Search results for "sumbiling"

utoy₂ [útoy] 1sta To be cut off; to be broken off. Nautoy kag ida sumbiling. His spear was cut off. (sem. domains: - Remove, take apart.) 2vbt To cut something off; to break off. magsibák Ingpautoy nako tong mga sangga it ipil-ipil nak nagruruot sa bubong. I had those branches of the ipil-ipil tree cut off which were touching the roof.

talibong₁ [talibóng] n Sword; long and narrow bladed kind of bolo. balisong Binunggo it talibong ni Roberto si Mansueto sa likor. Roberto had thrown a sword at Mansueto’s back. syn: sumbiling, sibat.

sumbiling [sumbilíng] n Spear. pana syn: sibat, talibong.

sibat [sibát] n Spear. sibat syn: sumbiling, talibong.