Search results for "sinakupan"

sinakupan [sinakúpan] n Subjects of a king, country; those under ones authority, jurisdiction. tauhan

sakop₂ [sákop] (dial. var. bilog; irreg. infl. ukop) 1adj To surround, encircle, enclose (sem. domains: - Inside.) 1.1loc Inside (sem. domains: - Inside.) 2v To submit. (sem. domains: - Obey.) 2.1n A part, whole included within a specified time, space or authority. sa loob Nag-istar ako sa sakop it singko anyos sa Mindoro. I lived in Mindoro for five years. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) 33.1vt To include; compose; to subjugate; to be under authority. Ingsakop it mga rebelde kag kabukiran sa Cagayan. The rebels subjugated the Cagayan mountains. Maramo kag ida sinakupan sa bayay. Those under his authority in the house are many. (sem. domains: 4.5.4 - Submit to authority.) 44.1v To encircle, surround cover with fishing net, cloth. Siguradoha nak kag imo abakyon nak mantel ay makakasakop sa ato lamesa. Make sure that the plastic tablecloth you buy will cover the table. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap, - Fish with net.) id. sa sakop it..

kabilang sa mga sinakupan [kabílang sa mga sinakúpan] idiom - Convert to subentry Counted as a subject; a citizen. Kag mga Kurdish ay kabilang sa mga sinakupan nina Saddam Hussein it Iraq. The Kurds are counted as citizens of Saddam Hussein of Iraq. (sem. domains: 4.6.2 - Citizen.)