor). simot Auputon nida kag mga likot sa kusina. She’ll clear away all the dirt in the kitchen. Aupotan nako’t buling kag kaldero. I’ll clear away all the soot in the kettle.

upot₁ [upót] 1adj Completely consumed. Upot-upotey kag pagkaon sa puntsionan kada wayaey kami’t naabutan. All the food at the banquet was completely consumed, therefore we didn’t have any. 2vbt To clean something up completely so that there is none left; to consume completely up. To leave no trace of something. simot Uputi it tubi kinang planggana. Don’t leave any trace of water on the basin.

udo-udo₁ [udo-udó] adj Retarded, simple child. sira ulo Ayam nimong udo-udo kinang anak imo pa inahapros kung nagkakasala. You know that that child is retarded and why do you have to maltreat him when he commits mistakes.

tuyar [tuyár] (irreg. infl. tyar) 11.1adv Like; similar to (as of comparisons of equality). kagaya Sida ay tuyar nako it taas. She is like me in height. Tuyar sa uyan ka ida yuha. Her tears fell like rain. Tuyar kali ka ako baro. My dress is like this. syn: pareho, hawig, ambit 1, tugma, parehas 1. (sem. domains: - And, also, - Evaluator, - Combinative relation.) 22.1vbt To imitate, copy something; to mimic. ganitó, ganiyán,gayahin Patuyari ako siling ni Pablo. Imitate me said Paul. Aya gipatuyari kag ako bisaya. Don’t mimic how I speak. Apatuyaron nako kag tabas it ako baro sa imo. I will copy the style of my dress from yours. der. patuyaran

tunga-tunga₂ [tunga-túngà] loc Between. Kalagitnaan Kag Simara ay sa tunga-tunga it Banton ag Tablas. Simara is between Banton and Tablas.

tuna [túnà] 1part Beginning at; since, from sometime onwards (as of beginning-post-span time, at some point in the past); starting from (a place). Mag-aaray sinra tuna alas otso. They’ll begin studying at eight o’clock. Tuna tong usang buyan ay perming nag-uyan. Since last month it has rained often. Nidog kag gingtunaan it amo pag-away. Our fight began over a coconut. Kag pakarera ay tuna sa Odiongan. The race starts from Odiongan. Tuna pa it katong Martes ay masakit sida. She has been sick since last Tuesday. Tuna pa it katong usang tuig sida it ka kapangrayaga sa imo. Since last year he has been the one courting you. syn: raginot 1.1. 2vbt To start something. simulâ Nagtuna sida’t trabaho tong Lunes. She started work last Monday. Atunaon nako sa primero kag pagbilang. I will start my counting from the beginning. Matuna ako’t paali insulip. I’ll start to come tomorrow. Niong oras matuna ka ato miting? What time will our meeting start? Atunaaney nako kag estorya. I’ll now begin the story.

triyo [tríyo] v To sing a trio. tatlohang tinig Si Bebilita, Susan ag Venus ay nagtriyo sa simbahan. Bebilita, Susan and Venus sang a trio at church.

tres islas n Three islands (Banton, Simara, Sibale) inhabited by Bantoanon Asi speakers, (sem. domains: 9.7 - Name, 9.7.2 - Name of a place, 3.5.3 - Language.)

treasurero [treasuréro] (irreg. infl. tresurera) n Treasurer. tresurera Si Ante Lydia kag amo tresurera it amo simbahan. Aunty Lydia is treasurer of our church.

tiwalag [tiwalág] v To excommunicate. Ingtiwalag si Nono it inra simbahan dahil waya sida’g sunor it inra kasuguan. Nono was excommunicated by their church because he did not abide by their teachings.

ti-ti [tí-tì] vt To drain liquid to one side (as when there is only a little left; allowing soup to come to one side of the meat on a plate). simot Ingtiti ni Eddie kag tuba sa galon. Eddie drained the coconut wine in the gallon.

tawan [táwan] n Fruit species; similar to the jackfruit or kamansi, often cooked as a vegetable with coconut milk. Waya pa ako nakakatagam it tawan. I have never tasted a vegetable similar to jack fruit. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

taphaw [táphaw] 11.1adv Awkward; uncomfortable. Kataphaw giistar sa buko nimo kakilaya. It’s uncomfortable to stay with one whom you don’t know. 1.2vi To feel awkward, uncomfortable in doing something; to feel like one’s stomach is in one’s throat because of being nervous about doing something; to feel insecure of inferior in front of others. naaalangan Inataphawan ako magkanta sa simbahan. I feel inferior to sing in the church. Ingtaphawan ako magraya it uniporme. I feel awkward wearing a uniform. 22.1vi To have the feeling of falling from a height; to feel like one’s stomach is left behind. Inataphawan ako magtulaytay sa andamyo. I feel like falling when I walk on the gangplank.

tangigi [tangígi] Fish species; similar to Mackerel or Wahoo which lives in deep water. (sem. domains: - Fish.)

tambis [támbis] n Fruit species; a kind of edible bell-shape fruit (pink, smooth skin and 3-4 cm in diameter). makopa Kag tambis kuno ay puede nak humanong ragkong pasas. The red fruits similar to strawberry can be made into prunes. Eugenia Aquea (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

tabok₂ [tabók] v To cross street; to cross over water. Nagtabok si Kiti sa Calatrava pa Simara aber abang kusog. Kiti went across from calatrava to Simara even though it was very rough.

tabok₁ [tabók] 1v To cross over water as of a river, strait; ??a street. Matabok tan-a sinra sa Simara ugaling waya sinra’t makitang sasakyan. They would have crossed over to Simara but they couldn’t find a boat. (sem. domains: - Road, - Move past, over, through.) 2loc Across from; facing. tapát (sem. domains: - In front of, - Across.)

sogsog [sógsog] vt To compel somebody to do something; to convince; influence; insist. solsol Ingsogsog sida it ida kaamigo nak makipag-away sa ida kaidamo. He was influenced by his friends to fight his playmate. Sogsoga sida nak perming magsimba. Convince him to always go to church. [This can pertain to positive or negative situations, but usually is associated with negative actions.]

sintunis [sintúnis] n Citrus fruit similar to limes. dalándan; dalanghita

simyat [símyat] (irreg. infl. singmyat) vbt To look stealthily; to see out of the corner of one’s eye. nakaw tingin Imaw pati ra kali’t ako napasimyatan rotong ibang kayaki. I saw that the other men were doing that too when I stole a look at them out of the corner of my eye.

siminteryo [simintéryo] n Cementary. sementeryo

similya [simílya] 1n Ovum, ova, egg of a female mammal or person (as of eggs produced by the internal reproductive organs). (sem. domains: - Female organs, - Egg.) 2n Sperm cells, semen of a male mammal or person (as of eggs, secretion produced by the external reproductive organs). (sem. domains: - Male organs, - Egg.) 3n Fishlings; newly hatched fish (as of milkfish). (sem. domains: - Fish, 1.6.3 - Animal life cycle.) 4n Sprouts, shoots on seeds (as of on fruit, roots, bulbs e.g. avocados, potatoes etc.). (sem. domains: 6.2.1 - Growing crops, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 5v To let seeds sprout, shoot (as of fruit, roots, bulbs e.g. avocado, potatoes etc.) (sem. domains: 6.2.1 - Growing crops, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.)