Search results for "sungkor"

sungkor [súngkor] n Cane for walking; dibble stick. tungkod Kag sungkor ni Tang Pepe ay nabali. The walking cane of Uncle Pepe was broken. syn: baston, bakulo 1.

baston [báston] n A tall stick carried by men for walking; staff; cane. baston Si Tang Pepe ay perming di raya nak baston pagnapanaw. Tang Pepe always carries a cane when out walking. syn: bakulo 1, sungkor. (sem. domains: - Walk.) comp. baston it hari

bakulo [bakuló] 1n A walking stick, cane; a shepherd's crook; a staff (as of any length or shaped stick that is a sign of position, power or authority). syn: baston, sungkor. (sem. domains: - Sheep, 4.5.3 - Exercise authority, - Walk with difficulty.) 2vi To use, walk with a cane or stick. bakulo Nagbakuloey kag maguyang nak tawo. The old man already uses a cane. (sem. domains: - Walk with difficulty.)